Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 433 A Strong Return!

Chapter 433 A Strong Return!

Originally, he had no intention of letting anyone related to Lin Chen go. He planned to kill these people after purifying the world, but now that everyone from the entire Xingchen has arrived, it saves the middle-aged Lin Chen from looking for them one by one. up.

"Hi everybody."

The middle-aged Lin Chen smiled sinisterly, this smile made Cang Yong feel very strange, the Lin Chen in front of him seemed to have aged several years, and he was completely different from the Lin Chen he knew well.

"King Lin."

Just as Cang Yong was about to speak, he was interrupted by the middle-aged Lin Chen: "Are you Xingchen's second in command?"

Seeing Lin Chen's smile, Cang Yong couldn't help shivering in his heart. This feeling was too strange, and Cang Yong also smelled an extremely dangerous smell.

"That's right, all the people in the stars have to die today, do you have any objections?"

When the middle-aged Lin Chen said this, everyone present was in an uproar. No one thought that the boss of Xingchen would kill his own people as soon as he said it. Even the gods of Yuntian couldn't guess what Lin Chen wanted to do.

"What's wrong? Afraid of death?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen smiled disdainfully. Looking at the terrified and dazed eyes of these people, he felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment. This is the kind of pleasure that can easily control the death of a group of people on any occasion.

This kind of pleasure has never been felt by the middle-aged Lin Chen in the Y era. Although people in the Y era respect themselves and are afraid of his rights, if the middle-aged Lin Chen dares to openly let others die, it will be very difficult. He would be impeached by a group of people soon, and in that era there was no divine power, the middle-aged Lin Chen provoked the anger of the public, and the only thing waiting for him was death.

"Lord Lin, I don't understand what you mean by that?"

Cang Yong is not old-fashioned, he has already noticed that the incident is not that simple, regardless of what is strange about Lin Chen, Cang Yong is the first one not to allow the people of their stars to die voluntarily.

Moreover, Cang Yong found that there were people from the God Realm not far away staring at this side, thinking that Lin Chen was acting for the people over there.

"What do you mean?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen sneered twice, then his eyelids twitched slightly, and he slapped Cang Yong on the chest casually. Cang Yong died before he even had time to say a word.

"Okay, next!"

The attack and strength of the middle-aged Lin Chen were too terrifying, and the people around could see the opponent's move clearly, because in the blink of an eye, Cang Yong had already vomited blood and died.


After Cang Yong was killed, Yan Huyue was the first to rush forward and hugged Cang Yong. Yan Huyue was adopted by Cang Yong a long time ago. It can be said that in the entire Cang family, Cang Yong is the most loyal to Yan Hu. Yue is the best person. Although they are not related by blood, in Yan Huyue's eyes, Cang Yong is hundreds of times closer than his relatives.

"Lin Chen, how are you?"

Tu Xuejing couldn't help but questioned, this is not the Lin Chen in her impression, although the Lin Chen she is familiar with is not a person full of justice, but it is absolutely impossible to hurt her own people.

At this time, Yan Huyue was still immersed in grief. She never expected that the man she loved would hurt her master. Both sides were Yan Huyue's beloved. Only Yan Huyue who was in it could experience this kind of pain. I will understand.

"Will you be next?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen looked at Tu Xuejing and sneered, and the divine power in his body surged into his hands again. Just when he was about to kill Tu Xuejing, he suddenly looked at the crowd of Xingchen again: "Forget it, one by one is a waste of time Now, why don't I deal with you together!"

As soon as the middle-aged Lin Chen finished speaking, some timid people from Xingchen fell to their knees on the ground with a 'plop', and kept saying, "Don't kill me. Don't kill me."

"It's useless, who told you to enter the stars without dying?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen didn't soften his heart in the face of everyone's entreaties, instead he felt a spontaneous sense of accomplishment.

There are at least 2000 people in Xingchen. When the middle-aged Lin Chen slaps it down, it is estimated that these 2000 people will become a pile of bones.

"Hahaha, give me all to die!!!"

The middle-aged Lin Chen let out a morbid laugh, and exerted the divine power in his body to the extreme. When he struck down with both palms——


The sound of a sharp blade piercing through the air came from a distance.


The middle-aged Lin Chen felt a familiar and powerful momentum rushing towards this side, but the location should be far away, it shouldn't be.

When the middle-aged Lin Chen was still guessing fiercely in his mind, a blade shining with white light was inserted in front of him fiercely, less than one centimeter away from the middle-aged Lin Chen's body.

The handle of this white light blade has a chain that exudes black gas. The blade is dazzling white, and the handle is also extremely black, giving people a strong sense of visual impact.

This sword is as tall as a person, and the middle-aged Lin Chen was also very surprised. He couldn't help thinking: "Is it possible that there are strong enemies in this world?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen felt that it was an accident that Mr. Z appeared after the death of the God of Chaos. It seemed that there was another more difficult guy.


The middle-aged Lin Chen looked at the sword fiercely, and his heart stopped beating for a few tenths of a second, because in the gas of this sword, he found not only the gas of the gods and the underworld, but also the power of the realm of chaos! ! !
Just when the middle-aged Lin Chen was surprised, a familiar voice broke through the air.

"I said it was the person who dared to touch my stars. It turned out to be my good-for-nothing stand-in."

As soon as the voice came out, not only the middle-aged Lin Chen stood there dumbfounded, but everyone also stopped.

"Master Yunhuang, does this voice sound familiar?"

When Bai Canghai heard the other party's voice, he frowned.

"Well, it seems to be."

Before Yun Tian could fully say the other party's name, Tu Xuejing and Yan Huyue raised their heads at the same time and shouted: "Lin Chen!!!?"

"What!? Lin Chen?"

The sound of Lin Chen from Yan Huyue and Tu Xuejing made everyone present feel compelled, because wasn't Lin Chen just standing in front of them?Could it be that these two women are crazy?

At this time, the middle-aged Lin Chen's hands were trembling constantly, and he also recognized that the voice of the other party was Lin Chen, but logically speaking, Lin Chen had already died with the realm of chaos, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be alive .

Just when everyone was still looking up at the sky, the ground suddenly shook wildly at this moment, and the sword inserted in the ground also rose from the ground, breaking through the sky.

When the blade was above the sky, the light shone on the entire earth, and the originally dark night sky was shrouded in light again at this time. A man in a black cloak suddenly appeared beside the sword. Because the light was too dazzling, no one could see it. Know each other's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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