Chapter 145 Jump God?
The dazzling light illuminated the entire night sky, as if it had already dawned.
And these zombies did not give up attacking, they attached the red light on their bodies to their fists, and bombarded Xu Tian quickly,

Bang bang bang! ! !

For a moment, the vibration sounded wildly, and the golden indestructible body of Xu Tian's body was being destroyed continuously, and it was full of holes after a while.

If it was a sphere just now, it is already in dilapidated shape. I am afraid that it only needs a few more strokes before it will completely collapse!

With a 'bang' sound, one of the zombies hit the golden barrier with its own head,
Then the sound of '咔咚咚' continued to sound, just like broken glass, the golden light fell from the sky,
And there is no defensive barrier around Xu Tian anymore, but at such a moment, the Ten Thousand Excalibur behind Xu Tian moved out instantly, drawing ten thousand golden threads in the air,

Whoosh whoosh! ! !
For a while, the piercing sound of piercing the air continued to sound, accompanied by the painful wailing of the zombies.

One after another black shadows flew out of the air, and I saw someone's arm slowly falling to the ground in the air,
Another sound, this time it turned out to be a zombie that was cut in half.Under such intensive attacks, their bodies were already full of wounds and sword grooves,

The radiance of the Vajra Indestructible Body attached to these sword qis made their wounds unable to heal at all.

I saw these zombies retreating rapidly, and at the same time muttering something in their mouths,
They seemed to have mastered something, and even comprehended a new formation!I saw a black light rising from the feet of these zombies, and it was still floating continuously, as if consciously surrounding the zombies, constantly wandering
The next moment, a black light appeared under Xu Tian's feet, and then a strange formation was formed like this,

Xu Tian felt that he could no longer absorb the aura contained in the surrounding air, and at the same time, his cultivation seemed to have been suppressed a bit.
This black air is constantly blocking the mouth of the acupoints on his body, every time he uses spiritual energy to break free, there will be black air all over the sky rushing towards his body,

Even if they were covered with the indestructible body of King Kong, it would not help at all. Xu Tian couldn't help but wonder, this zombie still understands formations. Who taught them?

Could it be that some warriors have rebelled?

Zombies are originally creatures with extremely low IQ. Even if they advanced to a very high level, they have completely derailed from this era.

But if there are people with high IQ leaders, it will be another scene, and it is scary to think about it.
These zombies have Xu Tian's strategic attack, and the combined tactics are very mature,

Xu Tian couldn't help but look at them with admiration, they didn't look like zombies at all, they were just a well-coordinated combat team.
Xu Tian couldn't help rubbing his chin, thinking in his mind,

Who dared to control all of this? Could it be that they didn't know that playing with fire could easily catch fire?

The zombies flickered again. When they stepped into the black formation, they seemed to be unaffected at all, and at the same time, their momentum increased rapidly. Unexpectedly, these zombies could use the black energy in the formation to improve their strength. own cultivation base, and completely suppress the target,
Xu Tian summoned the Excalibur, and displayed several sword auras piercing the sky around him, but the speed of the zombies was also more agile, and after easily dodging the sword aura, they quickly attacked Xu Tian.

"System! Use the points to upgrade my true solution of formation!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations for reaching the second level of the host's true solution! Consuming 2 million points!"

In short, for Xu Tian, ​​the 1 million points do not feel heartache at all. After all, he killed those thousands of zombies just now, and seeing how many zero points there are on his interface, he feels like a local tyrant.

"The system upgrades my Array True Explanation to another level!"

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for deducting 2 million points. At this time, the true solution of the array has reached the realm of Xiaocheng!"

Xu Tian looked at the formation under his feet, and suddenly had a sense of understanding in his heart. He easily found the eye of the formation and broke it open in one fell swoop.

On the other side at this time, Wu Jianfeng was weakly recuperating his physical condition on the side of the street, when suddenly a very powerful aura appeared around him, and he was rushing towards here.
"Quick! On alert! Another enemy is coming!"

Wu Jianfeng hurriedly ordered loudly, and then put on a fighting posture and looked into the distance,

There were already several figures shuttled back and forth, and suddenly a familiar face appeared in Wu Jianfeng's line of sight,

"Xiao Liu? How could it be you?"

"Amy and the others are here too?"

Swish swish! ! !
In an instant, dozens of figures appeared in front of Wu Jianfeng in unison, and the aura they displayed had reached the stage of transforming gods. The terrifying coercion was not comparable to that of the zombies present. I saw one of the beautiful women walking out of the team first,

"Wu Jianfeng! Long time no see! We shouldn't be late this time, right?"

But they had obviously noticed the distressed appearance on the street and the exhaustion of their comrades in arms, and their eyes suddenly dimmed.

But the anger suddenly violently clenched his fists, and he kept scanning the surroundings,

0 ...

"Where is our enemy? How can this be! I came late!"

Wu Jianfeng stretched out his hand, and there were explosions in the distance from time to time.
At this time, tens of miles away, Xu Tian was standing up with the remaining zombies, and the formation that was originally trapped disappeared at this moment.

These zombies ran wild in anger, scarlet blood spouted from their eyes, and even the sky changed.
The aura of Xu Tian's body also remained undiminished, and the divine sword in his hand showed the sword aura of weeping ghosts and gods again and again.

Xiaomei couldn't help looking into the distance in surprise, "Who is this person and why is he so powerful? I feel like I'm no match for him!"

But at this time, Wu Jianfeng only had one question in his mind, and he quickly asked, "Why did you come back suddenly? I was just talking about the need to call you back to the team, but I haven't issued such an order yet!"

Xiaomei was suddenly puzzled, "Didn't you tell us to come back? Yesterday we received an order from Qi Hengsan, saying that reinforcements are needed here, so we hurried back from abroad!"

"You also know that after all, the distance is too far, so it took a full day and night to get here. Could it be that we received false orders?"

"No! Impossible, I still remember Qi Hengsan's appearance, not to mention that he came to us in person to give orders, knowing that our secret place is only our own, so do you remember wrongly, or Confused?"

(End of this chapter)

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