Chapter 275
"No, this eternal name should belong to my husband." Qin Yue said quietly.

"What was originally his? You can get it now if you want." Demon Tower said.

Qin Yue's level can be upgraded only by killing one more monster, that's why the Will of the Demon Tower said so.

"First of all, if my husband didn't take me to upgrade, I might still be on the first floor of the demon tower."

"Then, Chen Longwang and Song Mingyue are both older than her husband. If they enter the Demon Tower at the same time, do you think Shui will be named through the ages?"

Qin Yue spoke in an orderly manner, with a glint in her beautiful eyes.

"This..." The demon tower was silent, and it didn't know what to say.

Because it is mechanical, there is really no place to refute it.

"Now you understand how good your husband is, so don't underestimate him, or I will demolish your demon tower." Qin Yue said with a icy face.

The demon tower's will was completely silent, and it had nothing to say at this time.

Although it feels that these words are not quite right, it can't tell what's wrong mechanically, and can only analyze it mechanically according to the data.

And this analysis is a good proof of Qin Tianyu's excellence.

So the will of the demon tower is misfired.

Qin Yue saw that the demon tower's will was no longer appearing, so she didn't say anything, but continued to run wildly.

Time passed slowly, and soon a day passed.

On this day, Qin Yue finally came to Mount Youyou, at the foot of the beautiful green mountain.

"It's finally here." Qin Yue looked at Youyou Mountain and said in a busy manner.

There was a halo of ice around her, and a silver-white two-handed sword materialized in her white and soft hands.

On the other hand, Qin Yue stood on the shoulders of the Ice Warrior with a heroic posture, and charged towards Youyou Mountain.

There, the magnificent Song Mingyue was waiting for her to stop her.


A terrifying roar suddenly sounded after Qin Yue stepped onto the top of the mountain.

Afterwards, ice and flames were intertwined in the Youyou Mountain, and the sound of screaming and shouting resounded from time to time, and the sound of rumbling battles resounded throughout the entire world.

And this kind of fighting sound lasted for several days.

The top of the faint mountain.

Song Mingyue held the bewitching fiery red sword in her hand, panting and looking at the beautiful woman opposite, her eyes were filled with admiration.

However, thinking that the other party actually prevented her from leveling up made her very annoyed.

So Song Mingyue said: "I'm curious, if you do this for your husband, then who is your husband?"

These days, when they were fighting, she also asked for some information. She learned that the reason why this lovely beauty prevented her from leveling up was because of her husband, in order to win the eternal name, which annoyed Song Mingyue Also a little curious.

Because the girl in front of her is very strong, and can also become a phoenix, but her blood is not as strong as hers, so she is slightly weaker than her.

But the opponent's level was higher than her, which also caused her to suppress the opponent, but could not defeat him, which made Song Mingyue very depressed.

So she was very curious, who is such a tyrannical and beautiful husband, and how good he is, that made her willing to give so much.

"It's none of your business, you just have to remember that leveling is not allowed." Qin Yue said, holding a silver two-handed sword, sweat dripping from her temples.

The long fight has exhausted her, but for Qin Tianyu and her husband, she will never give up.

"Hmph, if that's the case, let's fight, Phoenix!"

Infinite flames began to burn, and Song Mingyue, who was wearing a red armor, suddenly turned into a phoenix burning with fierce flames, and then flew into the sky.


The crisp sound of birdsong sounded, and the sound seemed to tear the sky, the earth, the endless space, and resounded through the whole world.

Countless bird creatures trembled after hearing this sound, and some birds even landed on the big tree and worshiped respectfully.

Just the next second, the same phoenix cry resounded throughout the world

An icy phoenix exuding endless ice suddenly flew into the sky, spreading its wings and soaring.

at the same time.

Ice fell from the sky all over the sky, turning the large stretch of Mount Youyou into a zone of ice, intertwined with those flames.

"Come and fight!"

A melodious voice came out from the mouth of the ice phoenix, the voice was as pleasant as a yellow warbler, accompanied by this voice, there were countless pieces of ice spreading wantonly.

"Okay, let me see whether your ice phoenix is ​​stronger or my flame phoenix is ​​better." Song Mingyue's flame phoenix shouted coquettishly.

The two phoenixes exuding a strong aura soon fought together, and the entire sky was shrouded in ice and flames.

And the green Youyou Mountain has long been riddled with holes, and it is no longer the beautiful scene it was before.

It has completely turned into a special area shrouded in ice and flames.

The demon tower looked at this terrifying scene with a sluggish will, and saw that although Qin Yue's strength was slightly weaker, she was still fighting without flinching.

The demon tower's will is completely confused, it can't figure out why Qin Yue would pay so much.

The space was slightly rippling, and several beautiful figures with bare feet walked out of the void, and then quietly floated in the air.

"Qin Yue, this girl has really grown up." Ji Binglan, who was like a fairy of ice and snow, said quietly, with a smile on her beautiful face.

"Yes, she was the one who rescued me back then." Xia Ziyue, who was overwhelmed by the country and the city, also smiled, her beautiful face with bright eyes and white teeth fascinated countless people.

Beside Lan Enchanting, the little loli Lan Qingning, and the lively and lovely An Kitten, the three girls quietly watched the scene in front of them.

They have never been in contact with Qin Yue, so they have no right to speak, but they agree with Qin Yue's contribution very much.

"I want to ask, why is she so desperate? Why didn't she get her own name through the ages? Why did she pay so much for that Qin Tianyu?" Demon Tower Will said silently.

"Because you have no feelings, and Qin Yue, like us, has human feelings and persistence. In our hearts, Qin Tianyu is our heaven." Ji Binglan said quietly.

"Emotions? Human emotions? Are these useful? Isn't the essence of ten thousand races pursuing detachment?" Demon Tower said mechanically.

"The reason why human beings are called human is because of emotions, because of joy, anger, sorrow, joy, what is the difference between puppets and puppets without human emotions?" Xia Ziyue said.

"You are mechanical, you are always living mechanically. After countless years, what achievements have you achieved? Forget it, let's not talk about it, the stone man brother's level is full, let the world announce it." Lime, lightly open the lips.

"Ding! World announcement, world announcement, Qin Tianyu has reached level [-], becoming the first professional in this world to reach the full level, and his name will be remembered forever."

 ps: Thank you [HUANG] brother for the monthly ticket, mighty and domineering, pay attention, after you went to the orphanage to do good deeds, a beautiful donor became interested in you.

(End of this chapter)

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