Chapter 616
After three deep exhalations and three inhalations, Song Anran managed to suppress the anger in his heart.

He persuaded himself from another aspect. Lily became a saint, and she would definitely be fully protected by Enid and the vampires. Naturally, she didn't have to worry about the deputy speaker. The purpose of sending Lily to Enid before was also achieved. up.

As for what Enid said had nothing to do with it, Song Anran thought she was farting.

He absolutely believed that Lily's feelings for him would never change.

Looking at Enid with a frosty face, Song Anran thought to herself, I will bear it!I can't bear it anymore!

The reason why Lily was sent to Enid was because his current strength was not enough to fight against the power of the deputy speaker, and it was not the time to openly break with the Council of Ancient Gods.

It is the same reason to endure Enid now, but his own strength is still insufficient.

Song Anran has thought through this point very thoroughly!

When her strength is enough to disdain everyone, even if Enid washes her stinky socks, she has to hold her nose to admit it, and then Lily will naturally return to her side.

Song Anran is confident that the strength of herself and Holy Island will be greatly improved in a short period of time.

Song Anran, who explained it to herself, calmed down a little, made a gesture of invitation, and said, "Enid, I heard what you said. Please leave now, Holy Island no longer welcomes you."

Enid snorted coldly, and said: "This Hollier Island belongs to Lily's name, and the one who left should be you and your people."

Song Anran finally confirmed that this Enid came here purely to find fault.

Since forbearance cannot solve the problem, it can only be done hard.

Song Anran turned his gaze to the wolf god, and asked in a deep voice: "Wolf god, do you owe her the grace of saving her life, or do you have a close relationship with her, or an inseparable interest?"

Wolf God naturally understood Song Anran's meaning, turned to look at Enid, and blamed with some dissatisfaction: "Enid, is this necessary?"

"With your current status and ability, it is easy to want a bigger and better island, so why make such a fuss."

Enid looked at the black sea in the distance, and said calmly: "Islands are easy to find, but an underground space that can accommodate tens of thousands of people is not easy to find!"

"Don't you think that such an underground space is suitable for us Holy Blood?"

Hearing what she said, the wolf god was also speechless!

He pondered for a while, and said helplessly: "Song Anran, Enid, I'm sorry, this time, I can only help each other."

Song Anran also didn't expect that Enid's real purpose was actually the underground nuclear bunker that he and several big families had spent countless efforts on, which could not be compromised no matter what.

Song Anran was not surprised that the wolf god decided not to help each other!
After hearing Fira's introduction to the two, and thinking of the reaction of the wolf god, he guessed that the wolf god and Enid must have reached a secret agreement a long time ago.

The fight between the two clans may have been a show for those guys from the Council of Ancient Gods.

He nodded slightly, and said expressionlessly: "In this case, you should leave here, lest you can't help but intervene when Enid and I share life and death."

The wolf god looked at Song Anran with a gloomy face, and then Enid with a cold face. He sighed, transformed into a giant silver wolf, and stepped across the sea.

Facing Enid, a master standing on the top of the world, Song Anran didn't dare to be arrogant at all, and risked exposing the dimension space, took out the split mountain, attached it with a gray shadow, and waited for it.

After Enid was taken aback, she felt a little disdainful!
"In front of me, it's useless for you to resist! For Lily's sake, I won't kill you, but if you don't know how to do it, it's inevitable that you will lose arms and legs."

Song Anran sneered, and said: "You should go all out, it may be difficult for me to win you, but at least I can draw!"

"It's just you? It's a tie? It's really..."

The sneer on Enid's face instantly became extremely solemn!
She saw that there was another dark ball in Song Anran's hand.

For this round ball, Enid naturally knew that it was an annihilation bomb, and also understood what Song Anran said, the so-called tie means that they all died together.

"Do you believe it or not, I can escape from the range of the annihilation bomb in an instant, and even kill you before you detonate it?"

Enid's voice seemed to come from hell, without any emotion in it, it poured directly into Song Anran's brain, hitting his will to resist like a tide.

Song Anran was not moved at all, the hand holding Pi Shan was still steady, not loose at all.

He grinned disdainfully and said, "I don't believe it! I really want to try it too, whether you can do it or not."

Enid was depressed for a while, and said fiercely: "Are you really willing to give your life for this island?"

Song Anran didn't bother to answer this question at all, but just stared at her viciously, as if as long as she moved, the annihilation bomb in her hand would be detonated.

Enid's face became more and more serious, staring at Song Anran, but she neither left nor moved.

In this situation, Song Anran didn't dare to act rashly!
The two were like this, facing a stalemate for a while.

After ten minutes passed, Enid suddenly felt that something was wrong with the surrounding situation!

When she looked up, she was startled, and saw more than a dozen fighter planes of various types appearing in the sky!
There are hundreds of muzzles and gun barrels of different lengths and thicknesses, which have locked her and the surrounding space.

This is the island where they live. Enid is sure that they will not throw away such a powerful area-of-effect weapon. They are confident that they can avoid the first wave of attacks like laser guns or cannons, and even the second and third waves of attacks. .

However, she doesn't have the confidence to hide forever. If Song Anran is cruel and not afraid of the sacrifice of her subordinates...

At this moment, Enid sensed again that dozens of slightly stronger fighters slowly surrounded him.

Enid's heart sank, weighing the strength comparison between the two sides.

Song Anran in front of him, although his strength is immature, is also a god-level powerhouse, coupled with high-altitude air fighters, and dozens of cannon fodder surrounding him...

Enid was amazed at the strength of Hollier Island, and felt for the first time that her actions this time were a bit too reckless and hasty.

But, want to just retreat like this?Enid's inner pride and persistence did not allow her to do this!
Feeling that Enid's aura was slowly rising, Song Anran's face also changed. He revealed most of his family background and showed his determination to fight to the death, but he failed to scare her away!

He immediately understood that this battle tonight was unavoidable no matter what.

At this moment, Song Anran also let go of all scruples!
He transferred the communication system of the space battleship through Weiwei, coordinated and commanded everyone, and prepared to start the upcoming battle!
(End of this chapter)

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