I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 256 Chapter 260 Helper (2 more)

Chapter 256 Chapter 260 The Helper (2 More)
The dark red tunnel was like a blood scab coagulated.

The vines growing in the gaps between the stones, the bright red flower buds, and the interlaced thorn necks look extremely tough.

The sound of chaotic footsteps disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Li Ye and Suyin floated over, and Li Jia stood at the entrance of the corridor, looking at the beautiful scenery not far away.

"It's kind of weird that the underground space is full of vines."

Li Jia didn't recognize the vines on the stone wall, but he always felt uneasy, looking up, down, left, and right at the climbing vines in the corridor.

Suyin frowned, as if she had some idea, but she was not sure.

"I seem to have seen this kind of vine when I was young. It seems to be a very rare ground vine. I have seen some similar details in the Qingsang Pharmacopoeia. It has dark red walls, long ground vines, red flower buds, cannibalism, and can be used as medicine. , save lives."

Li Ye stretched out his hand forward, arousing the blood in his arm. Suddenly, a piece of green light was thrown out, falling from the sky, seemingly slowly and quickly, bright red flashed, and the opened flower buds were covered with mucus and sharp teeth.

The arm flashed back, the edge of the knife turned upwards, and the light of the knife drew a circle.


The sparks sputtered away, which surprised Li Ye, but he didn't cut off the branches.


The ground vines seemed to be going crazy, they were stimulated, woke up and grew wildly, and shot towards Li Ye and others.

Li Ye fought and retreated, exhausted all his strength, turned into a Changhong, the sword was like a storm, and the sword produced double shadows, like a barrier that could cut through the void, a 'small planet' emerged, and the suddenly increased power made the sword become Even faster.

The sharpness is almost unstoppable.

ding ding.

The sparks splashed, and the branches fell to the ground, still squirming forward with vitality hidden in them.

It's just not a threat anymore.

Come and go quickly.

When Li Ye and the others exited the ground vine's attack range, they retreated.

"Don't guess, it seems that you are right."

Li Jia said seriously.

"Which one of you brought a fire bag, bring it to me."

Su Yin didn't turn her head back, looking at the dark and curved corridor, no one knew how long it was, and also didn't know how many such strange vines there were, it would be unwise to lose a lot of vitality along the way.

"Master, I brought it."

A pretty plain female palace disciple took out a perfect fire bag from her bosom.

A flame is born.

Neither Li Ye nor Li Jia spoke, but quietly watched Suyin's actions.

With a flick of her wrist, her true energy protected the flames, and the huo zhezi flew straight forward until it bounced onto the stone wall, cleverly changing its direction.

With the faint light, Li Ye and the others can roughly see the condition of the corridor.

"The ground vines can still be seen until Guaitou, and the growth range of the ground vines is wider than I imagined. As far as I remember, this kind of ground vines hate the smell of bamboo rat droppings, but now we don't have bamboo rat droppings, so we can only force it." broke through."

"Break in." Li Jia was an extremely decisive person, and said immediately.

The three are arrows, stepping forward.

In the darkness, the light of the knife shines, and the shadow of the sword dances back and forth.

The ground vines moved wildly at an astonishingly fast speed, sometimes whipping, sometimes entwining, and sometimes twisting around like a long snake. The branches and vines all over the sky appeared from different directions like arrows.

The sound of clanging is endless, and a little spark appears from time to time.

"Be careful, at the end of the vine, I'm afraid someone is waiting for us to deliver it to our door."

Li Jia opened and closed, raised the heavy back saber, and slashed vigorously. The combination of strength and speed was not weaker than Li Ye's saber.

Just as Li Ye and the others were rushing forward, there was a tunnel behind the earth vine, and the disciples of the underground palace were hiding everywhere, ready to ambush.

No matter how much these people thought, they never thought that their danger did not come from the front, but from behind. The figure that appeared quietly did not alarm anyone, and the slender figure flashed out of the way.

The cold light appeared, criss-crossing back and forth like scissors cutting through the vitality, the oncoming force was so fierce that the disciples of the underground palace didn't even know how they died.


Corpses and instruments fell to the ground in piles.

The fiery red gauze dress, bare ankles, slender white jade thighs, perfect proportions, that pretty face that always smiles, even in this place where corpses are everywhere, is still so charming and moving.

It's just this beauty that no one at the scene can appreciate.

"Hee hee, I'm pinning my hopes on you, so please work harder."

She watched the explosion coming from the corridor and muttered softly.

Gradually, her figure disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Suyin's figure disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye as if running through a long river, accompanied by a gray aura, and a gloomy feeling enveloped both ends of the stone wall.

Chi Chi Chi.

There was a strange sound, the light and shadow of a small machete, the handle and blade combined were only about the length of a forearm, as it passed through the corridor, the stone wall seemed to be eroded, and the vines withered.

However, Li Ye and Li Jia came later and rushed past the end of the vine in an instant.

The smell of blood wafted through the nostrils.

Li Jia and Li Ye were stunned by the dead body on the ground, dead?

This shouldn't be!
For a moment, the heads of the two did not turn around.

"Hey, they are all dead, it should be internal strife."

Suyin floated over, holding a small gray scimitar in her hand, looked at the dead body on the ground, and said with certainty.

"It's either facing forward, or the direction of the fall is facing forward. It's really internal strife."

Li Ye also carefully observed the dead bodies on the ground, and found that these people were all killed by one blow, and the attack came from behind.

There will be internal strife among the members of the Demon Sect, and he does not doubt that this kind of thing will happen, but at this time, the internal strife is somewhat beyond his expectations.

"Although these people are not experts, but they can solve it so cleanly. This person's strength is not weak, and this kind of wound is not deep. It should be a weapon like a dagger or a short sword.

Not your crooked ones, but straight ones. "

Li Jia lifted a corpse with his feet, carefully observed the wound, and while talking, looked at it, and when he saw Suyin's small machete, he added a mouthful.

"Go on!"

Li Ye, who poured out a Huiqi pill and took it, looked at the two-person team behind him, and said directly without saying anything to comfort him.

A group of people fled forward.

When you come to the corner, the five-forked road,

Li Ye's nose twitched, and he smelled body odor.


He was not the only one who discovered something, both Li Jia and Su Yin noticed it, Su Yin said sharply.

"People who help you."

The lowered voice, the scent of the body was gone, and it was suppressed.

The aura was so restrained that even Li Ye and others couldn't notice it. The strength of the person behind the scenes was obvious, and he was the master.

Listen to the voice, like a woman.

But no one can guarantee whether it is intentional to speak with a female voice, and this voice is obviously intentionally covered up.

Li Ye suddenly remembered the scene where several waves of underground palace disciples were assassinated when they came all the way just now, and his heart shuddered. According to the available information, there has never been a female grandmaster in the five Jedi palaces. If there is really a female grandmaster, it will be interesting.

the enemy?


Except for the person in the dark, no one can guarantee it.

"Help us, then why hide your head and show your tail, why not come out and see."

Suyin said with a smile.

Her attitude is very good, and her voice alone makes people feel like a spring breeze, and she can't afford to be malicious.

"Sister's voice is really nice. I'm afraid, afraid that you will kill me, but with my help, you will be able to kill the old monster Wujue better."

The erratic voice suddenly turned into a male voice.

(End of this chapter)

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