superhuman evolution

Chapter 502 Little Master

Chapter 502 Little Master

If you are good, you will benefit the world, and if you are poor, you will be good for yourself!
Song Anran had also dreamed of being a savior who would respond to everyone, but he was used as a pawn one after another, making him understand that with his current strength, foundation and political wisdom, he can only be fooled and used. Other ideas are pure fiction. See too much, can't see the cruel reality clearly!

He decided to settle for the next best thing, thinking about building a wall that could keep out the wind and rain for the people around him, and guard a peaceful sky.

When Song Anran uttered the cold reality and true thoughts, Lydia, Bunier, Roxanne and others fell silent for a while!
As for Catherine, Lei Ao, Qu Yinghong, and Wang Yangfeng, they had no other thoughts. They had sworn allegiance. Song Anran's will was their will, no matter what the will was!
Bunier asked with some unwillingness to give up: "Mr. Song, do all countries know what happened in those 20 years?"

"China is secretly building five large underground shelters. I think the leaders of these countries should know!"

The faces of these people were even more ugly, and Song Anran added fuel to the fire!

"For so many years, the two forces X and Y have been lurking around the world and developing silently. Many chaebols have their shadows behind them! I suspect that the leadership of many countries has been infiltrated by them!"

"Perhaps that decisive battle was a scuffle between many countries led by two major forces!"

This is a fact that is easy to speculate. Some officers in the US military bases have been infiltrated, and the democratic election mechanisms of various countries make the infiltration of officials easier!

Lydia stood up and said with a pale face: "Mr. Song, I am willing to follow you, protect that refuge, and protect the last... home of mankind!"

Bunier also expressed that he is willing to contribute his own strength!
Roxanne said coldly that after paying off the life-saving debt, she would still challenge her!

Seeing the reunification of everyone's thoughts, Song Anran said solemnly: "In order to avoid panic, what I said must be kept secret, and no word is allowed to leak! Rest for another three or ten minutes, and we will set off!"

However, at this moment, there was a muffled sound of thunder and thunder, which came from afar!
Song Anran was startled suddenly, he could tell that it was not a thunderbolt, but the sound caused by the fight between the strong!
Leaping onto a nearby tall tree, Song Anran looked in the direction of the sound, and there was a hazy crimson light group rising there!

He suddenly remembered that when Lily's absolute temptation was fully activated, everything around her would be dyed crimson!
"Follow up, I'll go there first!"

After finishing speaking, Song Anran's figure flashed, jumped off the tall tree, and headed towards the battlefield over there at full speed.

Lydia, Allen and others hurriedly got up, packed up their things, and quickly followed!
As the distance gradually approached, Song Anran had confirmed that the two figures on the grassland ahead were fighting with all their strength, and one of them was Lily!
The other was a tall black man!

He held a short spear in his right hand, and a dagger shining in his left hand, facing Lily's violent attack!
Lily's figure was so close that she couldn't see the shape at all, leaving behind countless afterimages with different postures.

Her advances and retreats were like lightning, and the short blade in her hand whistled shrilly, turning into two balls of light, dancing around the black man endlessly.

Lily's attack can be described as extremely ruthless, fast and accurate!
The so-called one inch is short and one inch is dangerous. Facing such an attack, once suppressed, life and death are likely to be seen immediately. Even if the strength is higher than Lily, it is possible to be caught off guard.

Song Anran's face darkened, he could see clearly that the black man's response was quite calm!
The black man also flickered, only occasionally retaliated with a short sword or fired a shot with a short gun.But every attack interrupted Lily's attack rhythm and made her dodge in embarrassment.

Inferring from this situation, the black man is not affected much by the absolute temptation, and it is only a matter of time before his victory.

Song Anran suddenly speeded up and rushed towards the two of them!

The two people who were fighting fiercely noticed Song Anran who was galloping towards him!

Especially the black man, seeing the surprise flashing in Lily's eyes, immediately understood that the person who came was the other party's helper!
With a shake of his left hand, the dagger suddenly shot out a thousand times more light!

The sudden vision caused Lily to freeze, and at this very moment, the short gun in the black man's right hand was fired!
Lily realized that something was wrong, and the whole person soared into the air at the same time, and flew back like lightning!

But just because of a slight pause, the leather armor on the chest and abdomen was smashed by bullets, and the raging shock wave tore her flesh and blood, causing a big blood flower to bloom in the air.

Lily flew backwards like a fallen leaf, drifting helplessly with the wind, and then she felt her body being embraced by a pair of powerful arms!

"Don't worry, everything depends on me!"

Hearing these words, Lily felt extremely at ease, and passed out with ease!
Song Anran first stopped Lily's bleeding and the deterioration of her injury, then gently put her on the grass beside her, raised her long bone knife, and slowly walked towards the black man!

He tilted his head suddenly, and a hot bullet seemed to fly out of the void, almost brushing against his ear. Just now, as long as he dodged a little slower, he would be hit in the head by this shot .

The black man's expression became very solemn, and the center of his eyebrows suddenly split, revealing a pupil with thick blood.

At this moment, Song Anran just stood up, and suddenly his body seemed to be frozen, and it was as if something exploded in his mind, and the severe pain hit like a knife and an axe!

At the time of life and death, Fang showed the ability that Song Anran had acquired on the verge of life and death several times.

He didn't panic, the muscles all over his body began to tremble at high frequency, and a circle of fluctuations visible to the naked eye spread out in all directions. With a soft crackling sound, the invisible force bound to his body was broken and broken.

At the same time, he raised the long bone knife with his right hand and placed it in front of his body, only to hear a loud noise, and a bullet hit the long bone knife.

Song Anran's whole body was shocked, and he stepped back a few steps, a line of blood slowly oozing from the corner of his mouth.

He stared at the black man, his eyes were as cold as ice, and said coldly: "You have good skills, then you can stay!"

Horror flashed across the black man's face!

Seeing this person's stagnant figure, he was obviously suppressed by his own ability, but he didn't see him using any ability, but he used his muscle strength to break free from the shackles of the ability, which is simply incredible!
At this time, Allen, Lydia and others finally arrived one after another!

Catherine and Qu Yinghong picked up Lily, left the battlefield dozens of meters away, and aimed their guns at the black man!
And Alan, Lydia, and Roxanne's fluttering figures happened to block the black man's retreat, and they formed an encirclement trend with Song Anran.

The others knew that they were not qualified to intervene in this level of fighting, so they stopped far outside as support!

The black man suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a sharp scream.

There were echoes in the distance, and a few black shadows guarded a young man, leaping swiftly and reaching the battlefield in an instant. Just by the speed, he could tell that he was a master of supernatural powers.

Seeing this, Song Anran recruited Alan, Lydia, Roxanne and others to her side, be careful!

The black man strode up to the young man, put his right hand on his chest and bowed lightly, and said respectfully: "Little master, I am incompetent and failed to complete your order!"

 Thank you book friend Dajiang Jianyou for your monthly ticket support, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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