Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 111 Private meeting in the early morning?

Chapter 111 Private meeting in the early morning?

At [-]:[-] p.m., Lin Chen left the house. He wanted to buy a camera anyway. Although his mobile phone could also be made into a 'Tianlei camera', there was a creator chip inside, so this idea was not realistic.

Lin Chen left the alley. At this time, there were very few taxis at the alley. He managed to get one, but was caught by others. Since Lin Chen had just made a breakthrough and had just recovered from his injuries, and he fought Hua Tianming again in the afternoon, Lin Chen Chen still couldn't use the divine power in his body happily, so in order not to hurt himself, Lin Chen had no choice but to choose a taxi.

Finally, Lin Chen saw a taxi driving towards him, Lin Chen waved quickly, but the taxi didn't stop.


Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, Lin Chen didn't want to wait any longer, so he teleported to the taxi with a Swift Shadow Fist, and the taxi slammed on the brakes when it saw Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Lin Chen directly opened the car door and sat in: "What's the matter, the empty car won't pick up passengers?"

The driver frowned and looked at Lin Chen. He looked very strange, with a peaked cap on his head, which was deliberately pressed down, and he was holding a SLR camera in his hand.

"Brother, I'm not a taxi driver, you go down."

"Not a taxi driver? Think I'm blind!"

Lin Chen didn't intend to get out of the taxi. There were few taxis in the first place, so he didn't know how long he would have to wait.

Just as the driver was about to say something, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

The driver said impatiently.

"I have diarrhea. You go first!"

A weak man's voice came from the phone.

"You are! If you don't come, who will take pictures?!"

The driver said angrily, but the man on the other end of the phone still refused, it seemed that his stomach was about to be pulled out by him.

Seeing this, the driver turned his head and glanced at Lin Chen: "Okay, I'll find someone else! Then don't take credit from me!"

After the driver hung up the phone, he looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Brother, will you use SLR?"

"What the hell?"

Of course Lin Chen knew what a DSLR was, and he also knew that the driver wanted him to take pictures, but let alone his business!
"To tell you the truth, brother, I am a reporter, there is big news in Tiannan City tonight, so..."

"So you asked me to shoot? Sorry, no time!"

Lin Chen resolutely refused, there must be something wrong with the driver, he is just a passenger, how could he take pictures for him.

"Will you do it for 100 yuan!"

The driver took out his wallet as he spoke, as if he wanted to smash Lin Chen to death with money.

"I'll give you 1000 yuan, and send me to Tiannan city center!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, the driver shook his head.

"It's up to you, I'm leaving."

If that's the case, Lin Chen didn't intend to delay here, but when Lin Chen just opened the car door, the driver stepped on the accelerator abruptly, making Lin Chen sit back in the car.

"It's too late to explain, get in the car!"

As the driver said, he threw the DSLR to Lin Chen: "Help me take a picture of that black Audi in front of me."


Lin Chen stared at the Audi A8 in front, and then urged his consciousness to sweep away.

"This is?"

Lin Chen closed his eyes and frowned and muttered, because a female figure he was somewhat familiar with appeared in the car. This woman was sitting in the back seat, looking very happy while looking at her mobile phone, and the driver was a bald and strong man.

"Isn't that who?"

Lin Chen continued to think about this woman, then opened his eyes suddenly, and subconsciously said: "Mo Han?"

"Hey, big brother has good eyesight, can you recognize the big star Mo Han sitting here?"

While driving nervously, the driver said in admiration that from this angle, he could only see half of the other person's head in the front Audi, so Lin Chen could see that it was Mo Han, which surprised the driver.

And this Mo Han is the girl who appeared at the interview with Lin Chen's voice that day, and she seems to have some friendship with Chen Ting.

"Oh, so you're a paparazzi!"

Lin Chen glanced at the driver with a look of sudden realization.

"I prefer to be called Explorer."

The driver Niu coaxed and said, those who didn't know thought he was engaged in some powerful job.


Lin Chen didn't know how to answer the words, this person must have something wrong with being a paparazzi.

However, Lin Chen was not very interested in Mo Han. He was going to get off the car directly, but the paparazzi driver said again: "Brother, the news that Mo Han came to Tiannan City today is the first-hand information, you just need to do me a favor." , from now on you will be my dear brother!"

"not me."

As soon as Lin Chen opened his mouth, the paparazzi interrupted again: "It is said that Mo Han is going to meet a mysterious person tonight, and he is probably the boss behind the Lin Group, early morning!"

When the paparazzi said this, Lin Chen finally became interested: "Morning?"

"Well, you must have heard of this prodigy in the technology circle, right? Last time Mo Han came to participate in the voice interview of the Lin Group, there were rumors that she was there to meet Qingchen, and this time she came to Tiannan City again, Judging from my years of experience in news exploration, it must be the secret meeting in the early morning."

The paparazzi driver said very firmly, while Lin Chen sat beside him with a face full of embarrassment, thinking: If you want to meet me secretly, how come I don't know?
Seeing that Lin Chen had stopped talking, the paparazzi driver said with a doubtful tone: "Big brother, you haven't heard about the early hours of the morning, have you? Hey, young people nowadays only focus on the entertainment industry, so they are really ignorant."

"slightly heard"

In fact, Lin Chen really wanted to yell at him, how can there be a paparazzi who asks others for help and doesn't treat himself like a human being?

"Ha ha."

The driver let out a disdainful laugh again, and there was a faint smell of disdain in the car all the time.

The paparazzi's car has been driving with Mo Han for about ten minutes, but the driver of the Audi is obviously an old driver, because he has been circling here for the past ten minutes, the purpose is to prevent the paparazzi from following him.

However, this paparazzi driver is also very experienced, no matter what fork in the road the other party goes, the paparazzi will follow him in a leisurely manner.

"Brother, as soon as Mo Han shows his face later, you will take pictures immediately." The paparazzi said this, and suddenly thought of something: "You don't know how to use a DSLR, do you?"

Lin Chen didn't like to hear the paparazzi's words: "I can't use a SLR? Haha, what a joke."

Lin Chen touched the DSLR in his hand and said, "By the way, which button is it to turn on?"


The paparazzi was so choked by Lin Chen that he almost slammed on the brakes and threw himself out: "Don't you know how to use it?"

"Of course I can use it, but I can't turn it on, can't I?"

Lin Chen was still very unconvinced. Although he was embarrassed in his heart, he must pretend to be an old driver on the surface.

Afterwards, the paparazzi held the steering wheel with his left hand, extended his right hand to the DSLR, and quickly turned on the machine for Lin Chen.

"The shutter button is here, you can press it later when I ask you to press it."

The paparazzi tapped the shutter button on the SLR to remind him.

"Okay, I get it."

After Lin Chen wrote down the shutter button the driver said, he took out his phone and opened the search engine.

"It seems that the other party is no longer going around in circles."

After the paparazzi finished speaking, the Audi A8 ahead drove towards the northern outskirts of Tiannan City, and it seemed that it was preparing to drive to the real destination.

"Brother, take a picture in the car first, don't poke your head!"

After the paparazzi reminded him, Lin Chen didn't respond at all.


The paparazzi looked ahead and yelled again, but Lin Chen still didn't respond. The paparazzi who couldn't bear it finally turned his head to look at Lin Chen's movement.

"Talent!!! You still need to find out how to compose a sneak shot?"

(End of this chapter)

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