I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 223 Chapter 227

Chapter 223 Chapter 227
in front of the palace.

Li Ye looked at the glamorous Fengyang in front of him, and his heart was calm.

After a while, the guards in front of the hall brought a long spear slightly taller than ordinary people. It was dark red all over, with faint patterns of phoenix dancing in the sky. From the strength of the guards in front of the hall, the weight of this spear was not small.

"Chaofeng Spear, made by Minghu."

Feng Yang lifted the spear very easily, and slowly set up his attack hand.


As soon as Li Ye's words fell, Feng Yang attacked with a gun, and before the tip of the gun reached, the sharp edge was surrounded by the howling wind, and blocked Li Ye's upper, middle and lower three routes.

The sword light surged upwards, Li Ye raised the sword, split into three, and went upstream against the spear light.

One life two, two beget three, three beget innumerable.

During the triple change of Li Ye's sword glow, the shadow of the sword reappeared. Just before the trajectory of the sword glow changed again, Fengyang's arm sent out a force, and the speed of the spear glow increased by a few points. Before the sword glow changed, it blocked .

Ding ding ding ding.

There were four crisp sounds, and sparks from the colliding metal sputtered.

Li Ye and Feng Yang took a step back each.

With the blessing of Chaofeng Spear, Fengyang's strength was no less than Li Ye's.

"As far as the women I have met, Princess, your strength is very good, and you can detect the changes in my sword skills in time, which I have to admire."

Feng Yang laughed softly.

"Your Highness is even more powerful. A basic sword technique is extremely simple for ordinary people, but in His Highness's hands, this simple and clear sword technique is extremely powerful."


Feng Yang, who was always watching Li Ye, couldn't help frowning, she couldn't find any gaps to use.

She feints.

"It's over!"

Li Ye murmured softly.

He never relied on strength to win, and the air in the hall seemed to be sucked out by him in the breath.


Taking a step forward, Li Ye's figure standing in front of the hall does not seem tall, but it is not so in the eyes of everyone, especially in Fengyang's field of vision.

In an instant, his not very burly body was like a giant standing on the ground, every move seemed to carry the power of the entire hall, and it seemed to bless the endless continent.

He straightened his body, as if he was supporting the entire continent, his aura covered the sky, and he slashed out with the long knife.

Feng Yang seemed to hear the roar of the earth, the knife was very fast, and it instantly slashed at the muzzle of her gun, with indescribable power.


The Chaofeng Spear roared and burst into light, helping Fengyang block more than half of the force.


A loud exclamation sounded.

Just when Mu Jiansheng was about to rush out to save people, Li Ye stomped his foot in the field, and the whole hall seemed to tremble, and the air waves in the hall gathered between his palms, and invisible strength followed his spread by action.

One hand turned into a claw, and stretched out suddenly, the fierce suction force offset Fengyang's backward flying force.

Feng Yang staggered a few steps, but fortunately he was out of danger and stood firm.

"I lost."

She was a little unwilling.

She has never lost to any man, but when facing Li Ye, she felt a sense of frustration.

There is a huge gap in strength between the two, both of whom are martial artists, but her sincerity is vulnerable in front of Li Ye, and she collapses under Li Ye's true aura without even breaking out.

What's more damning is that she is three years older than Li Ye.

These three years have been an insurmountable gap between the two of them, if it's only a thin line, that's fine.

But right now, the gap is too big.

Li Ye didn't pay attention to Feng Yang's emotional changes, but instead raised his momentum again, looked all around, opened his mouth and let out a roar, as if there was an earth-shattering explosion in everyone's minds, making everyone's minds confused for a while.

"Who else?"

Extremely arrogant.

It's just that except for a few people who were protected by the master in the hall, the others hadn't recovered their sanity, and they seemed to hear Li Ye's clamor in a daze.

Everyone shook their heads.

What remained unchanged on Qin Huang's face was his smile, he didn't seem to be angry, but his eyes were full of satisfaction, fear, and regret.

In the bottom of his heart, he thought more than once, if this person in front of him was his winning family, it would be great.

However, this kind of thing cannot be forced.

Fortunately for him, the marriage between Feng Yang and Li Ye was the right decision.

In this way, Li Ye can be regarded as half of his own.

"Okay, okay, okay, let's continue drinking."

What should be seen, Qin Huang has already seen it.

The secret master also communicated with him through voice transmission, confirming one point.

Li Ye, no master is invincible.

Before this, Qin Huang also learned the news, but he always had reservations.

A person like him can sit on the throne, so he just listens to other people's words casually, and they can be heard in his ears. There are loyal words, gossips and gossips. Fake.

Therefore, instead of thinking about the authenticity of Li Ye's strength, he felt that it would be better to witness it with his own eyes. This is what happened tonight.

clap clap.

Qin Huang clapped his hands slowly.

The other people in the hall also recovered their sanity, and looked at Li Ye in the center of the hall in horror.

No one was ignorant, and Li Ye also sat back in his seat.

For a while, the guests enjoyed themselves.

No, it shouldn't be said that way, it should be said that there is another person whose mouth is full of bitterness and tasteless.

Mu Jiansheng watched Qin Huang's attitude become more amiable, as if the father-in-law was very satisfied with his son-in-law, and from time to time he brought Li Ye and Fengyang closer.

Such a move, but a thin needle pierced Mu Jiansheng's heart, making his heart feel tingling.

Fill a bottle and fill another bottle.

The hall that was familiar to him before made Mu Jiansheng feel extremely strange at this time, as if they were repelling him.

The orange fire seemed to have lost its color and turned gray. Gradually, all sounds and figures disappeared from his perception. Unknowingly, he drank an unknown amount of strong alcohol.


Mu Jiansheng, who hadn't been drunk for several years, was drunk.

He fell headfirst on the table.

With a bang, Li Ye was alarmed, Feng Yang was alarmed, and Emperor Qin was even alarmed.

Qin Huang looked around.

The maid guarding Mu Jiansheng leaned over and heard a breathing, snoring.

"Return to Your Majesty, Mr. Mu is drunk."

Qin Huang waved, "Take him down."

Fengyang also breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, she decided to cut off her love, but she didn't want to see anything happen to Mu Jiansheng.

When the banquet was coming to an end, Qin Huang said with a smile.

"During the time in Qin Jing, you two should move around more and cultivate your relationship. The marriage between the two of you is related to the cooperation between Qin and Yu, but I am also a father, and I still hope that my daughter can live a happier life."

Li Ye raised his hand as a joke.


Regarding Qin Huang's words, it is enough for him to believe one point.

After farewell.

Li Ye left the palace with Zuo Shilang.

Only Emperor Qin and Fengyang remained in the hall.

"Fengyang! Are you still satisfied with this Li Ye?"

Feng Yang leaned forward and said, "It is the order of my parents, and this His Royal Highness of the Yu Dynasty is extremely powerful. There are few people in the world who are hard to find. How can you be dissatisfied."

Qin Huang also felt very satisfied, nodded, and then left with a big laugh.

He is not because of Fengyang's words, but because of this superficial marriage, Qin earned more than Yu, which made him feel more fulfilled.

(End of this chapter)

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