Chapter 171 The first trace (3)

I imagined such a scene in my mind, He Zhongcheng had to go to the toilet to urinate because he drank too much, when he just stepped into the toilet, suddenly a dagger was inserted into his stomach, and blood dripped continuously on the ground , the murderer grabbed He Zhongcheng's neck with his hands to prevent him from screaming, and then dragged him directly to one of the toilets.

I pushed the glasses with my hands, thinking in my heart that my hypothesis does not match the appearance of the scene.

"Jiangnan, did you see anything?" Police officer Luo was investigating the scene, seeing me bow my head in thought, so he came over and asked me.

I nodded and said, "It's possible that the murderer hid here in advance and killed him when He Zhongcheng appeared. Otherwise, the bloodstains would not only appear from the toilet door to the single toilet room in the middle."

"That's right." Officer Luo agreed, "I think the same as you. This time the murderer has finally shown his feet. We have already looked for witnesses based on the characteristics of the person you mentioned, and we have to call out all the places around In this way, the murderer will finally have the most direct clue."

"It's just," Officer Luo looked at the other police officers who were busy collecting evidence and taking pictures, lowered his voice, and said to me worriedly: "You and I both know that this is probably done by Zhang Yao, I'm afraid If the special task force starts to arrest him, it will affect the final plan of the 37th alliance."

"Plan?" I glanced at him in surprise, and couldn't help but sneer and said to him, "I don't know what plan you have, but what I'm sure of is that you have failed."

"What do you mean by that?" Officer Luo frowned and asked me in a low voice as he pulled me outside the door.

"You think Zhang Yao has been under your strict surveillance, don't you?" I asked him back.

"This..." Hearing what I said, Officer Luo finally realized what the problem was, "You mean that Zhang Yao knew from the beginning that we were monitoring him, but he wasn't afraid, This shows that he is confident enough to escape our monitoring..."

"Wait, I'll make an emergency call!" In the middle of speaking, Officer Luo took out his mobile phone with a worried face.

I nodded. I knew that he was going to confirm Zhang Yao's current whereabouts with Alliance 37, and maybe they were still carrying out the surveillance that had already been seen through.

"Jiangnan," Captain Geng Tian came to my side at this time, and asked with doubts: "What was Officer Luo talking to you just now, why did he leave with his mobile phone in a hurry?"

"Nothing." I changed the subject and said, "Has the murderer been caught yet?"

Captain Geng Tian didn't answer directly, but looked at me for a few seconds, then shook his head and said: "I immediately asked the criminal police to go out and look for the person according to the characteristics of the person you mentioned, but I didn't find the height you mentioned. Between 174cm and 178cm, with a thin build, his head is covered by a coat and a hat, his feet are wearing sneakers, and there is a young man who looks like a round image on the back of the clothes. The murderer should still be allowed to escape."

"He can't escape." I said to him, "This road belongs to a relatively prosperous section. Basically, every store will install cameras. It is impossible for the murderer to escape both the police's pursuit and the monitoring. I didn't expect to be discovered by others, so he must have left traces on the surveillance cameras during his hastily fleeing."
(End of this chapter)

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