I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 105 Chapter 106 Entering Beijing at Night (4 More)

Chapter 105 Chapter 106 Entering Beijing at Night (4 More)
The black light is blind.

Yujing is in chaos, no one walks in the lively night market in the past, the shops and houses along the street are all covered with doors and windows, and from time to time some local hooligans and stragglers take chestnuts from the fire.

"Master Dian, the eldest son asked you to stay at home, the capital is in chaos now, just in case."

Xiangyu, who was following behind Li Ye, looked left and right, with the simple soldiers from the house surrounding Li Ye in the center.

"Don't be so nervous, people nowadays are paying attention to the battle in the imperial city, and we're not here to join in the fun."

Li Ye said leisurely.

Xiangyu was ashamed to hear this, and couldn't help complaining in her heart.

I don't know why Li Ye has such confidence, but she has to worry about something out of control.

A group of people are not moving fast.

"my money."

"No, Lord, I beg you to let my family go, no, no."

All kinds of pleadings sounded from time to time from the houses with uneven levels. In the dark night, there were vague figures, and every time they forced to enter a place, they would have more items, money bags, or small parcels on their bodies.

"Fraudulent villain, die."

As soon as he turned the corner of the street, Li Ye heard a cold shout, and what broke into his field of vision was a beautiful figure with staggered steps, walking quickly from the local hooligans, with swords shining like shadows.

Bang bang bang.

The hooligans fell to the ground almost in no particular order, and a lot of liquid flowed out from the ground.

"Miss, mind your own business."

It's not that the villain at the head is lacking in strength, he was just caught off guard just now, and after realizing it, he immediately took out an iron hook from behind.

Under the hazy reflection of the moon veil, the curved hook tip leaked a blue light, and the weapon was coated with some kind of toxin.

Gold and iron chirping.

The two hand in hand.

It seems that the strength of the two is equal, and even the villain has the upper hand, more daring to fight, repeatedly trying to trade injuries for lives.

"Dian, son, it's Miss Tang from Sijizhuang."

Xiangyu recognized the chivalrous woman and reminded Li Ye.

"Sijizhuang?" Li Ye's eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

He forgot.

However, it sounds a bit impressive.

"Go and help her."

In any case, the people who were harmed were also the people of the Yu Dynasty, so it was fine if he didn't look at it, but if he saw it, he didn't mind eliminating harm for the people.

As soon as the words fell, one of the soldiers guarding around him stepped out, his footsteps flew, and he quickly approached the two people who were fighting.

"Master Hui, be careful."

The person who can follow Li Ye is at least the strength of a mid-level warrior. How can a gangster leader who only has the strength of a warrior be able to resist?

His body slowly fell backwards.

The most powerful people were all dead, and the rest of the ruffians fled after seeing this.

After Tang Yun chased and killed the two hooligans, she knew that the poor should not chase after her, and she hadn't thanked her benefactor, so she hurried back.

"Thank you, I don't know?"

Before she finished speaking, she recognized Xiangyu.

She looked at Xiangyu, then at Li Ye who was protected in the center, and quickly recognized the identities of Li Ye and his party.

Sijizhuang is located in a county, so it can't be said that it is famous, but it is also respected by the forces in the county, but it just loses face in front of Li Ye, a noble prince.

Even if Li Ye turns into ashes, she still remembers it.

"Your Highness, this person?" Xiangyu asked.

Tang Yun moved lightly, her muscles tensed, ready to run away at any moment.

While walking, Li Ye was still thinking.

"I have a little impression of Four Seasons Village, I know it?" He seems to have not heard Xiangyu's hidden meaning, but he is entangled in the background of Four Seasons Village.

In 'Yitian' for more than 20 years, the memory of a small Sijizhuang has long been covered, and there is no need to remember it.

Almost forgot.

Hearing these words, Tang Yun subconsciously grasped the hilt of the sword. She was so fucking pissed off. It was in vain that she still thought about this person who had humiliated her so much every day, and would slap him from time to time in her dreams at night.

But luckily, others didn't remember the Four Seasons Village that she was so proud of.


Xiangyu didn't know what to say, she just blackmailed someone not long ago, so she forgot it so quickly.

"Forget it, leave her alone, let's go."

Since he couldn't remember it, Li Ye ignored it, walked past Tang Yun, and turned towards the end of the street.

When his group passed the corner at the end of the street, Tang Yun's anger turned into a kick, kicking the dead body on the ground.

"I'm mad at you."

A figure flitted across the eaves.

"Junior Sister, what's the matter, and who made you so angry." The person who came was a disciple of Sijizhuang.

Tang Yun was angry and didn't speak, she bent down and picked up the money bag from the dead body.

Jianghu knights, chivalrous and righteous, have to live no matter what, picking up corpses has become a basic skill of Jianghu knights.

"Junior Sister, you've already wasted some time for Master, don't pick it up, come with me quickly."

The visitor urged.

In the quiet night, the lanterns of the yamen swayed with the wind, and the swaying tree shadows were like ghosts. Accompanied by the sound of killing from afar, it was a little more eerie.

The yamen servant standing behind the door trembled, and couldn't even hold the weapon in his hand steadily.

A figure leaped over the fence and landed behind these frightened yamen servants.


"What do you want?"

There was some trembling in the voice, which showed that the speaker was not a bold person.

"Second-class guard in front of the hall, by His Highness's order, you are ordered to open the door." The person who came was Li Ye's soldier, and took out a waist card.

Tongpan in casual clothes looked at the badge, quickly suppressed the fear in his heart, stepped forward to take the badge, took a closer look, and identified the stripes of the royal family, and the material was correct, but the name was a little strange.

"Not too soon."

The judge hesitated for a while, thinking that this place is not an important government office.

"Open the door."

The door opened.

Li Ye leaned on his staff and knife, and walked into this place that he had entered and exited many times, but before, he used a different face.

After he walked in, the door closed again.

"Your Highness, don't you know your honor?"

The judge showed a flattering expression.

"You don't have to worry about me, just be honest." Li Ye said.

He gestured to Xiangyu, then pointed to the cell head, "The key to the dungeon."

The judge was very active, walked quickly to the cell leader, grabbed the key, and walked to the front in a fawning manner.

"Your Highness, I'll take you there, I'll take you there."

After stepping on the stone path, they were familiar with the way, and they soon came to the entrance of the dungeon.

"You stay here."

Li Ye said.

Xiangyu took the key from the judge, handed it to Li Ye, and then led a few soldiers into the dungeon.

"let's start."

He handed the key to the soldier.

The soldiers, like locusts, broke into the cell, identified whether there were martial arts practitioners in it, and detained the martial artist with true energy.

"I am the nephew of Zhang Hengyu's envoy's family. You are so bold. If you dare to touch me, my uncle will not let you go, will not let you go."

Li Ye opened his eyes, and the cold evil spirit flew out of his eyes, making the shouting man dare not shout again.

The man opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't dare to utter a word.


Pulling out the knife, Li Ye thrust his wrist forward, and the tip of the knife pierced through the man's dantian.

(End of this chapter)

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