Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 146 Breaking the Cycle

Chapter 146 Breaking the Cycle
Thinking of the scene just now, the man in the robe still looked terrified.

"So, I went back to where I started, and after thinking about it for a while, I ended up going to the right."

After the robed man finished speaking, Lin Chen's eyes suddenly widened: "You said you had already walked to the right?"


The robed man nodded, not understanding why Lin Chen reacted so strongly.

"It's strange. I started walking in the middle, and it took me a long time to go to the right. If you came out early in the morning, you should have walked in front of me. Why did you appear behind me?"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, the robed man finally realized that something was wrong.

"So you walked in the middle? I thought you were following me all the time."

Right now, both of them are in a state of confusion. Could it be that the time in this cave is out of order?Why does the same self appear, what has happened and what will happen?

"Someone is watching us."

Lin Chen suddenly said, the robed man also sensed another gaze at this time.

Afterwards, Lin Chen looked at the entrance of the cave he just walked out of and said, "Come out."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, after a while, another person exactly like himself came to the entrance of the cave, followed by the man in robes.

When the eyes of the identical people on both sides met, they were all very surprised, as if they were looking in a mirror.


Lin Chen on both sides spoke at the same time, and then the two Lin Chen looked at each other and smiled: "You thought about it too?"

The two spoke at the same time.


And this question happened to be the two robed men who spoke at the same time.

The four of them felt strange and amazing at the same time. What happened to all this?

"You or I?"

The two Lin Chens asked at the same time: "Why don't you come?"


The two men in robes are very speechless at this moment, can they not be so tacit at times?

Afterwards, the two Lin Chens were silent, waiting for the other to speak, but even the two Lin Chens who had the same thoughts had no choice but to speak at the same time: "It's like this, in a sense, this cave is It's a time loop that not only sees the past, but also the future."


The man in the robe didn't understand what Lin Chen was saying at all.

"It's very simple. Generally speaking, everything we have experienced or will happen in the future will be staged in this cave."

"And why do they exist?"

The robed man asked aloud.

Lin Chen stroked his thoughts, and continued: "Because every choice we make, including a small thought in our mind, will form a new 'time and space' in the cave, and we will be in this chaotic future and past time and space. Keep losing yourself, and finally fall into the cave forever, experiencing your own cycle after cycle!"

Lin Chen's words were mysterious, but the robed man finally understood at this time, that is to say, maybe what they are analyzing now, they will be doing the same thing in a certain period of time in the future, and now they are doing the same thing. Isn't what you're doing exactly a loop in the loop?

"It stands to reason that what we are doing now may have been done in the future. However, we must rely on ourselves to solve the mystery of this cave."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he sat on the ground, and then another Lin Chen also sat on the ground. The two robed men were very puzzled when they saw this.

"What are you doing?"


"Wait for what?"

Lin Chen closed his eyes and continued: "We don't need to go anymore, because this cave is the one we haven't gone out of. If we keep going, in addition to one cycle after another, more 'us' will be born. So now we just have to wait."

"Wait for the 'us' of the past and the future to return to the origin!"

After Lin Chen explained, he stopped talking, and the robed man followed Lin Chen and sat on the ground.

"Don't think about anything, one of your thoughts may give birth to another self!"


The two men in long robes nodded, and entered the samadhi state together with Lin Chen. There was nothing in their minds. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for ordinary people to deliberately stop thinking, but fortunately, they are all spiritual practitioners and can completely enter samadhi , keep your mind blank.

The surroundings are so quiet that you can't even hear the other person's breathing. Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

'Lin Chen' and 'The Man in Robe' kept coming from the openings on all sides. In the end, the whole cave was crowded with these two people, as if Lin Chen and the Man in Robe were copied and pasted.

Those same selves, looking at Lin Chen and the robed man sitting on the ground, seemed to realize something immediately, and imitated them and sat on the ground.

The whole scene is very weird. If someone sees this scene, it is estimated that they will be scared out of mental illness.

Time passed quickly, and it seemed to pass very slowly, but in the end time did not move at all, at least for Lin Chen and the robed man in the cave.

Lin Chen and the robed man's brains were blank at this time, without any thoughts, just sitting quietly.

At this moment, the figures of those who looked the same as the two of them began to blur.

Then, one by one, countless Lin Chen and the robed man began to float towards the two sitting in the middle, and when they got close to Lin Chen and the two, they directly merged into their bodies.

Other entrances in the cave will continue to pour in Lin Chen and the robed man, but each of them will sit on the ground blankly after a while, and then float towards Lin Chen and the others.

In the end, the number of Lin Chen and the robed man in the cave became less and less, until only the two of them were left in the cave.

At this time, Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes and said, "It's almost there!"

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, the robed man opened his eyes, only to see that all the entrances in front of him disappeared at the same time, and the cave in front of him became a dead end with no way out.

"Now, it's finally back to normal here!"

Lin Chen's words caused surprise to appear on the robed man's face, and then the cave began to shake violently again.

Sudden!Above their heads, a large dark iron gate appeared.

"It seems that the exit is close at hand."

Lin Chen raised his head and muttered.

"Then let's go!"

The robed man said excitedly, then stood up and prepared to open the big iron gate above their heads.

"I won't stop you from going in now, anyway, I'll wait for you in the next cycle."

Lin Chen's words made the robed man quickly stop what he was doing, and quickly looked at Lin Chen: "What do you mean?"

"You'll know right away!"

Lin Chen said pretending to be mysterious, and then fell silent.

Not long after Lin Chen finished speaking, the entire cave had a huge tilt, obviously losing its balance, but the two of them were still unaffected, and they still stood there without moving.


After the robed man finished speaking in confusion, he saw that the big iron gate that was above their heads had appeared right in front of them.

At this time, Lin Chen finally stood up, looked at the iron gate and said, "Now, this is the real exit."

"how do you know?"

After the robed man finished asking this question, before Lin Chen could answer, he looked around in shock.

I saw more than 100 corpses around them. From the visual inspection, these people had been dead for many years.

"Are these the cultivators who were once trapped and died here?"

(End of this chapter)

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