Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 149 The place where bitter cold flowers grow

Chapter 149 The place where bitter cold flowers grow
Even so, Lin Chen didn't care about anything, he just felt that everything in this palace was so magical, especially the cat in Leng Hanming's arms.

As the ice cubes rose slowly, Lin Chen's vision became wider and wider. Only then did he notice that the palace did not have any climbing tools like stairs or elevators.

The design of each floor can be seen to be carefully crafted by Leng Hanming.

"Unexpectedly, the person who was so cold and chilling just now has such an artistic side."

Lin Chen couldn't help but think in his heart that the design of this kind of palace must be created by someone who is full of artistic atmosphere and has ideas.

After a few more minutes, Ice finally brought Lin Chen and Leng Hanming to the top of the palace.


The top of Leng Hanming's head was only one hand away from the top of the palace.


As soon as Lin Chen asked, Leng Hanming raised his head, and then the top opened slowly like an ice window.

Snowflakes kept falling from above, and the ice cubes flew up with Leng Hanming first, and then Lin Chen also came to the top of the palace.

When the ice cube fell to the ground, it soon became one with the ice and snow, and Leng Hanming also bent down to put Xiaohan down.

"Bitter cold flower, right here."

Lin Chen was very surprised when Leng Hanming said this sentence out of the blue.

"Where is the Bitter Cold Flower?"

As Lin Chen said, his eyes kept scanning the surroundings, but apart from the thick snow and ice on the palace, he had never seen a flower-like object.

At this time, Leng Hanming stretched out his hand and directly covered the skylight of the palace. On the tip of the skylight grew a blue and white flower.

"It's here!"

Lin Chen said in surprise, it's no wonder that these people from the hidden family have come and gone for so many years, and no one has found the bitter cold flower. It turns out that the bitter cold flower grows on the palace.

And you have to use the wrong way to enter the extremely cold place to get here. The key is that no one has walked out of the cave. In this way, who can find the bitter cold flower?

"Many years ago, there were rumors that bitter cold flowers grew in extremely cold places, but I have lived here for so many years and did not know where the bitter cold flowers grow. It was not until I started building this palace that I discovered The Bitter Cold Flower originally grew on this huge icicle."

Leng Hanming also felt that there were indeed too many coincidences to explain many things, and some rare things really needed fate.

"Are you really willing to give it to me?"

Lin Chen looked at Leng Hanming and asked.

Leng Hanming didn't speak, and continued to say: "When each bitter cold flower blooms, it needs to experience 50 years of wind and snow, and it may not grow healthily. I have only harvested one plant in these hundreds of years. , this should be regarded as the second intact bitter cold flower."

Leng Hanming looked at the bitter cold flower and said, then walked to the side of the bitter cold flower: "If you need this bitter cold flower, Leng is willing to give it to you, which is also our fate."

Listening to Leng Hanming's words, Lin Chen seemed to understand something: "It seems that there should be some other conditions for this fate, right?"

Leng Hanming nodded noncommittally, and then said: "Others say that the cold poison of our Leng family can be resolved by the cold poison of the extremely cold place, but they don't know that the reason we are trapped here is because Because of these cold poisons, our cold poison is not special, and it is brought to us by the extremely cold place."

"It turned out to be so"

Lin Chen murmured, he didn't expect that there were still many people guessing about the rumors outside. Sure enough, only those who were inside could really know the truth of the matter.

"What do you want me to do?"

Lin Chen also understood what Leng Hanming meant now, it seemed that he should need something that could undo the cold poison, but he was restricted and couldn't get out of this place.

Leng Hanming didn't answer directly, and walked to the side of the palace alone, pointed to the front: "After climbing over three high mountains, you can enter the so-called real extremely cold place. Ruins, it is said that there is something that can undo the cold poison of the extremely cold place.”

Leng Hanming's words made Lin Chen look around, and there were icebergs one after another in the distance, and the mountains were closely connected.

"The secret of the cave plus the item to unlock the cold poison in exchange for the bitter cold flower, would you like it?"

Leng Hanming looked at Lin Chen and asked, with a little hope in his eyes.

Lin Chen kept estimating in his heart, no matter how he counted, he seemed to be at a loss, but right now he had no other choice, not to mention that Lin Chen couldn't do things like killing people and seizing treasures, besides, Leng Hanming's cultivation level was far away Above him, even Puppet Qian of the Shenzong period was not a one-stroke enemy of Leng Hanming. How could Lin Chen, a master of the general period, have the capital to fight against Leng Hanming?
Seeing that Lin Chen was still hesitating, Leng Hanming hurriedly said, "Do you have the Wannian Cultivation Pill that hasn't been fully refined in your body?"

Lin Chen was taken aback by Leng Hanming's words: "How do you know?"

"If you can help me find the item to undo the cold poison, in addition to the bitter cold flower, I can also help you refine the Wannian Cultivation Pill. Of course, it is impossible to completely refine it, but at least it can make you reach the late stage of the god general Peak, how is this deal?"


Lin Chen was very shocked, this Leng Hanming could actually promote Lin Chen to the peak of the later stage of the god general?It's just unbelievable.

Dan Linchen, who has cultivated for ten thousand years, is also very familiar with it. This kind of thing can't be refined by ordinary cultivators, even masters who have reached the stage of spirit gods.

"Could it be that you are the peak of the late spirit god?"

Lin Chen asked.

Leng Hanming nodded slightly: "Perhaps after undoing the cold poison, I will be able to formally enter the road of becoming a god at nine ranks."

Lin Chen was so shocked by Leng Hanming's words that he didn't open his mouth for a long time. Now Lin Chen has lost his memory. Although he doesn't know what it will be like to become a god after nine turns, but based on his understanding of the cultivator, when he reaches the peak of the late spirit god, he will be free The use of their own soul power and divine power, the two complement each other.

Not only that, but there is also a huge gap between the peak powerhouses in the late stage of the spirit god. A spirit god master who has just broken through to the peak stage and a spirit god master like Leng Hanming who is about to turn nine into a god are completely a baby and a martial arts master. Master's comparison.

Some people may be stuck at the breakthrough point in 1000 or 1 years, or perish on the way to becoming a god after turning nine.

"Senior Leng, your business is on my shoulders!"

Lin Chen's attitude towards Leng Hanming suddenly became very respectful. He was already at the peak of the late spirit god, but he was still so humble and polite to a master of the general stage. From Lin Chen's point of view, Leng Hanming His self-cultivation is indeed unmatched by ordinary cultivators.

It's as if Puppet Yueqian, a master of the Shenzong period, is dragged like a twenty-five million to eighty thousand all day long.

"Then Leng, thank you for your help!"

(End of this chapter)

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