The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 93 There is a boss who wants to buy the copyright

Chapter 93 There is a boss who wants to buy the copyright

In the scheduling office, Fan Nannan sat on a luxurious office chair, feeling comfortable and calm.

Since she rejected Lin Xiaoyu's application for an A-level recording studio, she has been in a good mood.

Fan Nannan couldn't explain why she felt uncomfortable when she saw Lin Xiaoyu.

Because she is prettier than herself?Or does she earn more than herself?

Fan Nannan's self-confidence is no worse than the other party's, but the income of the two parties is very different.

She calculated specifically that even if Lin Xiaoyu was only allocated 1000% of the total income for a year, she would still earn nearly [-] million.

Luxury cars, mansions, money, status, style, everything.

But what does the other party usually do?

It’s nothing more than dressing a little revealingly, walking on the catwalk on the stage, going to a concert to sing two songs, talking nonsense on the judge’s table, or going to various satellite TVs to play games and record variety shows with other stars.

But I can only deal with messy managers all day long, assigning photographers today, composers tomorrow, being called around, dizzy from busy work, and my income is less than 20 in a year.

There is only one reason for all this in the final analysis, people dare to take it off!

Thinking of this, she was envious and jealous to death, but she couldn't muster up the courage to do it by herself.

She didn't have the determination to not change her face and face her parents and family members directly.

It's all right now, she only used a small trick to force the other party away from Yoyo, which is definitely a stroke of genius.

As for whether Lin Xiaoyu's departure would be blocked by Yoyo's senior management, she was not worried at all.

Although she made a lot of money this year, she can only be considered middle-of-the-road among all the artists in Yoyo Music.

And the source of her money has nothing to do with music, and it doesn't fit Yoyo's corporate culture at all, so she will be eliminated sooner or later.


Thoughts were flying endlessly, and the more Fan Nannan thought about it, the more complacent she became. She was very happy to see a very annoying celebrity ruined by her own hands, even if she didn't get any benefits.

Jingle Bell……

The phone rang, and he put it to his ear: "Hello... oh, it's Mr. Li, hello, hello... Do you want to buy the copyright of "Love Trading" as the theme song of the new movie "Love 1+1"?
What? ? ?
Would you like to pay 100 million for this song?Very good!
In this way, let me ask Mr. Tu for instructions first, it should be no problem.Then wait a moment..."

After hanging up the phone, Fan Nannan was in good spirits, and she answered the chairman's office in seconds: "President Tu, I have some good news for you, our company has a song called "Love Trading" and someone wants to buy the film and television copyright.

Yes, it is Mr. Li from Youth Entertainment, he is willing to bid 100 million... Whose song is this, you ask?I don't know now, why don't I report to you as soon as I receive the news...

Hee hee, no hard work, no hard work, this is what I should do. After I make a written report on "Love Trading", I will present it to you together, okay?All right, hang up now. "

"Mr. Li, I reported it to Mr. Tu. He is very happy that you are interested in our company's works, and he also expresses his gratitude to you...

Is your paralegal coming this afternoon?OK……

There is time, of course there is time.Don't worry, I will personally receive..."

After busy work, Fan Nannan finally breathed a sigh of relief. She sat Ge You on the luxurious office chair for 2 minutes. She yelled and jumped up excitedly again, her tone full of complacency: "Great, someone is willing to buy copyright at a high price, yeah !!!”

Fan Nannan couldn't help but feel excited about this matter. She has worked in Yoyo Music for eight years and has sold the copyright countless times, but the other party only offered 100 yuan at most. This is definitely the first time that she directly offered [-] million yuan like this.

What makes her most happy is that after the matter is arranged by the music, she can get 10% of the commission herself.

That's right, 10%!

Generally, [-]% of an artist's income is handed over to the company, but the company doesn't take all of it.

Artist manager, scheduler, photography, lyrics, composition... etc., everyone has a dividend, and after deducting the cost of equipment, only [-]% is actually handed over to the company.

Self-funded ones like Lin Xiaoyu's were just the other way around.

In fact, it's not that the company deliberately took advantage of them, the company just stopped paying various fees.

This is why it costs 100 million just to record a set of albums...

After the excitement passed, Fan Nannan slowly calmed down again. She didn't seem to have heard that the company had a song called "Love Trading"?

Is it someone's new work?No, as long as Yoyo Music has a new work, it will be reported to her as soon as possible.

Fan Nannan was able to secure the position of general manager at a young age, not because of her qualifications and luck.

She has an excellent memory, even if she can't achieve a photographic memory, it is impossible to have no memory at all.

After thinking about it, she picked up the phone: "Xiao Wang!"

"Goddess Fan, why did you take the initiative to contact me, do you miss me?"

"Young poor, let me ask you, the company seems to have a song called "Love Trading" recently, you are in charge of the specific deployment of the recording studio, should you know?"

"This..." Xiao Wang on the opposite side clearly showed hesitation when he heard the words.

"What is this, tell me quickly!"

"Uh... Sister Fan, it's actually very simple if you want to know." Xiao Wang didn't give the answer directly, "There's Kumao Music, and it's ranked seventh on the ranking list, no, it's now sixth."

beep --

When the phone was hung up, Fan Nannan was a little puzzled, but she knew what Xiaowang of the recording studio was interested in her.

In the past, the other party would never hang up on his phone, and even came to inform him whenever there was news. What happened today?
With doubts, she opened the Kumao Music app and clicked on the leaderboard.

Sure enough, in the sixth place, she found the song "Love Trading".

Seeing the song data, she couldn't help being startled, because after only refreshing once, there were nearly a thousand more clicks. According to this momentum, it will be a matter of time before she breaks into the top three.

Who is so powerful?
Her eyes focused on the singer column, and then her pupils shrank suddenly: This... how is it possible? ? ?

Because it clearly says on the singer column: Lin Xiaoyu!

It took a long time for Fan Nannan to recover from her stupefaction.

Her first reaction was that her 10 commission was gone.

This is really hard for her to accept. You know, she worked hard last year and only earned less than 20 yuan.

10 yuan, I have to be busy for half a year.

Taking a deep breath, her eyes gradually changed from unwillingness, regret, depression, and shock to viciousness.

Lin Xiaoyu, since I can't get the money, don't even try to get it!
Her mind turned, and she immediately had an idea.

Didn't Mr. Li of Youth Entertainment offer a price of 100 million? He could have called and lowered the price from 100 million to 10. Mr. Li would definitely not think it was cheap.

As for the chairman's side, it's easy to handle, just say that I accidentally misheard, and at most I will be reprimanded.

Anyway, the copyright alone of a song sold for 10 yuan, which is already a sky-high price, and no one else would doubt it.

With such a change, although the money is still a lot, it is nothing compared to the original 100 million.

Wait... Do you want to be more ruthless and turn 10 into 1?
Although 1 is not much, as long as it can be sold for money, Lin Xiaoyu will agree with it, and maybe he will be grateful to himself!
Just as he was thinking, the phone rang again, it was the chairman's office.

"Hey, President Tu, are you looking for me?
Haha, I also have something to report to you. I was really sorry just now. I called Mr. Li again, and it turned out that his quotation for "Love Trading" was not 100 million, but 1.

It's because I was distracted and misheard, I am willing to accept any punishment from the company..."

(End of this chapter)

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