Chapter 133 Zombies
And he was holding a bright red heart in his hand, still beating vigorously,

Brother Hu directly squeezed his heart to burst, and finally greedily began to suck the man's blood,

The other person, who had just been developed into a zombie, also imitated Brother Hu's method and brutally killed his other two companions.
As a zombie, his speed, strength, and perception have been greatly improved.
Brother Hu was very satisfied with his situation, and suddenly thought that there were still two delicious snacks waiting for him in the warehouse,

Thinking of the boy who had caused such a big impact on himself in a fit of anger just now, his heart was filled with anger, he clenched his fists and rushed back into the warehouse,

But when he found that these two people had disappeared, he was immediately puzzled. Did they wake up and run away?
"Quick! Go after me!"

Brother Hu let out a loud roar, and then carefully discerned the smell in the air,

"Hey, how many people have we kidnapped?"

The subordinates beside him quickly responded, "Brother Hui Hu! A boy and a girl!"

Brother Hu frowned, "But why did I smell another person, could it be that I was rescued?"

"Indeed! The boy's legs have been broken. It is impossible to escape, and the girl has been seriously injured and has been unconscious for a long time. How can she still have the ability to escape?"

"So someone is hiding around and secretly rescued their two subordinates!"

This analysis is indeed in place, Brother Hu also agrees,
"Okay! Let's look for this smell and chase after it!"

Brother Hu's figure disappeared into the woods, leaving only the empty warehouse and the completely withered corpses behind.
But this deep mountain and old forest is far away from the city, and no one will ever go to the deserted suburbs, let alone these few human traffickers, no one cares about their life and death at all. The boy has gradually woken up at this time. When I saw Xu Tian again, I felt extremely surprised.

He was very impressed with Xu Tian, ​​Xu Tian was the only one who dared to expose himself in the crowd, and wanted to take himself out of this sea of ​​suffering and pursue freedom!

"Why are you?" The boy expressed surprise on his face,
Xu Tian grinned and said very calmly, "Didn't you say it? I will definitely save you, how about it? Am I going to do what I say?"

The boy suddenly looked around cautiously, and found that he was in an unfamiliar environment, and he never saw those ugly human traffickers again, and there was nothing unusual.

The boy suddenly relaxed, but the pain in his body did not ease. He held back his breath, but he didn't make a sound.

Xu Tian took out a elixir and dropped it in front of the boy, "I believe you must have a lot of doubts in your heart, take it, and your injuries will be much better."

Without the slightest hesitation, the boy grabbed the black pill in Xu Tian's hand,
At this time, he didn't even have the courage to live, let alone a small pill,

And there was nothing annoying about Xu Tian, ​​so he chose to believe in Xu Tian,

After taking this pill, I only felt a majestic force emanating from my body,
It is different from the ones fed to girls before, this one is specially prepared for warriors,

At this moment, the fire-attribute spiritual roots in the boy's body had already awakened, so Xu Tian explained clearly,

"I believe you also know the ability you showed when you beat Brother Hu just now, but you fainted later, that is the talent bestowed on you by God, and you will be considered a warrior in the future."

The boy is very unfamiliar with this word, but he deeply remembers the fire coming out of his fist, and with his weak body, he can easily knock a burly person into the air.
He suddenly believed that there was a very powerful force hidden in his body, and the idea of ​​committing suicide suddenly dissipated, replaced by a strong sense of justice erupting from his clenched fists,

It is precisely because he has experienced these ugly faces in the world that he hates these people even more.
At this time, he had already vowed secretly in his heart that he would definitely wipe out all the bad guys in this world,
But suddenly, he suddenly became dejected again,
"Since I can become a warrior, there must be many people who are stronger than me."

Xu Tian didn't expect the boy's thoughts to change so quickly, but he still nodded in agreement, and then slowly said,
"That's right, you will meet many powerful people in your future life, they may be your partners, brothers, classmates, or even your enemies, so what you have to do is to constantly improve yourself and become more and more powerful. The stronger you are, no one can easily bully you."

"And when they see you, the fear in their eyes is the best proof of your strength!"

Xu Tian's words hit the boy's heart deeply, and the monstrous fighting spirit emerged again, which further inspired him to make progress desperately.

He knew that since Xu Tian knew so much, he must also be a warrior,
But Xu Tian just smiled and didn't say anything, there's no need to say too much, this boy probably won't understand at all, and he will understand after going through it slowly,

"If you want, I can take you to meet someone. There are specialized organizations and institutions that can cultivate talents like you, and you can also achieve your goals and ideals. Isn't that a good thing?"

The boy didn't even need to think, he just nodded and agreed, "Okay, I'll listen to you, just because you saved me!"

Xu Tian waved his hand slightly, "No, you are the one who saved you. Now I believe that brother Hu is chasing this way. The two of you should be able to find your way home. It is only a few tens of meters away from the road next to you. Believe it. You also heard the sound of cars passing by."

The girl listened carefully and it was true, and the vehicles were very dense, it seemed that this place was very close to the city,

The girl's eyes shone with excitement. She thought that she had fallen into the hands of this group of people, and there was no possibility of escape.
After all, these facts are vividly interpreted in the movie, and she has even thought of the worst outcome, maybe she will be sold to the mountains as a daughter-in-law, or reduced to a reproductive machine in the world,

But fortunately she met Xu Tian and was able to return to her own life again, and this time she had to be more careful about the future,

When the boy stood up from the ground, he suddenly looked at his feet in surprise, his legs moving tentatively,
The leg bones that had been broken had completely recovered, and the large and small wounds on his body had completely healed, and even the scars no longer existed.

(End of this chapter)

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