superhuman evolution

Chapter 481 Owe you once

Chapter 481 I Owe You Once

The sky is not yet bright, the wind is blowing head-on, it is hot and humid!
Song Anran is like a wild horse, flying away in the deserted wilderness.

After a fierce battle in the middle of the night, he finally persuaded Lily to let her take half of the potion and energy liquid seized from Simon's body, and go back to guard his foundation and those people he cared about in his heart!

Song Anran galloped faster and faster, the oncoming wind became as sharp as a chisel, and there was a faint tingling feeling when it hit the face, and the surrounding scenery became a little blurred.

The feeling of extreme speed made the blood in Song Anran's body boil, and he fell in love with this kind of stimulation.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, he must have been howling wantonly!

This journey can be said to be extremely peaceful, except for the occasional startled wild beasts, not to mention enemies, not even an ordinary person.

When the sky was slightly bright, Song Anran felt that he had passed through an invisible membrane, and knew that he had entered the information blockade of Uluwa City!
The most urgent task is to find Alan and the others!

He identified the direction and searched for the combat area in charge of his team!

More than half an hour later, when Song Anran was overlooking from the canopy, he found a small lake, and there was a large flat grassland beside the lake!

And on the grass, there are two groups of people fighting fiercely!

Song Anran didn't hesitate, and immediately sneaked close to the battlefield, and found that the so-called fighting was more appropriate to call it a siege!
The besieging party is the coalition's supernatural powers, mainly Lydia and Roxanne, gathered as many as seven or eight people!
The one being besieged was a tall and thin black man, his fingers had turned into jet-black sharp claws that were more than ten centimeters long!

Although he was besieged, there was no panic and dignified look on his face, a slight sarcasm hung on his face, and he calmly responded to the attacks from all sides!
I saw Lydia suddenly moved, turned into a phantom, and flew around the black man dozens of times at an extremely fast speed, and the sound of ding ding ding ding rang together, like a long note!
After the long sound, Lydia stepped back more than ten meters in an instant, the dagger in her hand trembled slightly, and there were many spots on the blade, which was already close to collapse.

Her body was shaking, her face was pale, and she was obviously injured.

Roxanne immediately replaced Lydia's position and attacked, with a Viking battle ax slashing fiercely, with the momentum of chopping mountains and mountains, directly slashing at the black man!

But the Negro made his fingers like lightning, and counted the points on the tomahawk.

Roxan also retreated more than ten meters in a hurry, her right arm holding the ax kept shaking, and it seemed that she was not having a good time.

At this time, a coalition force with supernatural powers quietly appeared behind the black man, preparing to make a surprise attack.

The black man suddenly turned around and faced him head-on.

His movements were so fast, as if he was always facing the direction where the supernatural being appeared!

I saw the black man stepping forward, and instantly appeared in front of the supernatural being, and tapped him lightly.

As if the allied force had been hit hard, he flew upside down for more than ten meters, then fell to the ground, and slid on the grass for more than ten meters before stopping, vomiting blood immediately!

Song Anran, who was watching the battle from a distance, just frowned. Just now, the black man could shoot his head with one finger. Why did he just get seriously injured and not kill him?

Song Anran's perception, like mercury pouring down the ground, rapidly expanded to the surrounding area!

In the woods on the other side of the lake, on the dense canopy of a big tree, a shadow loomed among the branches and leaves, observing the entire battlefield through the scope mounted on the sniper rifle.

The sniper rifle in Shadow's hand was extraordinarily huge, more than two meters long, and the dark black gun body was elegant and ferocious!

He looked around with the scope again, and said to himself: "It seems that the mysterious master will not appear. If this is the case, there is no need to keep them, kill!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Shadow's ear: "Who is the mysterious master you are talking about?"

Shadow's shock was no small matter, and he almost fell off the branch in fright.

He turned his head suddenly, and saw an ordinary-looking bald young man who appeared beside him at some unknown time, standing behind him, also looking towards the battlefield ahead.

The shadow fell into an ice cave, and the whole body became stiff for a moment.

He didn't know how this person came here, how long he had been here, since he could avoid his own perception and appear silently, he could naturally break his neck silently.

After the initial shock, Shadow also has a desperate heart!

Flipping his hand, a gray dagger appeared in his palm. He waved his hand back and saw a cold light go straight to the bald young man's ribs.

The bald young man didn't seem to have seen the ghastly cold light, he just stretched out his hand and grabbed the shadow's neck, as easily as catching a broiler chicken...

Lydia, who had regained some strength, was desperately resisting, and the offensive suddenly increased with many black people!
All of a sudden, a glowing bullet expanded rapidly in the corner of her eye!

Her expression and body froze all at once, unable to cope with this incredible quick attack.

The bullet almost brushed against Lydia's upper lip, and she even smelled the hot air from the bullet. Immediately, a cloud of warm blood splashed from the side with warmth and breath, splashing on her neck and back, making her There was a jolt.

When she turned around, she saw that the black man, whom they had fought fiercely for a long time, had turned into a headless corpse and was slowly falling down.

At this time, a strange and deep roaring gunshot came faintly!

After firing this shot, Song Anran felt that the sniper rifle in his hand was really a rare good thing!
Although it is the first time to use it, he feels very comfortable!

When holding the gun body and aiming, the huge gun body seems to have life, and it seems to become a part of your own limbs!

Even perception can be released with the help of it, and the scope is greatly expanded.

Even with his eyes closed, Song Anran could clearly see everything within a hundred meters with the help of the gun in his hand.

The speed of the bullet exiting the chamber is three times that of ordinary sniper rifles, but the reaction force has not increased much!

Song Anran also found more than 20 special-made bullets from Shadow, which were obviously more refined than those distributed by the coalition forces. Among them were three rainbow bullets packed in a small airtight metal box!
The slender warhead is slightly transparent, and it is subdivided into several cells filled with viscous liquids of five different colors, making the warhead emit a hazy light, very magnificent!

Song Anran put away the bullets, energy liquid, daggers and other trophies he found, reduced the shadow corpse to ashes, jumped off the treetop with a sniper rifle, and ran towards Lydia and the others along the lake!
"Thank you for your help. Isn't Mr. Song around?"

Lydia saw who was coming, and knew that he was a member of Song Anran's team, and looked at "Luke" very expectantly!
Song Anran shook his head and said, "I lost touch with them three days ago, and I have been hiding in one place to heal my wounds. I came out to look for them when I got better! What's the situation now?"

Lydia's face was gloomy. It can be said that all of them were injured, and three of them were still seriously injured. They were looking forward to Song Anran's magical power!
She said solemnly, "The enemy masters appeared in the information blockade area, hunting us everywhere! We had no choice but to hide everywhere. I met Roxanne's team last night!"

"We discussed it and decided to evacuate overnight. Unexpectedly, we were chased by the enemy again and had to fight to the death here! I also want to thank you for shooting the enemy, otherwise we will all die!"

At this time, Roxanne, who had recovered a bit, also came over, and said lightly, "I owe you once!"

(End of this chapter)

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