Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 125 Heading to the Extremely Cold Land

Chapter 125 Heading to the Extremely Cold Land
Early the next morning, Lin Chen stood at the gate of the manor early. It was so dark outside that Lin Chen couldn't tell whether it was day or night.

Ten minutes later, Cang Yong walked behind Lin Chen with Yan Huyue.

"Morning, Lin Chen."

Cang Yong said with a smile, Lin Chen heard Cang Yong's voice and turned around: "Morning!"

Lin Chen glanced at Yan Huyue, this woman seemed to have a lot of dissatisfaction with herself, probably if it wasn't for Cang Yong, she would never have walked with Lin Chen.

"lets go!"

After Cang Yong finished speaking, he pressed the remote control in his hand. Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen felt that the whole house was like an earthquake. After just a few seconds, the darkness outside the door was replaced by a sunny morning.

Lin Chen thought it was amazing, but he didn't ask any more questions, he opened the door and walked out.

After Cang Yong walked out of the door, the car that carried him to the sky that night fell from the sky and appeared in front of the three of them.

"Get in the car, it will take you to the periphery of the extremely cold place."

Cang Yong said, and reminded: "By the way, the extremely cold place is full of dangers. Although there are no wild beasts, there is a hidden family lurking in the secular world, the Leng family!"

"Cold home?"

Lin Chen asked suspiciously, he didn't understand what kind of existence a hidden family was.

"After getting in the car, Hu Yue will tell you."

Cang Yong didn't explain too much. When Lin Chen and Yan Huyue got into the car, the car immediately hung in the air, then rose rapidly, and left quickly.

Lin Chen, who was sitting in the car, didn't even look at Yan Huyue, his eyes were staring straight ahead. This flying car is very strange, because there is no one in the main driver, so how exactly does it control it?
Yan Huyue, who was already aloof, saw that Lin Chen was so indifferent to her, so she was even more lazy to talk to him.

Along the way, neither of them said a word, the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, at least fifty times faster than the planes in the secular world, and the surrounding scenery became blurred.

"New friend, are you the one who was seriously injured that night?"

Suddenly, a teenager's voice came from inside the car, which made Lin Chen feel very strange: "Who is talking?"

"Haha, don't you know? I'm not the car that's driving you?"

The boy's voice continued to be heard from inside the car.


Lin Chen was startled, why didn't he expect that this car could talk?

"Xiaopeng, why are you talking so much?"

Yan Huyue scolded with a displeased expression.

"Sister Fox, I've been making cars for so many years, and it's boring."

The boy's voice was full of grievances.

"Then you are not allowed to talk to this person, do you hear me?"

Yan Huyue said in a commanding tone, causing the young man to keep honking his horn, as if in protest.

"Xiaopeng? Why can you talk? Also, are you human?"

Lin Chen asked suddenly, because he felt the soul of another creature in the car with his spiritual sense.

"I'm not a human. However, I was a roc before, and after that."

"Xiao Peng!!"

Yan Huyue interrupted Xiaopeng loudly, and stamped her feet in dissatisfaction.

"Sister Fox, I was wrong, it hurts me to death."

Xiaopeng said aggrievedly, and Lin Chen was even more surprised. The car was stepped on twice by Yan Huyue, and the other party still hurt?

Lin Chen was full of questions, but he didn't want to ask too much, after all, there was a woman who hated him next to him.

"If you think I hurt you and made you angry with me, then I apologize to you."

Lin Chen didn't even look at what Yan Huyue said.

This sudden apology surprised Yan Huyue. Didn't expect this cold-blooded person to apologize?

"Wow, you are so powerful, you can still hurt Sister Fox."

Xiaopeng couldn't help but complimented Lin Chen. In his memory, although Yan Huyue was not Cang Yong's strongest subordinate, he was the most arrogant. The rest of the people in the village respected Yan Huyue, so Hearing Lin Chen's words made Xiaopeng look at Lin Chen with admiration.

"Who are you helping? Heartless thing!"

When Yan Huyue heard Xiaopeng's words, she felt even more upset. This kid really helps people regardless of who they are. It's a good thing that I treat him so well.

"Okay, I was just joking."

Xiaopeng's voice was still a little coquettish, which made Yan Huyue's anger dissipate for the most part.

This wonderful journey lasted for three full days and three nights. Lin Chen and Yan Huyue never spoke, but they talked to Xiaopeng without saying a word.

Suddenly, Xiaopeng's speed slowed down, and then landed in a deserted place.

"Lin Chen, Sister Fox is here."

Xiaopeng said.

Then the car door opened automatically, and Lin Chen and Yan Huyue walked to the car door on the other side.

"Sister Fox, you probably won't be able to enter the extremely cold place today, so you might as well find a place to rest for the night before going."

After the two got out of the car, Xiaopeng did not forget to remind them.

"You don't need to teach me, go back quickly, and pick me up after seven days!"

"Okay, then I'm leaving, bye, Sister Fox, Lin Chen!"

As Xiaopeng said, he flew directly into the sky and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lin Chen was standing in a desolate place, surrounded by dense forests. The atmosphere in the entire forest was very strange. Lin Chen scanned it with his divine sense, and was surprised to find that there was no creature within ten miles.

"Where is this?"

Lin Chen couldn't help asking.

But Yan Huyue didn't answer Lin Chen's words, and walked forward on his own. In desperation, Lin Chen had no choice but to follow.

The two of them walked for nearly an hour, and the whole forest was like a huge maze. If Yan Huyue didn't know the way out, it would have taken ten times as long with Lin Chen alone.

After walking out of the forest, there is a desert area outside. The forest and desert are connected together strangely, giving people a very strange feeling.

The strangest thing about this desert is that the surrounding temperature is frighteningly cold despite the scorching sun. Fortunately, Lin Chen is a cultivator, otherwise he would have turned into a human popsicle after walking here for a while.

The two of them were still silent along the way, Yan Huyue's speed was very brisk, but despite the fast pace, Yan Huyue and Lin Chen still walked for two full hours.


Seeing that Yan Huyue stopped, Lin Chen asked subconsciously.


Yan Huyue didn't answer, but Lin Chen showed surprise. At this time, a huge pit appeared in the desert, and there was a modern hotel-like building under the pit.

The strangest thing is that the hotel is built in a deep pit, half in the desert, and half in the ice and snow.

Only then did Lin Chen suddenly realize that not far away was a land of ice, and the central point and the desert were divided into two, which is really a wonder in the world!

Afterwards, Yan Huyue twisted her hands and feet a little, and ran towards the deep pit quickly. The slope of the deep pit was trembling, but Yan Huyue's legs stood firmly on it.

Seeing this, Lin Chen didn't stop much, and quickly followed with his divine power.

(End of this chapter)

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