Chapter 14 Mysterious Ring (1)

After leaving the police station, I did not return to school, so I called Luo Shan,

Said that he was a little uncomfortable and would not return to school until tomorrow, and asked him to collect relevant information on the deceased and those who were present at the time.

And I, holding that simple and dark ring tightly, walked on the way home with the cold wind blowing.

Home is already an unfamiliar word to me.Since my parents passed away in a car accident, I seldom go home, and basically stay at school. Maybe I have to clean again after I go back. It has been two months since the last time I went home.

Approaching the community where the home belongs, it was late at night, and the surroundings were quiet, occasionally a little light came from the houses of a few sleepless people.

This basketball court should be newly built. When passing by, I saw a basketball court that hadn’t been built before. I secretly speculated that the people with children must have been urging the property company to build it.

My father also liked to play basketball. I still remember that he often took me to a nearby school to play. He shot, and I was responsible for helping him pick up the ball when I was young.I often played for several hours in a row, and every time I was almost tired, my mother would appear again, urging us to go back to eat???
What are you thinking about this!I shook my head, shaking out all the emotions I didn't need.

Gently opened the door, I slowly turned on the light, the house is no different from the last time I went out, except that there is more dust.

It took more than half an hour to clean the house.Then I took a shower and sat at the desk. There was a bag on the desk, which was left to me by my father, and it contained the ring that my father left for me.I closed my eyes, and slowly waited for the water on my hands to dry and my heart to become calm.Opening his eyes slowly, he took out the ring picked up from the scene from his clothes, and then poured out the ring in the bag.I put these two rings together for comparison, they are almost identical, they are pitch black, solemn and simple, with fine lines and bumps to the touch.However, the only difference is the symbol on it. The ring I picked up at the scene has a lightning symbol engraved on it, while the ring my father left me has a cloud symbol engraved on it.What is the connection between these two rings?
11 years ago, the scene of the car accident.

"Small hold on to this, don't tell anyone...and...a month go to Uncle Liu...he will give you something." Father Lying on the ground, the clothes were wet with blood, and the weak voice ordered me while putting a pistol model in my hand.And I was so scared that I kept crying, crying, calling my parents.

"Don't cry, Nannan, mom and dad are just tired and going to rest in another world, you can go to the police academy, dad's unfinished task, it's up to you to complete it." The father seemed to have a better complexion, smiling He stared at me, while the other bloody hand tightly grasped the hand of the mother next to him, until his smile became stiff, and he gradually turned a deaf ear to my shouts.

"Dad, Mom!"

The car on fire, the cold corpse, the crying child and the alarm bell ringing in the distance constitute a tragedy that can never be redeemed.

A month later, following the instructions left by my father, I went to see Uncle Liu. He is a lawyer and a classmate of my father, and we have always had a good relationship.He sighed, handed me a bag, and said, "Son, your dad is a good cop." I haven't seen him since.

And in that bag, there was only that ring.Gradually, when I grew up, I also studied this ring, but I didn't draw any valid conclusions.

I closed my eyes slightly, took a long breath, and calmed my beating heart. If it wasn't for the investigation, I would never want to recall the memory that ruined my life.My thoughts go back to the two rings in front of me. They are exquisite in workmanship. Even a layman like me can see that they are far from being comparable to ordinary decorative rings on the market. When I touch them lightly, I don’t feel the blunt feeling of ordinary rings. The material should be different. Just all kinds of gold.And the most special thing should be the symbols on these two rings.

The cloud on the first ring can be regarded as just an ordinary decorative pattern, but the lightning on the second ring that appeared later shows that this symbol is not so simple. After all, the origin of these two rings is mysterious, and they are related to It is related to the murder case, therefore, the symbol on the ring may symbolize a certain meaning.

These two symbols are related to nature, and to a certain extent represent the magic and power of nature. In ancient tribes, people also regarded lightning and other inexplicable phenomena in nature as objects of worship and awe. Or as a totem, do people who wear rings have a common worship of nature?
Clouds represent lightness and elusiveness, and lightning represents terrifying power. Does each pattern symbolize the character and ability of the person wearing the ring?

Or, is this just a code name?

I took off the glasses on the bridge of my nose and rubbed my eyes with my hands. I seemed to have a premonition that the day of uncovering the secret of my parents' death and avenging them had gradually arrived.In any case, what I can deduce right now is that the ring is related to the original cause of death of my parents; the person who owns the ring may be a few people, or an organization, but the latter is more likely, after all, after more than ten years, if it is The few people who made up improvised may have dispersed long ago.But there are at least two people, and they may all have a ring to indicate their identities; this group of people has existed for a long time, at least 11 years of history, their secrecy work is very good, at least 11 years of operation, their power Not small, at least they have influence in the police.Let's just guess, the object related to the death of my parents and the current campus murder is a mysterious organization or group with huge influence.

In a vague way, I feel that this organization has a lot to do with the death of my parents, and it is the relationship that caused the death of my parents. Shameful things are always harmful.

My fists were clenched unconsciously, I took a deep breath of air, and gradually calmed down my mood. Unstable emotions can easily affect people's thinking.

After thinking about it for a while, next, I will take the ring for appraisal to understand its material composition. On the other hand, if the two murder cases on campus were just to practice what I have learned, then continue In the future, I will investigate these two murder cases more seriously, and try my best to find out the truth of the murder cases and find out the origin of the ring.

I stood up, walked to the window, and looked up at the stars in the sky. When I was young, my mother told me stories, pointing to the stars and telling me that good people will become stars in the sky after death, shining forever in the night Bright.

I don't know why you reappeared, but I swear to the stars in the sky, even if I die, I will find you and find out the truth, all the people who caused my parents' death and ruined my life , I will not let go.

(End of this chapter)

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