The finishing touch system

Chapter 303 Lin Lin, Man of Destiny

Chapter 303 Lin Lin, Man of Destiny
"It's a strange thing, it's really a strange thing, how could it be possible to escape my two attacks in a row?" Mo Mei thought suspiciously, but couldn't figure it out.

But now is not the time to think about these things, she must kill Xiao Yalan to complete the task assigned by the devil.

But at this moment, she suddenly turned her head and looked towards the southeast.

Because she sensed the appearance of a master not weaker than her.

"Bold, people from the Demon Palace dare to come to my barren grassland, and seek death!"

Hong Hou's voice traveled all directions, with a strong overbearing meaning in his voice, as if no one in this world was allowed to disobey his will.

"Go chase that kid, I'll stop him." Mo Mei said solemnly.

"Yes!" A group of men in black bowed below.

Holding steel knives, they ran away indifferently, chasing after the giant white tiger.

Wutong Mountain.

Qin Yue and Song Mingyue trembled, looking at the little girl lying in a pool of blood, their beautiful eyes were filled with crystal clear tears.

"Grandma, can you still save her? Linlin is still a child, a 13-year-old child." Qin Yue cried.

"Yes, mother-in-law, if you can repel one of the twelve generals of the Demon Palace, you will definitely be able to save Linlin." Song Mingyue said the same.

"I can only try, but to be honest, you are too weak to bear it for even a moment. There are three of you, and you have a strange blood."

An old woman with gray hair held a dragon head and a cane and said bitterly.

"I'm sorry mother-in-law, we are too weak, I'm sorry." Qin Yue said with tears in her beautiful eyes.

Song Mingyue also bit her sweet lips lightly with white teeth, and tightly clenched her small fists with her white and tender hands.

To be honest, they really tried their best just now, and even used the ultimate phoenix transformation.

But the opponent is too strong, especially the master of one of the twelve generals of the Demon Palace, he is simply too terrifying.

And there are dozens of men in black, and the strength of these men in black is also very strong.

Each one takes a lot of effort to kill.

Because of this, they didn't last long, not even more than 1 minute.

In the end, Linlin was affected by the enemy's attack, and she was seriously injured and died frequently.

"Forget it, alas, I didn't expect the people from the Demon Palace to be so rampant, they would come to the area under my jurisdiction to cause trouble, they should be killed." The old woman said coldly.

She lifted the little girl named Linlin and placed it on the big rock beside her, then glanced at the surrounding corpses, frowning.

"You idiot over there, what are you doing standing there, taking these corpses away?" the old woman said, looking at the Chenlong King who was not far away.

At this time, Chen Longwang stood silently on the boulder more than ten meters away, his whole body was like a gunpowder keg, and it would explode at a touch.

Because today's battle was too aggrieved, he was beaten dozens of times like a sandbag, but it didn't help at all, which was very, very embarrassing.

So he secretly vowed that he must improve his strength and avenge him in the future.

Just at this moment, the cold voice of the old woman reached his ears.

He looked at the old woman in disbelief, because the other party called him an idiot?
He is the Dragon King Chen, the lord of a city, once the strongest human being, and now he is called a big fool.

Such a statement is a disgrace to King Chenlong.

But the Dragon King looked at the hill that was flattened not far away.

Looking at the corpses all around.

He was silent for a moment, and finally chose to carry the corpses.

He acted like a really stupid guy, moving away the corpses of the men in black in all directions.

Dare not have the slightest complaint at all.

of course.

No one paid attention to his behavior, because the old woman was helping Linlin with a mysterious medicine.

Not to mention, the old woman's treatment actually saved Linlin's life, which is very powerful.

It's just that there is a big scar on the surface of Rin Lin's body.

If the scar wants to recover, it needs to rely on Linlin herself.

"Okay, no problem, how about this, you follow me to Xuanyin Sect." The old woman said.

"Xuan Yinzong?" Song Mingyue and Qin Yue asked in confusion.

"Yes, our Xuanyin Sect is divided into two rows, the Southern Sect and the Northern Sect. We belong to the Southern Sect. Come with me." The old woman said.

"Good old lady, thank you for saving Linlin." Qin Yue said gratefully.

"It's okay, our Xuanyin Sect does not accept male disciples, the big fool over there can only work as a handyman in the outer sect." The old woman said.

"Handy?" Chen Longwang was stunned, his face flushed red, his majestic Chen Long Wang could only be a handyman, this was absolutely unbearable for him.

"Okay, mother-in-law knows you are happy, if it weren't for these two girls with Phoenix blood, you wouldn't even be a handyman." The old woman glanced at Chen Longwang and said disdainfully.

"What? Can't even become a handyman disciple?" Chen Longwang was angry, and he really wanted to yell that it was impossible.

But when he thought about his mission, and about practicing the skills of this world, he could only clenched his fists and endured.

Soon, the day passed.

Song Mingyue and Qin Yue were lucky enough to be accepted as direct disciples by the old lady, while Chen Longwang could only be a handyman.

The handyman is the handyman, he can bend and stretch, he doesn't care.

Ke Nima, why are you in charge of picking manure?

King Chenlong wished he could get rid of the excrement bucket in his hand and walk away.

But seeing the exercises that the female steward threw at him, he chose to be patient.

Because he got a precious, men's cultivation technique.

"Mysterious Qi Gong"

This is the name of the practice.

"You idiot, you cherish this exercise very much. I can only give you a part of it. After you practice and become a martial artist, I will give you the follow-up exercises." The female steward said.

"Thank you." Dragon King Chen said after receiving the Xuan Qi Gong.

"Remember, warriors are divided into many levels, primary, intermediate, advanced, and then martial artist. After your strength improves, I will tell you other things."

The stewardess turned around and left after she finished speaking, she seemed to dislike Chen Longwang for being too stinky.

In the same place, only Chen Longwang was left looking at the exercises in his hands, full of surprises.


He flipped through the exercises for a while, and when he saw the words general exercises written behind the exercises, his face turned down.

Because he clearly understands that universal means universal, and to put it bluntly, it is a bad street skill.

As a result, the angry Chen Longwang wanted to scold people.

But for the sake of strength, he can only endure.

Mizong Forest.

With Xiao Yalan in his right hand, Qin Tianyu ran desperately in the heavy rain, moving as fast as a beast.

behind him.

Countless men in black chased after him with steel knives in their hands. Their eyes were cold and murderous, as if they would not give up until they killed Qin Tianyu.

"Brother Tianyu, your arm, your arm."

Xiao Yalan's white and tender little hand was tightly covering Qin Tianyu's severed left arm, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears.

"It's okay, have you forgotten that I come from another world? My arms will grow out soon. The Xuanyin Sect of the Northern School you mentioned is coming soon, and it will be safe when we get there," Qin Tianyu said.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Tianyu, can you, can you not leave this world? We can actually be together."

Xiao Yalan held Qin Tianyu's severed arm distressedly, her beautiful eyes looked at Qin Tianyu with prayers, waiting for his answer.

It's just that Qin Tianyu didn't speak, but chose to remain silent.

(End of this chapter)

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