Chapter 38 Perfect Crime
Back in the dormitory, before sitting down to rest, Luo Shan asked me directly: "Jiangnan, is Zhang Yao the murderer?"

Seeing Luo Shan's serious expression, I sighed inwardly, I'm sorry, Luo Shan.For your safety, I cannot tell you the truth.

"I should be wrong, Zhang Yao is unlikely." I looked at Luo Shan and said with a smile.

"Really?" Luo Shan looked at me suspiciously and said, "You won't lie to me, will you?"

"When did I lie to you?" I looked at him calmly.

At this time, Luo Shan finally believed it. He looked relieved and said, "I knew it wasn't. It made me look at Zhang Yao differently today. I kept thinking about the scene of him killing people. It's really a sin."

After reassuring Luo Shan, I sat on the stool and took out the photo I brought from Huang Cong's house from the drawer.Before, I only carefully looked at the men and women in the photos, and ignored everything else.I looked closely at the edge of the photo, and sure enough, a small corner was missing from the upper edge.I put on white gloves, poured out the corner of the smile in the small bag, and carefully fitted it to the gap in the photo. Sure enough, there was no gap in the fit.Could this photo be the cause of Huang Cong's death?Looking at this picture, I thought to myself.Who are the men and women in the photo?Huang Cong definitely knew who they were, and perhaps it was this that made Zhang Yao want to kill him.Could it be that this man is Zhang Yao?I compared the man in the photo with Zhang Yao in my mind, and then I shook my head, the appearance was completely different.But one thing is for sure, after Huang Cong found this photo at Zhang Yao's house, it brought back his memories, and this memory must be related to the newspapers many years ago, so he secretly took the photo home, thinking He dug out the newspaper in his memory, but Zhang Yao discovered and killed him before he could find it.

The final foothold was still on the so-called newspaper. I couldn't help but sigh inwardly for Zhang Yao's method of committing the crime, which was almost flawless. His method and care in committing the crime had already been called a perfect crime.

Disguised Huang Cong as a suicide, used a secret room that made people speechless, and even arranged a suicide motive for him.In addition, if it can be done to some extent without leaving any fingerprints on the crime scene, how did he successfully disguise Huang Cong to commit suicide?You must know that strangulation and hanging are two completely different methods of death. In history, many people who tried to disguise strangulation as hanging basically failed, especially when modern scientific identification methods and tools have greatly developed. in the case of.

Hypnotized?Let Huang Cong subconsciously commit suicide, and then I shook my head, hypnosis is not like street massage, it is not so easy to learn, and secondly, if you want to hypnotize people to commit suicide, then I can’t say there is no such thing, but I am sure this kind of hypnotist Very few, they have to learn at least decades, and Zhang Yao is young, even a genius, it is impossible to hypnotize a person to commit suicide so easily.

Could it be that Huang Cong was hanged while he was asleep?It's also unlikely, if that's the case, Huang Cong will definitely struggle when he wakes up in pain, and there must be marks on his hands and nails, but as I saw in the scene, his clothes are not messy, and his hands are not messy. There is nothing unusual about nails.

I took off my glasses and wiped my eyes.Zhang Yao really gave me a problem.

Wait, the scene when Wang Tiancheng died in the woods suddenly came to mind, and Wang Tiancheng's facial expression was clearly the same at that time!I frowned more and thought about why the deceased didn't make any resistance or even scream when I discussed the situation with Luo Shan at that time.

Is there really a ghost helping him? !


A gust of cold wind blows outside the window, making me shiver.The wind blows my brain, and I start to wake up, no, there are no ghosts and ghosts in this world, at least I believe there are none in this school, Zhang Yao must have used some other method, but I haven't discovered it yet.
I looked at my watch, it was almost four o'clock.I stood up, Luo Shan was playing with the computer, I went to the balcony, the weather outside gradually began to change, the sun was blocked by a large group of dark clouds, although it hadn't rained yet, the wind and rain were about to blow over the building.The weather in nature is always cloudy and sunny. Either the sun is covered by clouds, or the clouds cannot cover the sun.It's just that people like sunny days because they feel warm because of the sunshine.

For some reason, when I thought of Zhang Yao, I sighed. If a person has never experienced something that made him extremely sad, how could he easily abandon the warm sunny day?

Zhang Yao, what have you experienced?Perhaps, when I know, you will be caught by me.

(End of this chapter)

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