The finishing touch system

Chapter 272 Natural Disaster

Chapter 272 Natural Disaster
"What? The direction is strange? It seems to be coming to Black Rock City, or not?" Qin Tianyu looked at the steel marmot and frowned.

His God's perspective quickly searched, but unfortunately the beast tide was too far away, and his God's perspective could not reach that observation range.

He could only frown and ponder, judging the consequences of this matter.

If the beast horde attacked Black Rock City, even if he had a unique move, he still didn't feel at ease, because his strength was not enough to face such a scale of the beast horde.

Of course, the summoning of the giant dragon can wipe out most of the beast hordes, but if they encounter the commander-level beast king who has drilled into the ground again, it will be really dangerous.

"However, it's not necessarily true. If it is summoned to deal with the underground dragon, it will be easy." Qin Tianyu thought silently.

"And maybe the beast tide won't come to Black Rock City, or maybe the steel marmot's judgment is unable to judge the direction of the beast tide?" Qin Tianyu thought in a better direction.

Even though he thought so, he would never place this matter on luck.

After all, even if a beast horde of this scale did not appear in Black Rock City, it would still make people very disturbed.

And according to his understanding, a beast tide of this scale has not appeared for many years.

Now that they are suddenly gathered together, there must be a shocking inside story behind them.

Maybe there is a very scary existence in the foggy forest.

"Beast Emperor?" Qin Tianyu said solemnly.

Only such an existence could allow so many commander-level beast kings to appear at the same time, and be able to command such a terrifying horde of beasts.

According to the information Qin Tianyu knew, as long as the Beast Emperor appeared, the beast horde would no longer be called a beast horde, but a natural disaster.

Thinking that Black Rock City might be attacked by natural disasters, Qin Tianyu felt a chill in his heart.

He took a deep breath, and ordered the steel marmot to continue to monitor the movement of the beast horde, and if it was confirmed that the beast horde appeared in Black Rock City, he would report the situation as soon as possible.

As for Qin Tianyu, he first sent someone to call Tie Ruonan, and asked her to take full charge of the city's defense.

Then he pulled Qin Yue and walked towards the demon tower without hesitation.

Qin Tianyu planned to level up overnight, trying to reach the full level as soon as possible.

When the time comes to encounter a beast horde, they will have the strength to face it.

If Black Rock City is really helpless, everyone will be killed.

He could only take Qin Yue out of Black Rock City and head towards other cities.

Qin Yue can turn into a phoenix and fly for a short time, and with Qin Tianyu's changing form and various abilities, he still has a certain degree of confidence in escaping.

In fact, Qin Tianyu can also leave early, but there is one thing to pay attention to, that is Qin Yue's obsession.

Qin Yue was originally a kind woman, if Qin Tianyu forcibly took her away, it would definitely make her very sad.

Even if Qin Yue likes Qin Tianyu very much, and she reluctantly blames Qin Tianyu, she will still fall into deep self-blame.

So Qin Tianyu also had to consider Qin Yue's feelings, and the road to other cities was also very difficult.

Therefore, Qin Tianyu would not leave Black Rock City unless it was absolutely necessary.

"I hope the beast tide won't come to Black Rock City."

Qin Tianyu embraced Qin Yue and drove the Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex, thinking as he advanced.

Soon after.

They arrived at the demon tower, and each fell into leveling.

The land of the extreme north, Snowman City.

Qin Yue summoned the Ice Warrior, sat on the shoulder of the Ice Warrior, and headed towards Mangu City where Qin Tianyu was.

Her level is about to reach the full level of the third demon tower, and with the blood of the phoenix, her strength is very, very strong.

So she is going to find Qin Tianyu and take Qin Tianyu to upgrade. This is her promise and her pursuit.

Especially when thinking of Qin Tianyu going to her city, looking for her, and taking her to level up, her heart is filled with warmth.

She made up her mind, this time she must go the other way and take her husband Qin Tianyu to upgrade.

"My husband is waiting for me. Yueyue will definitely help you and be a useful little wife." The charming Qin Yue said, pursing her lips.

Unfortunately, Qin Yue didn't know that the area of ​​the third floor of the Demon Tower was much, much larger than she had imagined.

It took several days for her to leave.

She has experienced many battles along the way, and her level has reached the edge of upgrading.

Even if she only needs to fight a monster, she can reach the full level.

But she didn't do that.

Because the will of the demon tower appeared, it once again expressed the hope that she could become a tower spirit.

Qin Yue naturally asked the will of the demon tower, asking if there would be any rewards after reaching the full level.

The answer given by the will of the demon tower is that as long as someone reaches the full level, reaching level 300, they can surpass the demon tower and become No. 1 in this world.

And the reward is impressively left a name through the ages.

The first person to reach the full level will be engraved in the demon tower forever.

And such a famous name through the ages, Qin Yue is more willing to leave it to Qin Tianyu.

"Silly woman, such a quota can stay on the Demon Tower forever, life after life, forever and ever, how can you give up?" Demon Tower said faintly.

"It's because it's good that I leave it to my husband, and my husband is the best." Qin Yue said while driving the ice warrior.

"Is he that good? I can feel that he is a selfish person. Although he adheres to certain principles, he is still a selfish person." Demon Tower Will said quietly.

"You are not allowed to say that about my husband." Qin Yue said angrily, and her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, as if she was a young tiger about to get angry.

"You wouldn't understand. If you weren't in Black Rock City, if the beast tide chose to attack Black Rock City, he would definitely be the first to choose to leave. He is a selfish person." Demon Tower Will continued.

"Bastard, if you dare to say something bad about your husband, don't blame me for scolding you." Qin Yue clenched her fists and shouted coquettishly.

"He just fancy his woman and stuff, that's one of the reasons why I keep rejecting him, besides, I'm afraid your plan will come to nothing, because"

The demon tower will suddenly stop talking, with a feeling of tantalizing.

"Because of what?" Qin Yue said quickly.

What she couldn't see was that someone said something bad about her husband. If it was something else, she wouldn't bother to pay attention to it, but she was definitely very, very concerned about Qin Tianyu's matter.

"Because Dragon King Chen is already at level 299, not far from level 300, and Qin Tianyu is only at level 290, not even Song Mingyue's level 298."

"The gap is too big. Trying to catch up in a short time is tantamount to dreaming."

Demon Tower Will said, it seems that he is more and more interested in Dragon King Chen.

"Really? Is it very close to the upgrade? In which area did he upgrade?" Qin Yue clenched her small fists and said in a low voice.

"On the edge of the Far West, not far from Qin Tianyu." The Demon Tower said, it didn't understand why Qin Yue would ask such a question.

"In that case, then I'll kill King Chenlong to avenge my husband last time." Qin Yue clenched her small fists and said coldly, and then drove the ice warrior into the distance like crazy.

"Hey, hey, Qin Yue, do you know what you're doing? You can't ignore the consequences." The demon tower will hastily said, with a hint of panic in his voice.

 One more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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