Conan's Winery is all my vest

Chapter 266 A Forensic Doctor Who Can’t Kill People Is Not a Good Doctor

Chapter 266 A Forensic Doctor Who Can’t Kill People Is Not a Good Doctor

"Just do what you want to do."

Brandy repeated, "Anything, whatever it is, as long as it makes you happy."

This is the little devil, the promise given to Theodore Evans.

"elder brother."

Hearing what Brandy said, Theodore Ivan's mood was extremely complicated.

Thinking of his elder brother selling his soul to the devil in order to allow him to live freely, Theodore Ivan couldn't be happier.

Theodore Ivan is not very clear about what a soul means to a human being.

But it's something that even the devil has a heart for.
Theodore Ivan couldn't help worrying, Brandy really is.
How can something as important as the soul be traded?

Especially dealing with a devil that looks dangerous.
Theodore Ivan couldn't help but think that if he hadn't been resurrected, he could invalidate the contract between Brandy and that evil devil.
Theodore Ivan would rather die forever in that damp abandoned cellar.


Theodore Ivan sighed imperceptibly.

My own brother is such a big idiot.

Before his death, Theodore Ivan actually guessed that his death might be a big blow to Brandy.

But Theodore Ivan did not expect that Brandy would be so stupid as to sign a contract with the legendary devil.

Theodore Evan couldn't help but think of the anecdotes about the devil's greed, cruelty and cunning in the rumors he heard before.

Theodore Ivan couldn't feel at ease about the contract that Brandy signed with the devil named Tachibana.

"Okay, I just want to go for a walk, brother."

Theodore Ivan smiled helplessly, "For the current world, I just listened to your stories or read it from newspapers..."

"I'm just a little bored after staying at home for a long time, and I just want to go out and see the outside world with my own eyes."

"Then let's go for a walk."

Brandy said clearly, "Go to the nearby street shops and parks. I'll be back the day after tomorrow at the latest. Let the teddy bear play with you first."


Theodore Ivan hesitated, " you have any friends in Tokyo?"


Brandy froze for a moment, thought for a while, and immediately replied, "Apart from those two in the organization, there's only Zhong Changgeng, right?"

"Zhong Changgeng?"

Theodore Ivan heard the name a little bit familiar, and after thinking about it carefully, he had a vague impression.

Zhong Changgeng...he remembered that Brandy had mentioned it to him a few times before...

He seems like a somewhat peculiar teenager?

"Zhong Changgeng is that weird little Chinese boy?" Theodore Ivan asked.

"He's not a kid now."

Brandy couldn't help laughing when he thought of Zhong Changgeng whom he had only met in the past few days.

"Zhong Changgeng looks much more mature than you now."

"Has it been this long?"

Theodore Ivan couldn't help sighing when he heard the words, although he already knew that the time had passed.

But in the blink of an eye, this kind of boy who was still a child in his impression suddenly became an adult who seemed to be older than himself...

Theodore Ivan is still a little bit complicated.

This is so weird.

"May I go and visit him?"

Theodore Ivan tentatively asked, "Speaking of which, I seem to have only met Zhong Changgeng a few times in a hurry, since he is your friend..."

"Then I still want to get to know him well."

"A person who can be called a friend by my brother..."

Theodore Ivan continued, "I'm quite curious about Mr. Zhong."


Brandy couldn't help laughing when Theodore Ivan said this, "Okay, it just so happens that he was very curious about you before. He is a forensic doctor, so you two should have something in common?"


Theodore Ivan was stunned, "Didn't you say that you always went to him for medical treatment?"


"He majored in forensic science." Bai Lanji explained naturally.

"But Zhong Changgeng's family seems to be practicing Chinese medicine all the time. He is quite good at seeing doctors, but the fees are a bit expensive."

Of course, it's not just that the fees are a little more expensive.

Finding this mediocre doctor who has no medical qualifications... The risk of seeing a doctor is not just high medical expenses.

If one is not careful, some patients with minor ailments may make Zhong Changgeng unhappy.

Then he will be given a death pass by this eccentric doctor with a temper.

In other words, Zhong Changgeng's ability is really good, and he never asks unnecessary things when he treats diseases.

As long as you don't annoy Zhong Changgeng, the slightly more expensive medical expenses are also reasonable in the eyes of Zhong Changgeng's regular customers.

After all, when Zhong Changgeng sees a doctor, he never needs to worry about leaving hidden dangers that should not exist.

Whether it's a wanted man, or something obviously from a gunshot wound in a violent conflict, etc...

Zhong Changgeng never asked too much or interfered.

As long as the money is in place, Dr. Zhong's technology and after-sales service credit are still very trustworthy.

Because of this, although Zhong Changgeng's Sanwu clinic has a black market for fresh human bones every month, there are still an endless stream of customers visiting his clinic.

Brandy hid the last sentence because he didn't want Theodore Ivan to think that his friends were strange people.

It took a while for Theodore Ivan to digest Brandy's informative introduction.

"...Then he is really a very strange person."

Theodore Ivan couldn't help sighing.

"Well, I'll send you his address later, if you're interested, you can chat with him."

"During the day, he usually receives some ordinary neighbors in the neighborhood for physical therapy at home, or counsels housewives on psychological stress."

"He should be still working at this time, and he will leave work on time at 04:30."

Brandy took the time to look at the clock on the wall, "After five o'clock in the evening, Zhong Changgeng usually has other arrangements, so try not to go there at night."


Theodore Ivan carefully wrote down the time Brandy said, and he looked at the time, it is now 14:23 in the afternoon.

"Then brother, I will hang up first."

Theodore Ivan wanted to learn about Brandy's experience over the years from his brother's friends.

As Brandy's younger brother, Theodore Ivan was absent from Brandy's life for a long period of time.

He wanted to know what happened to his brother after he left.

 Thanks to book friends 20210422190114408 and Ming Liling for their rewards

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(End of this chapter)

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