Chapter 63 Suspicious Power Outage (1)

"It seems... not at all." He thought for a while and said.

"Nonsense! Try to hide it from the police, that's called not reporting!" I then said what he wanted to hear, "Okay, if your leader asks you, tell me that you were asked by the police !"

"Okay!" He smiled shyly at this moment, pulled out a stool and said, "Comrade policeman, please sit down, and ask whatever you want. As a good citizen, I am willing to serve the government."

I felt funny for a while, seeing that his appearance was honest, but the words he said came and went, the contrast made people stunned.However, it is not surprising that ordinary people have places where ordinary people are happy.

I sat down, nodded and said, "What's your name?"

"Hey, comrade police, you don't have to be so polite, just call me Lao He." Then he handed me a cup of hot water and said, "It's cold, comrade police, drink more hot water."

"Thank you!" After taking the cup, I thanked Lao He and said.

I sorted out the problems in my mind and asked him: "Before the death happened at the last party, there was a power outage. Do you know why the power was out?"

Lao He nodded and said: "I know! I am responsible for the power switch of this building. After receiving the power outage notice that day, several colleagues and I quickly checked the situation in the distribution box. It turned out that the switch fuse was blown , causing the line to trip automatically, resulting in a power outage.”

At this time, I had some doubts, and asked further: "Switching fuses? Don't they all use air switches now? Does anyone else use the kind of fuses that can easily cause power outages?"

Lao He explained with some embarrassment: "The school has been planning to update for a long time, but it will take time and effort to update, and there was no problem with the school's power system before, and we always forget it, so we keep forgetting to update it. .”

I nodded, the thing had already happened, and there was no point in pursuing it, so I continued to ask: "When you saw the situation at the scene, is it possible that it was caused by human beings? "

"Comrade policeman, are you saying that someone deliberately broke the fuse?" Old He turned pale with shock.

I shook my head and said, "I was just asking you if that was a possibility."

Only then did Lao He's face return to normal. He thought for a while and said, "It's hard for me to judge. At that time, it seemed that it was blown out due to a short circuit. Yes, we still have backup power enabled."

I frowned and said to Lao He, "Take me to the electric box now, and I'll see for myself."

"Now?" Old He was a little reluctant, "It's almost eleven o'clock, it's very late."

I shook my head and said, "I'm not afraid of being late, but if the evidence is gone because you don't want to go, then you can't bear the responsibility, and neither can I."

"Comrade policeman, is it so serious?" Old He looked at me with fear and disbelief.

"Everyone is dead. Do you think it's serious? It's the leader's son who died. Do you think it's serious?"
(End of this chapter)

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