The finishing touch system

Chapter 247 World Announcement

Chapter 247 World Announcement
Black Rock City.

Qin Tianyu was busy until late at night, and then returned home exhausted.

His injury has not recovered from the original, and he has been busy for so long, his face looks a little pale.

Fortunately, the situation in the city has stabilized. Except for those families, the situation of ordinary people is pretty good.

It's a pity that the Ji family perished.

Qin Tianyu didn't know how to tell Ji Binglan about going to the demon tower.

Because no one from the Ji family has seen it until now.

Even Ji Bingtian disappeared.

The guards found Ji Bingtian's weapon, his broken armor, and bloody clothes.

These signs all indicated that Ji Bingtian's condition was very bad, and he might have died.

So Qin Tianyu felt a little restless, he failed to protect the family, and felt a little ashamed of his entrustment to Ji Binglan.

Moreover, this time the beast tide is not limited to the Ji family, many families have perished.

Ji family, Tie family, Liu family, Zhao family, Yan family and other small families.

They almost died in this beast horde, leaving only one or two small families in the entire Black Rock City.

Although such a loss made it easier for Qin Tianyu to control Black Rock City.

However, the sharp decrease in senior professionals left Qin Tianyu no one to use.

Qin Tianyu couldn't find anyone to guard the important frontier positions and the positions of the generals.

It will become more dangerous for people to travel to Black Rock City.

"Black Rock Mountain has also collapsed, and the city wall still needs to be repaired. The current Black Rock City is really in danger." Qin Tianyu sighed.

Black Rock City was originally an important barrier, but now that barrier has disappeared, everything is gone.

The entire Black Rock City was exposed to the eyes of countless mutant beasts.

If one is not good, Black Rock City may face life and death crisis again.

"My strength is still not enough, and my consumption this time is not small. The fusion ability can only be used once, and it will be gone when it is used up, and the skill has been reduced from the original LV5 to LV1." Qin Tianyu said silently.

Thinking of this, he quickly opened his data panel to check his status.

Name: Qin Tianyu
Rating: 140
Hero: Master of Ice Transformation [Perception of Good and Evil Thoughts]

Abilities: Tiger Cat Beast LV1, Stone Man LV6, Ice Halo LV6, Ice Warrior LV6
Bloodline: 25% Lava King [Passive +30-Level 50]

Hero body: first-order four-star

Psychic power: first-order four-star

Attributes: Lava, Ice, None
Soul level: double color 66% [Soul link is slowly strengthening]

Experience Points: 8000/650000
Qin Tianyu frowned slightly as he looked at his state.

The Tiger Cat Beast is the fusion of [Changing White Cat] and [Changing White Tiger] through a consumable skill.

When Qin Tianyu fused this skill, the [Tiger Cat Beast] reached a terrifying level.

This is also the reason why he turned into a white tiger like a mountain.

of course.

This terrifying level can only be maintained for half an hour. After the maintenance is over, it will be reduced to LV1, which is equivalent to the lowest level.

However, Qin Tianyu can still achieve that mountain-like tiger form again.

"What level is a mountain-like tiger? LV8? Or LV9? Or another level?" Qin Tianyu thought suspiciously.

He can't estimate what that level is now, and he needs to study slowly if he wants to use the mountain-like tiger again.

But Qin Tianyu is not worried, as long as he has experience points, he can continue to improve until he reaches that level.

"I'm really looking forward to the big tiger like a mountain. If it can be used all the time, then where in this world can't it go?" Qin Tianyu said quietly.

When he came to the kitchen and saw little Qinyue busy, Qin Tianyu's heart felt warm.

This cute girl, ever since he started handling official duties, has been by his side and guarded him because she was worried about his safety, and she is reluctant to leave no matter what.

It wasn't until Qin Tianyu was about to finish her work that she reluctantly returned home, cooked for Qin Tianyu, and made delicious food for Qin Tianyu herself.

Such a virtuous little wife, who loves him so much, every time Qin Tianyu thinks about it, he is very happy.

"Husband, you are back, sit down quickly, I made your favorite dinner."

With little feet, Qin Yue quickly ran to Qin Tianyu's side, and carefully helped him to sit down.

"My family's Yueyue is the most obedient." Qin Tianyu pinched her little face with a smile, and said dotingly.

When Qin Yue heard Qin Tianyu's words, her big beautiful eyes instantly turned into crescent moons.

Her little face has turned red, her pink ears have turned red, and she looks very cute and charming.

Seeing the shy Qin Yue, Qin Tianyu shook his head with a broken smile, and then he and Qin Yue were busy serving dishes.


The two sat together and had a warm dinner, and then went to the bedroom to rest after washing up.

Fight for a day.

Both of them were physically and mentally exhausted, especially Qin Tianyu, who was already very exhausted.

Of course, the charming little Qinyue sleeping next to him is still very fascinating.

and so.

Qin Tianyu held this cute little wife in his arms, sniffed her faint body fragrance, and slowly closed his eyes.

In his arms, Qin Yue's fair and tender face was blushing, her big eyes became watery, and she did not dare to move her body softly, as if she was still not used to such movements.

It was not until a long time later that she found that Qin Tianyu was asleep, and then she carefully raised her fair little hand, gently stroked Qin Tianyu's hair, and looked at him gently.

"Nice to have you."

After Qin Yue finished speaking, she put her cute little head into Qin Tianyu's arms, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep curled up.

Three days later, the dilapidated Black Rock City was back on track again.

The city has become less oppressed by the family, and it has become much more harmonious.

People start a new life after grief.

And the teleportation array linking the Demon Tower to Black Rock City has finally been opened, and professionals can enter the Demon Tower to level up again.

This morning.

Qin Tianyu embraced Qin Yue, drove the Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex, and rushed towards the demon tower.

Along the way, all professionals who met him would bow and salute.

What's more, they will bow their knees and bow down in gratitude.

Qin Tianyu saved the entire Black Rock City, and also saved all the humans in the city.

So the people here are grateful to him from the bottom of their hearts.

It's just that the flow of people on the road has decreased significantly, and it is no longer as prosperous and lively as before.

Qin Tianyu didn't have a good solution for this phenomenon, he could only slowly reproduce and survive.

Arriving at the teleportation array of the demon tower, Qin Tianyu dragged Qin Yue into it quickly.

When Qin Tianyu appeared on the second floor of the Demon Tower, the voice of the Demon Tower's will suddenly rang.

"Ding! World announcement, world announcement, the hero guarding Black Rock City has descended on the Demon Tower, and rewards are being distributed now."

"Ding! World announcement, world announcement, the hero guarding Black Rock City has descended on the Demon Tower, and rewards are being distributed now."

 ps: Thank you [Bushuangshuang] brother for the monthly pass, mighty and domineering, and I was put on the lap of a delicate elementary school girl when I went out.

   PS: just built a skirt, 7165.19256
(End of this chapter)

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