Chapter 70
Song Anran looked around, and found that he was still in the corridor, but there were already many Chinese soldiers in camouflage combat uniforms, who were gathering corpses.

The bloodstains all over the ground, the redness in the eyes, can be further subdivided, black red, purple red, dark red, blood red, bright red...

There was also the sound of rushing drums, thick and long whistling wind, and the sound of rushing water...

Song Anran made a quick distinction before realizing that it was the sound of the heartbeat, breathing, and blood flowing in the blood vessels of the medical soldiers around him!

With a sudden pain in his head, Song Anran snorted, closed his eyes, covered his ears, and hurriedly asked silently: "System, what happened?"

"Host, your body has suffered fatal impact damage. Fortunately, you have absorbed enough energy. It is better to allow your body to undergo a thorough evolution than simple healing."

The pleasant voice of the system rang clearly in Song Anran's mind.

"After this thorough evolution of your body, your basic numerical value has reached 7.9412, your overall strength has increased to 11.426, and your energy reserve is 6.5912. It's just that your brain's ability to process information is completely behind the evolution of your body and cannot handle you. The sudden increase in information obtained by your five senses makes you feel the pain in your brain!"

Song Anran hurriedly asked: "Is there any way to alleviate it?"

"I can intercept part of the information, so that the information input from your five senses to the brain is always at the limit of your brain's processing capacity, thereby stimulating the gradual development of your brain's potential!"

Communicating with the thinking of the system in the mind, that is, in the blink of an eye.

When Song Anran opened his eyes again and let go of his hands, the red eyes were still colorful, and the heartbeat still sounded like a drum, but he could bear it, and his head was no longer uncomfortable!
Seeing the medical soldier staring blankly at the bent needle in his hand, Song Anran immediately understood what it was that caused the bite-like pain that woke him up from a coma!
He was also a little startled. The needle of the needle tube was made of stainless steel. Could it be that the hardness of his own body has reached the level where the needle cannot be pierced?

In order not to let the medical soldier suspect, Song Anran took the injection from his hand, straightened the needle, and stuck it in his arm.

To ensure success, Song Anran cheated the system by making a small incision directly on the skin where the needle pierced.

Song Anran quickly pushed the medicine into his body, and said to the medical soldier, "Go and treat other people", and got up by himself.

The medical soldier recovered from his trance, and found that Song Anran was already stumbling, holding on to the wall of the corridor and walking outside.

Looking at the used needle on the ground, the medical soldier shook his head and said to himself, "This bloody scene must have made me hallucinate!"

Song Anran once again felt the feeling of stepping on cotton, as if drunk, and understood that this was caused by the brain not adapting to the rapid changes in the body!
Immediately, two soldiers ran over, supported Song Anran, and carried him quickly to the corridor.

The current Song Anran seems to have come out of a pool of blood. There are many bloodstains all over his body, even on his face, and the smell is terrible. Those who don't know think he has suffered multiple injuries!

When he was lifted out of the corridor, he saw several helicopters circling, taking off and landing over the yacht.

At this time, a male military doctor wearing a mask trotted up to meet Song Anran, and quickly performed a physical examination on Song Anran!
After the examination, the military doctor said in amazement: "Comrade, you are really a miracle. Not only is your body intact, but you are not injured!"

Song Anran thought of Lin Feier, Wang Shiyu and others, and hurriedly asked: "Where are the other people on the cruise ship, how many survivors are there?"

The military doctor shook his head and said, "Our people are eliminating the danger layer by layer, searching for survivors! The surviving uninjured passengers are all gathered at the bow of the ship, waiting to be evacuated!"

The military doctor suddenly approached his ear, and asked in a low voice: "Can you tell me, what exactly attacked you? This is so fucking miserable, I didn't find a whole body!"

To Song Anran, the military doctor's whisper was like shouting in his ear.

When he got up from the corridor floor, he found that the monster had disappeared without a trace, and there was still some dust on the surrounding floor in the blood mud.

Song Anran knew what was going on, that monster was "eaten" by him!
In order to avoid being suspected, Song Anran deliberately showed a terrified expression, and said, "Monster! A monster that looks like a gorilla! I was only slightly bumped by it, and I don't know anything about it!"

The military doctor hurriedly comforted: "Comrade, don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! Now you are safe! Absolutely safe!"

At this moment, another wounded man was brought out, the military doctor left Song Anran behind and went to meet him.

In order to avoid endless interrogation by the military, Song Anran quietly left here while the surrounding soldiers were busy, and touched the bow of the ship.

On the way, he let the system absorb the moisture in the air, washed off the blood on his face and body, and took off the bloody clothes.

Along the way, there are discarded luggage everywhere.

Song Anran easily found clothes that suit him, but he couldn't control his physical strength. During the dressing process, several pieces of clothes were torn by him inadvertently.

Song Anran was a little impatient, feeling that she had become a two- or three-year-old baby who couldn't take care of herself again.

He found another pair of jeans, and carefully put his right leg into the trouser leg first, but just as his left leg was halfway in, he suddenly lost his center of gravity and staggered.

He hastily reached out and grabbed the lamp post beside him, but there was a stabbing sound, and his jeans were torn.

Song Anran suddenly discovered that the lamp post made of steel had been scratched by him just now, leaving fingerprints on it!
He was taken aback suddenly, looking at his hands, a little at a loss.He grabbed the lamp post again and pinched it hard a few times. The round lamp post was easily squeezed into a cake shape.

What kind of power is this?
Remembering that even needles could not penetrate his skin, Song Anran finally had a more intuitive impression of the body enhancement data described by the system!
He understood that if he couldn't control this body, with his current strength, if he accidentally bumped into someone, he could seriously injure him.

There was no one here, so Song Anran destroyed a few lampposts, and in the darkness, began to practice military fighting skills over and over again.As he gradually became familiar with his body, the severe sense of imbalance gradually disappeared.

Song Anran suddenly thought of a question, and hurriedly asked: "System, in an emergency, can you absorb energy from non-human beings, such as the monster that attacked me?"


The systematic answer made Song Anran very surprised. Before he could ask, the system continued to explain: "That monster, from a genetic analysis, he is also a human being just like you!"

Song Anran was shocked, forgot the martial arts she was practicing, and shouted: "How could that monster be alone?"

"I judge him as a person, not by his appearance, but by his genes, his genes, and his body structure, which 100% show that he is a person, or a man."

"It's just that this person's body still contains a large amount of life energy that has not been absorbed. His appearance was quickly catalyzed by the life energy in his body!"

"A lot of life energy?" Song Anran was even more confused, and continued to ask in puzzlement, "Can you tell me the source of life energy in the monster's body?"

"It's definitely from human beings! Based on the amount of life energy you absorbed and the speed at which the life energy dissipated in the strange man's body, I calculate that the life energy in the strange man's body was absorbed by 9770 to 10523 people!"

"Hiss..." Song Anran sucked in a breath of air, and at the same time felt that the whole person was not well!
(End of this chapter)

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