Chapter 148 Vampires!
He really can't accept it.

Although in the eyes of outsiders he has passed this hurdle, even though he saw Qi Hengsan again, he still couldn't control his emotions in his heart.

Others were not only surprised, what was wrong between Wu Jianfeng and Qi Hengsan, there seemed to be a lot of hatred between the two,
They didn't know the real situation of Qi Hengsan yet, suddenly Xu Tian's figure flashed, and the sword energy pierced directly towards Qi Hengsan,

And at this time beside Qi Hengsan, it was Lafite who had met once before, unexpectedly, it was only a few days,

"We actually met again!"

Lafite greeted politely, and at the same time tiptoed to the ground, he floated down from the roof slowly,

But in the process of his fall, Xu Tian had already raised the divine sword in his arms, and unceremoniously greeted Lafite,

A sword qi burst out directly, this time it was no longer a golden sword light, but a strange purple color,

The dark clouds above the head condensed again, and several thunderbolts directly struck down densely.

There is no opening remarks, just do it directly!

Lafite's eyes were full of surprise, and his face was filled with panic.

He clearly felt that Xu Tian's aura became stronger. If he was confident enough to fight with him before, now he is no match at all.

Feeling the terrifying energy contained in the thunder and lightning, and the purple sword energy sweeping in front of him,
For a moment, Lafite only felt that his figure was trapped in place, the space was completely blocked, and he was so strong even if he moved a finger.


However, he started to roar, the fangs in his mouth suddenly grew continuously, and his face began to turn pale,
It turned out to be like a zombie, but the skin on his body didn't dry out, his face didn't become rotten, and his eye sockets didn't get sunken.

The whole person exudes an extremely strange breath, which is very different from zombies,

Obviously this is a foreign vampire!

Xu Tian's face was serious, he didn't expect this strange creature to really exist in this world!

Lafite suddenly laughed strangely, and flashed to the side directly through these thunderbolts with his agile movements.

Although it exploded, the aftermath was not affected at all, just floating in the air calmly,

And behind him, a pair of wings slowly emerged, flapping continuously in the air, making the sound of 'hush, wheeze',

Xu Tian showed no mercy at all. He knew that Su Xiaoyu's disappearance was absolutely related to this person.
So now you have to subdue him first, and then ask again, otherwise, who would tell you the information for no reason?

I saw the wings on Lafite's back fluttering, which actually led to the generation of energy out of thin air, and countless whirlwinds appeared like this,

Xu Tian's figure flickered, and tens of thousands of sword qi appeared behind him!
Whoosh whoosh! ! !
For a moment, the golden light flashed, and the two fought in the crowd like this. Some of the surrounding warriors had no time to dodge, and they were endangered by the powerful explosion. They were stunned in place for a while, and their minds were so chaotic that they passed out on the ground.

But Xiaomei and the others hurriedly followed Xu Tian's trajectory and returned to the battlefield again.
When he noticed Lafite's terrifying mutated figure, he was immediately surprised,

"It turned out to be a vampire!!!"

These battle teams in the transformation stage formed their formations at the first moment, but their team was actually stopped by a person the next moment,

It was Qi Hengsan!
I saw his figure standing in mid-air, with his feet constantly stepping on the air. He was good at physical skills, and a red light was floating around him. The stronger coercion completely shocked the group of people in place.
"Don't do it! Unless you want to fight me"

Xiaomei couldn't help being shocked, her face was full of surprise,
"Why? You are a hero in our hearts. How can we join forces with this vampire to deal with our own people?"

Qi Hengsan's voice gradually became strange, a sharp voice came out from Qi Hengsan's rough throat,
"Who is with you, I have already helped you, and I will not let you have anything to do with you."

Unexpectedly, just the day before yesterday, Qi Hengsan appeared in front of his own people, talking about the urgency of this zombie siege!
After sending them back overnight, I didn't expect to turn my face so quickly here at this moment.
Xiaomei couldn't help turning her eyes to Wu Jianfeng who was aside, only to see that his face was extremely solemn, and he was even more resentful.

However, due to his heavy injuries, he didn't take any action on the spot, but the eyes that seemed to kill him were fixed on Qi Hengsan. At this time, Lafite and Xu Tian fought together, and countless whirlwinds blew away the surrounding houses dilapidated,
And Xu Tian's sword energy mercilessly drew several deep pits on the ground, and the thunder above his head fell again and again,

The ground was full of burnt black land, and those lonely cars were also directly detonated. The flames that shot up into the sky burned people's cheeks hot, and the atmosphere was extremely tense!
At this time, Xu Tian had completely mastered the cultivation technique in the realm of his own fusion period, and the aura in his body was operating crazily.

The divine sword in his hand continuously emits dazzling light,
And the sky was even more cloudy, and thunder rolled.

Lafite's figure became very sharp in the air, and the pair of wings behind him seemed to be endowed with magical power, able to avoid Xu Tian's attack every time,
However, he was only able to dodge to the limit in times of crisis, and he suffered a lot of scratches on his body, but these were not enough to put him to death.
Xu Tian stood in midair with a cold expression, pointed the Excalibur towards Lafite again, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll ask you one last time, where is Su Xiaoyu?"

At this moment, Lafite's face was also extremely solemn, because every time he dodged just now, he exhausted all his strength.
If it weren't for my natural agility, I'm afraid Xu Tianxia would not be able to survive within three moves.

But at this moment, a smug expression flashed across Lafite's face, and then he folded his arms and kept flapping his wings in the air,

Lafite said triumphantly, "Why should I tell you? Such an extremely yin physique is very difficult to obtain!"

Xu Tian didn't expect that Su Xiaoyu's physique would be discovered again, and he didn't expect that there would be people spying on such a supernatural physique outside the country.

But Su Xiaoyu must not be in any danger!
"Sword Soul Divine Record!"

An extremely domineering sword energy crossed the sky again and directly passed through the space, disappeared in the same place in an instant, and appeared in front of Lafite in a strange manner the next moment.

There was a loud noise, and several sparks exploded in the sky. At the same time, a group of dark clouds shrouded the figures of the two of them, and golden lights flashed continuously, accompanied by sharp screams.

It wasn't Xu Tian who uttered it, it was Lafite who had turned into a vampire, and his voice became extremely sharp.

Hearing this miserable cry, the warriors below all felt hairy in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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