Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 55 Gases with Resistance

Chapter 55 Gases with Resistance

Just as Lin Chen was practicing the condensed gas repeatedly in the practice of Shenquan like a mental retardation, Chen Ting also began to negotiate with the people from the TV station.

At this time, a middle-aged woman wearing glasses walked into Chen Ting's office followed by a cameraman.

"Hello, Miss Chen."

"Hi, please sit down."

Chen Ting looked at the reporter in front of her with a polite smile.

After the reporter sat down, he asked Chen Ting if she was ready. After Chen Ting signaled, the camera behind the reporter also turned on the recording button.

"Miss Chen, I'm a reporter from Shuguang TV Station. I have a few questions for you."

"Excuse me."

"Regarding the fact that Chenchen has such a high popularity on the Internet, why is he still unwilling to show up with fans? This is also a question that most netizens are most concerned about."

Chen Ting listened carefully to every word of the reporter and then replied: "Dr. Ling is a person who values ​​his privacy very much. I know everyone is curious about his identity, but I would like to tell all friends who support Chen Chen that if If you like him, you should respect his decision and put your attention on the early morning creation, right?"

Chen Ting's words are very decent. In fact, people like Lin Chen cannot receive so much attention from people like singers or actors, but it is because of his sense of mystery that everyone is curious. That's why people always want to know his appearance and everything about him.

"Thank you for your answer. Also, how did you create these amazing inventions in the early morning? Whether it is emotional toilet paper or the popular fate coin these two days, it cannot be explained by today's science. Some netizens Also joked that wee hours might be from the future."

Chen Ting couldn't help laughing at the reporter's question, from the future?These netizens have really big brains.

"About this question, I can only say sorry, because even I don't know how he was created, but from the future, I think it is very possible."

Chen Ting said with a smile, inadvertently, the atmosphere of the conversation between the two became active.

Lin Chen has been practicing condensing gas in the Shenquan for a day and a night. Not only did he not feel tired at all, but he became even more excited.

"It works!"

Lin Chen was pleasantly surprised to find that the gas outside his body could already condense a little, but he still had a lot of time to achieve Mr. Z's level of control.

At this time, Lin Chen was condensing the gas at his fingertips, and then violently swung out the Swift Shadow Fist.


Lin Chen became a little speechless, he managed to condense such a trace of gas into his fist, and as a result, the Swift Shadow Fist was a bit slower than before.

"The gas also has its own resistance?"

Lin Chen is suffering from a headache now. He has practiced here for a long time, and you told me that not only could he not improve his attack power and speed, but instead slowed down the Swift Shadow Fist, what kind of logic is this?

Despite this, Lin Chen still stubbornly tried his own Swift Shadow Fist after adding gas over and over again.

"The second floor of Swift Shadow Fist!"

After practicing more than 300 times, Lin Chen stopped panting. His current Swift Shadow Fist is more than twice as slow as his initial one, but fortunately, the condensed gas is also the size of a fist up.

"Awesome, this gas is really invincible!"

Lin Chen has already begun to doubt life at this time. This feeling is like, you are a martial arts master, but one day you suddenly realize a more powerful cultivation method, and then you follow that method day after day. Practice, in the end, you can't even beat your son.

So, is there anything more cheating than this?

Lin Chen sighed helplessly, and then no longer condensed his gas.

"The second of Swift Shadow Fist—!"

Before Lin Chen could finish this set of Swift Shadow Fist, his whole body ran out like a wild horse, as if his fists were loaded with rockets, and he couldn't stop at all!

In the end, Lin Chen's body hit hard on the rock of the cultivation spring, and was bounced away several meters by the transparent ripples on it.

Lin Chen, who was lying on the ground, was a little dazed. What the hell was he doing? Did Mr. Z play tricks on himself on purpose? His ultimate move was not actually gas?The gas is just his trick to deceive me, or to deceive Heng Yanfeng?

Lin Chen's head was in a mess, trying to think of countless possibilities, but he overturned them one by one.

"Try again!"

Lin Chen stood up and decided to try the Swift Shadow Fist a few more times. He comforted himself that he just didn't react.

With a shout, Jiyingquan pierced the air again, and led Lin Chen to circle around the cultivation spring at high speed, like visiting a brothel or a garden.

But Lin Chen could only do his best to control the direction of the Swift Shadow Fist, so as not to let himself hit the rock like just now.

"Mad mental retardation!"

After stopping, Lin Chen couldn't help complaining that although the time was less than three seconds, Lin Chen's reaction and control had to be maintained at 0.0 seconds, otherwise Lin Chen would have hit a real mental retardation long ago.

"Oh, I see, so to condense gas, one must sacrifice speed and strength, or he will be led by the nose by his own martial arts like walking a dog, right?"

Lin Chen could no longer bear his mentally handicapped training for more than a day. If he didn't leave the cultivation spring, he would probably become crazy.

After figuring this out, Lin Chen quickly turned on the teleportation light beam and returned home.

Seeing Lin Chen's safe return, Lin Qing burst into tears of joy.

"Master." Lin Qing flew over quickly, desperately pawing on Lin Chen's shoulder, her thumb-sized cheeks were full of tears.

Seeing this, Lin Chen quickly took out a piece of toilet paper, and gently wiped the tears on Lin Qing's face.

"Master, are you alright?"

Lin Qing raised his head, looked at Lin Chen with tears in his eyes and asked.

"Of course it's fine. Do you want to see me do a few difficult moves?" Lin Chen deliberately teased Lin Qing: "How about showing you a chest-breaking kitchen knife first?"

Seeing Lin Chen's funny look, Lin Qing burst out laughing, yes, this is indeed the master she is familiar with.

Lin's Group.

The one-hour interview was finally over. The reporter stood up and said, "Thanks for your hard work, Ms. Chen."

Chen Ting returned a smile: "It's okay, if you need anything, please contact me anytime."


Just when Chen Ting thought the reporter was going to leave, the reporter stood at the door in embarrassment and secretly glanced at Chen Ting.

"Anything else?"

Hearing Chen Ting's words, the reporter came forward with some embarrassment, and said quietly, "Well, can I ask Master Chen Chen for an autograph?"


Chen Ting's expression froze immediately. She glanced at the 40-year-old reporter and thought to herself: Lin Chen's little girl?No, it should be Miss Mi?My mother?
"is it okay?"

Seeing that Chen Ting was stunned, the reporter couldn't help asking another question.

"no problem."

Chen Ting came back to her senses, secretly happy in her heart.

"But it will take a few days, I will give it to you when we meet next time?"

Chen Ting's answer brought joy to the reporter's face, as if she looked younger by several years.

"Thank you very much, then I'll go first, goodbye."

The reporter couldn't hide his excitement and said, and then left Chen Ting's office.

Chen Ting watched the reporter leaving, shook her head with a smile, and then called Lin Chen's cell phone.

(End of this chapter)

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