Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 412 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 412 The Unexpected Person

The door directly in front of Lin Chen began to move slowly, and the moment the door opened, a man's back appeared in front of Lin Chen's eyes.

Even though Lin Chen has never seen the middle-aged man's face, he is still very familiar with his figure. He is convinced that this man is the middle-aged man who has been living in his subconscious, but he does not know when he has left his body. subconscious.

Lin Chen stared closely at the middle-aged man, and moved slowly.

When Lin Chen entered the tenth gate, he was only one meter away from the man. At this moment, Lin Chen said, "Tell me, who are you?"

"my name is"

The middle-aged man turned his head slowly, and when he met Lin Chen's eyes, the middle-aged man smiled: "My name is Lin Chen, nice to meet you."


Lin Chen's outlook on the world, outlook on life, etc. collapsed at this moment. The middle-aged man in front of him not only has the same name as himself, but also looks exactly the same, just like Lin Chen after entering middle age.

Lin Chen stared blankly at the middle-aged version of Lin Chen for a long time. The appearance of this person was exactly the same as his own, except that there were many wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and a door knocker mustache. He looked like a middle-aged uncle.

"I know you're surprised, don't worry, although you and I are both Lin Chen, I'm not the kind of you you thought you traveled from many years later."

The middle-aged Lin Chen's explanation made Lin Chen slowly wake up from the surprise, but seeing the face of the other party, Lin Chen still couldn't accept it at all, it was too much! ! !Vicissitudes a bit..

"sit down."

Seeing Lin Chen's reaction, the middle-aged Lin Chen shook his head helplessly.

"You don't need to sit down, please explain to me first, why do you look the same as me?"

How could Lin Chen be in the mood to sit down and listen to the other party's bb?Quick explanation is the top priority.

"Haven't you discovered the secret in the front door? This world is not as simple as one time and one world. The Lin Chen who gave you a soul and gave you a new life came from a man called 21 by the locals. In the era of the century, there was no martial arts, no divine power, and all the gods only existed in legends. It was an ordinary but cruel world, and Lin Chen was destined to live an ordinary life in the future. , so such a mediocre life, why waste it here, but you, let me see a different Lin Chen."

What the middle-aged Lin Chen said made Lin Chen completely dumbfounded, what is this 21st century, what kind of mess is this?

"Aren't you curious that there are always some things in this world that others don't know at all in your mind? For example, what Pangu and Black Whirlwind Li Kui in your mind do not exist in your time and space. The reason why you have these memories is because It's just a vague memory or fragments brought to you by Lin Chen who gave you your soul."

After Lin Chen heard these words, he had an expression of sudden realization. It turned out that he had not lost his memory, but had been strung together with his soul memory.

"Then who are you?"

Lin Chen already understood almost everything about Lin Chen in the 21st century, but where did this middle-aged version of Lin Chen come from?

"Me? I believe you have also seen those murals in the cave. I am from another time and space, a person from the Y century, and I was also called Dr. Lin by the people of that century. Maybe you can also call me the king of the world?"

What the middle-aged Lin Chen said made Lin Chen stunned for a while, such as the Y century or the king of the ghost world, it was just like a joke.

"In the Y century, I have been concentrating on the mystery of parallel time and space. After I became an adult, I have discovered that there are countless parallel time and space in this world. Every time you think, you will generate a different time and space. For example, if you go to the God Realm today It was decided, but if you hesitate, it is very likely that you will be born who is not willing to go to the God Realm, and a second time and space will be formed unnaturally."

Lin Chen understood what the middle-aged Lin Chen said this time, which means that each choice is likely to give birth to a different parallel time and space, so if you make different choices, there will be two completely different results.

The middle-aged Lin Chen saw that Lin Chen had no new problems, so he continued: "But these parallel time-spaces will not form a brand new world, but ideological time-spaces that exist in nothingness. They are invisible and intangible. You They can't go there, and they can't come in, so it doesn't hurt at all. However, in this ideological parallel space-time, the universe also gave birth to ten parallel time-spaces. Each of these ten parallel time-spaces is a brand new world, such as 21 century, my Y century, and your world full of gods."

When Lin Chen was listening to these words, his brain capacity was a bit insufficient, but he quickly thought why he was able to solve the mystery of chaotic time and space when he went to an extremely cold place last time. It seems that this man lives in his subconscious mind s reason.

"Moreover, in each of these ten time-spaces, there is exactly the same person living in each time-space, with the same name and the same appearance, but the things he experienced are completely different. In Lin Chen's ten time-spaces, only the last one is still alive. Three, one is you, one is me, and the other has become the soul in your body."


Now Lin Chen has almost understood the meaning of the middle-aged version of Lin Chen. As a modern person, Lin Chen still knows some of these sci-fi things.

"Then what's the point of you coming to my world to do this?"

Lin Chen couldn't help but feel strange, you know what you know, isn't it good to be the king of the world in your world?
"Meaning? Hahahaha, Lin Chen, why don't you grow up? When you have the ability like mine, and you have discovered the existence of ten time and space, are you still willing to dominate in only one world? What I have done All of this is to realize the meaning of my existence in this world.”

"What bullshit ability do you have?"

Lin Chen seemed to dislike the other party's words very much, and his arrogance made people sick.

"I can see that you don't like me like this, but you have to know that people who dislike people are often their own shortcomings, so you think I'm arrogant, and why are you not?"


As soon as the words of the middle-aged Lin Chen came out, Lin Chen really thought about it carefully. Every time, no matter how strong the opponent was, he would be as arrogant as he was. In terms of his arrogance, he was more arrogant than the middle-aged Lin Chen. Nothing less than that.

"During the Y century, I not only discovered the top ten secrets of time and space, but also developed a memory transplant system. Simply put, among ordinary people, the body will always decay one day."

(End of this chapter)

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