Chapter 191 A Detail (1)

"Haha." Officer Luo stopped teasing her, couldn't help laughing and said, "This man is very capable, you can just lead him to my office, and you can satisfy him as much as possible if he needs anything."

"That's it." After finishing speaking, Officer Luo took a stack of documents, turned around and walked towards Captain Geng Tian's office. 
"Huh!" The police girl named Xiaowei made a face at the back of Officer Luo leaving, and whispered: "Squad Luo, you know how to tease me."

Then she realized my existence, so her face, which had just returned to normal color, began to turn red because of embarrassment. She looked at me and said, "Well... please don't tell Team Luo."

This female policewoman named Xiaowei is probably about my age, her face turns red easily, and she is timid, but her black eyes turn around, she looks very spiritual, and she looks very cute No wonder Officer Luo likes to tease this young policewoman every time.

Xiaowei saw that I didn't answer, but kept staring at her, so she puffed up her face and said to me with a straight face: "What do you look at, don't think that you can be disrespectful if you know Dui Luo."

I shook my head helplessly, and said to her: "Officer Xiaowei, you should take me to Officer Luo's office now."

"Okay then, just follow me." Xiao Wei thought that I was giving in in front of her, so she raised her chin, squinted her eyes, held back a smug smile, and led me to Police Officer Luo's office.

Officer Luo’s office is on the right side of the hall. I followed Xiaowei’s footsteps and walked in and out. Officer Luo’s office is not very big, only about [-] square meters. There is a desk inside and a desk on it. There are desktop computers, and there are several sofas in front for guests to rest, and a few decorations are added to form a simple office.

"Would you like something to drink?" Xiaowei asked me.

"Just get me a cup of hot water, thank you." I replied to her.

When Xiaowei went out to help me get hot water, I began to take a closer look at the place where Officer Luo worked.There is a stack of materials on the table, most of which are related to these cases.I flipped through it curiously, and one of the reports caught my eye.

Autopsy report of the deceased Zhou Shengrong?What a coincidence in my heart, just now I was asking Police Officer Luo to give me Zhou Shengrong's autopsy report, and I saw it here.

I took out this document, opened it, and looked through it slowly. This is not a formal autopsy report. There is no official signature and formal specification. It can be seen that this is a simple corpse for the first time to let the superior know the condition of the corpse. In the inspection report, most of the organ inspections are three words, and there is no abnormality.
However, there is one detail in the autopsy that caught my attention. This text is written as follows: a male corpse, 175cm long, with no abnormal development, good nutrition, no deformities in limbs, obvious cyanosis of finger and toenails, but palm There is a small wound in the center. It is suspected that the center of the palm of the deceased was cut by a small sharp thing...

It was the last sentence, there was a small wound in the center of Zhou Shengrong's palm.

In my impression, neither Huang Cong's body nor Wang Tiancheng's body had any wounds on their bodies, not even a fingernail was broken, which means that they did not have any signs of struggling with the murderer during their lifetime, because they were all Zhang Yao had been injected with the Medusa potion and couldn't move his whole body, so how could he struggle? ——
(End of this chapter)

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