Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 406: The Birth of the Divine Dragon!

Chapter 406: The Birth of the Divine Dragon!

"Hahahahaha, Fanyu, Fanyu, you underestimate God's Domain too much!"

Even though the sky god was kneeling, he didn't have the slightest fear, and still laughed wildly without restraint. While the sky god was laughing wildly, the faceless people he brought rushed into the sky god's body one by one crazily.

Lin Chen is no stranger to these faceless people. Three faceless murderous people appeared in Shila. These faceless people are obviously the condensation of emotions in the mortal world.

After those faceless people entered the body of the God of the Sky, the entire Tianshan Mountain began to tremble. Fan Yu, who was originally indifferent, finally showed a flustered expression on his face.

"what is this?"

Fan Yu didn't know why the god of the sky suddenly possessed such terrifying power. It seemed that every kind of power in his body had reached its peak, and even Fan Yu didn't dare to confront him head-on.

"Do you think my power is just that? Let me tell you, in God's Domain, the most powerful thing is the power of nature that you cannot grasp in the six realms, and... emotions!"


Fan Yu is at a loss, what the hell is emotion?

"The power of nature can destroy everything in the world, and as the most intelligent human beings, they are the masters of this world. Every thought of theirs will give birth to invisible power. When these powers gather together, they will be invincible! "

"Human emotions?"

Fan Yu didn't expect that the extreme power that appeared in the body of the sky god came from the human beings in the mortal world. Human beings are the most inconspicuous existences in the six worlds. How could they have such power?
After standing up, the god of the sky continued to look down at Fan Yu, and said: "These emotional forces will condense into faceless people over time, and I will not use them one by one for my own use, but let them They continue to collect emotions in the mortal world until they condense into a stronger force. Do you know why there are so many natural and man-made disasters in the mortal world? This is exactly what our God Realm created for them. Only after people die, the power of those emotions can Only by playing to the extreme can we be used by my God's Domain, for so many years, our God's Domain seems to be protecting the mortal world, but in reality we are humming hahahahaha."

The god of the sky laughed wildly and unscrupulously. These words were especially harsh in Lin Chen's ears. He is a mortal himself, and he has also seen poor people whose families were ruined because of natural disasters and man-made disasters. The god of the sky in the realm of the gods, in order to gain more powerful power, sacrificed those innocent people, it is really hateful! ! !

After hearing the words of the God of the Sky, Fan Yu completely understood, but he never imagined that such a weak human being could create such terrifying power because of emotions, and even he himself was no longer the God of the Sky's opponent up.

"what on earth do you want?"

Fan Yu no longer had the calmness he had just now. What he fears most now is that his God Realm will be destroyed because of this.

People in their realm will never fight to the death like a cultivator. As long as the opponent shows his strength, he can tell who is strong and who is weak at a glance. This is why Fan Yu did not continue to fight against the god of the sky. root cause.

"What do I want? Hahahaha, you are really stupid to ask this question. I have already controlled your God Realm, so of course I will rule the entire God Realm."

The God of the Sky said this very easily, and he didn't pay attention to Fanyu, the Supreme God of the God Realm.

"When I rule the entire God Realm, the Six Realms will be under my control, and I will also establish a new order. I will also change my name to God of the World, hahahaha."

The God of the Sky had an exceptionally bright smile. He had waited for this day for too long. God's Domain, who had never participated in any battles, finally showed his true colors after gaining enough strength.

"You think beautiful!"

Fan Yu would never let his God Realm be destroyed in the hands of the God Realm, even if he knew he was no match for the God of the Sky, he still had to fight!

I saw that Fanyu poured out the divine power from his body, and the whole body burst into a huge ray of light. That monstrous power made the surrounding gods avoid their edge one after another. The god of the sky was facing Fanyu's divine power. At that time, the smile became deeper and deeper.

"The power of your God Realm is no longer worth mentioning."

After the Sky God finished speaking, he raised his right foot and stomped hard on Fan Yu's body.


The foot of the god of the sky stepped on Fan Yu's body without any accident. Fan Yu tried his best to resist this force, but his legs still softened slowly. This may be his life. The heaviest force ever endured.

"The Supreme God of the God Realm is like an ant in front of me!"

The God of the Sky looked relaxed, but his right foot was exerting more force, seeing that Fan Yu would be trampled to death by the God of the Sky.

"Shenlong is born!!!"

At the last moment, Fan Yu yelled loudly, streaks of golden light appeared in the sky, and the golden dragon on his body suddenly faded. In the sky, a huge golden dragon suddenly appeared. His appearance made the whole Tianshan became pitch black.

The sky god also noticed the appearance of the golden dragon, and he frowned slightly.

"Is it the strongest thing in the God Realm?"

The God of the Sky looked at the golden dragon and muttered, this golden dragon is a divine beast that protects the God Realm. Even the legendary four great beasts, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Suzaku, are not worth mentioning in front of the golden dragon.

"Shenlong is the supreme guardian of the God Realm, and it was also left to the God Realm by the God Venerable. No matter how strong your God Realm is, it can't compare to a divine beast of the God Venerable's old man!!"

When Fan Yu saw the god of the sky in a daze, he quickly got off his right foot. Fan Yu shook the dust off his clothes and fixed his eyes on Shenlong.

"Shenlong, this person is the God of the Sky in the God Realm, and wants to invade my God Realm domain, please help the God Realm to resist foreign enemies!"

Fan Yu looked at the Golden Dragon with an unusually pious expression. After all, it is a divine beast that has always accompanied the existence of the deity. Fan Yu must be respected in every possible way for this identity alone.


The golden dragon let out a wild roar, and his eyes were hostile to the God of the sky. At this moment, something that no one could have imagined happened.

I saw Jin Long slowly opened his mouth and started to speak.

"Master once said that the greatest enemy of the God Realm is from the God Realm. It seems that Master's prediction is indeed true!"

The golden dragon's voice was particularly thick, and it seemed as if it was going to swallow the whole world with its breath. The sky god didn't expect that there would be such a powerful beast in the God Realm, and he felt a little uneasy.

Facing Shenlong, the God of the Sky finally showed a trace of panic on his expression.


Lin Chen was speechless at the side, he did not expect that a battle between the God Realm and the God Realm would lead to the legendary dragon, and he did not expect that the power of the Sky God in the God Realm was so powerful that even Fan Yu could Not its one-stroke enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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