I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 290 Chapter 294 Long time no see (4 more)

Chapter 290 Chapter 294 Long Time No See (4 More)
The wind and sand passed by.

The scorching sun shines in the sky, and the scorching heat falls on the earth.

People are walking, horses are driving.

The scorching yellow sand and distorted light reflect the wild desert belt to become bizarre.

In order to save zhenqi, the leg strength of a steed is a good choice. Both Su Mei and Su Hu chose to ride horses. You know, even a master can't keep the zhenqi in his body alive.

Going a long distance takes a lot of energy.

Unfortunately, Li Ye was walking on foot on this road, and his speed even surpassed the horse that Su Mei and Su Hu rode.

The two of them didn't find it strange that Li Ye had such a speed. What was strange was that Li Ye consumed too little zhenqi, and his recovery power was frighteningly strong.

Originally, they hadn't heard about Li Ye's deeds for three years, and the two were still worried about Li Ye's strength.

But this time, don't worry, it made the two of them feel ashamed and slowed down.

Otherwise, judging from Li Ye's performance, the speed could at least be much faster.

Li Ye didn't know what the Su brothers and sisters were thinking, nor was he interested in knowing.

Taking one step forward, the yellow sand on the ground seemed to lead him to walk, like quicksand, at the speed of teleportation.

With a stern face, one after another network of earth veins appeared in his calm and cold mind, so familiar, like his instinct, the power of earth veins poured into his body continuously from afar.

Supplement, strengthen.

As early as this year, Li Ye has firmly remembered the land veins and veins around Mount Geqiu.

The originally remote place was still a little blurry, but as he walked, the veins became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, his body had the urge to explode.

After being suppressed for so long, the energy stored in Taotie's stomach bag is even more immeasurable.

"My lord, let's just rush there blindly without planning. The Gata Grassland is a trap. Contact some people and inform some people."

Su Hu, who was far behind Li Ye, shouted.

I learned from the mixed-race woman that the news of the Nine-leaf Lotus Seeds in the Gata Grassland was designed by the big tribes in the western region, and warriors who value the Yu people would not give up this treasure.

Different from the grassland's power system, the nine-leaf lotus seed is an extremely precious treasure for warriors.

But for the tribes in the grassland, it is a treasure that heals more powerfully.

Taking this opportunity to lure the snake out of the hole and eliminate part of the Beiyu warriors would be a huge victory for the rebel tribes in the western region.

"Those loyal to the imperial court, you can inform me when the time comes.

Remember, any calculation without the support of strength is also a flower in the water, Jing Zhongyue, vulnerable, and the same is true for those tribal people. "

Li Ye said in a condensed voice.

In his view, due to the distance problem, the combat power of the Protectorate of the Western Territory could not be fully mobilized, but how could the tribes of the Western Territory dare to mobilize their troops on a large scale.

At most, perhaps in terms of the number of personal top powerhouses, people from the tribe will have an advantage.

Taking into account the fact that the tribal people are closer, the more time is delayed, the more calmly the tribal people arrange.

After all, it was far away from a tribal group, so if something happened, even if the Western Territory Protectorate wanted to save it, it would be too late.

Yellow sand high slope.

In the distance below is a group of string-controlling warriors from the Gata tribe, warriors, faintly showing signs of charging.

On the slope, the three groups of people are clearly separated.

A group of people headed by Xue Hengshan belonged to the sect who took refuge in the imperial court. The number was medium, but they were not weak.

One group is headed by military background, representing the Duhufu, representing the military masters of the Li family, the number is the smallest, there are only three people, all are masters.

A group of them were casual cultivators who went to the Western Territory Protectorate to earn imperial merits. There were no young people, and they all seemed to be middle-aged or above, and their strengths were also uneven, with great fluctuations.

Some guides are still among them, especially among the casual cultivators. I don't know if it's because of their grandeur or because of some considerations.

"General Sheep Tongue, everyone is almost there. Whether you send someone to communicate or force your way in, you have to be careful."

Ye Qingshan said.

His eyes fell on the Western Army, General Pi of the Fifth Battalion 'Yang Tong Jing'.

Perhaps the military has the least number of people, whether it is his Xuehengshan people or casual cultivators, there are more masters gathered together than the military, but the two of them dare not ignore the voice of the military.

During the turbulent days, the masters who were rarely seen in the past came out of the death pass and became active everywhere.

Even because of the increased number of battles, in just three years, four warriors who had accumulated half their lives broke through in the western region of the Yu Dynasty alone.

"Everyone is not ready, what's the rush?"

Sheep Tongue Jing said expressionlessly.

"General Yangtong, we are going deep into the grassland. This Gata tribe is only a totem-level warrior. You don't need to take action, generals. We alone are enough to wipe out this small tribe. Why wait any longer? You have to give a reason." .”

A person dressed as an old monk folded his hands together, but his words were not as kind as a monk's.

Yang Tongjing glanced at the other party.

"This is King Liang's decision, do you want to defy it?"

His imposing manner was like an abyss like an ocean, extremely violent and murderous.

"No, even if it is." Just as the other person was about to speak, the three masters of the military all looked at him in unison, making him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"King Liang decided, it's time to wait." The conversation changed, and he sneered.

Ye Qingshan was playing with the small steel ring, wondering what kind of medicine the imperial court was selling, but he was not as afraid of King Liang as Sanxiu was.

"Always give time, you can't wait forever."

at this time.

Overwhelming, the sword coming from a distance is huge and extremely sharp. Just by sensing it, the masters have the feeling of being put on the body by a knife, and have a faint feeling of being cut.

Everyone turned their heads to look.

The dark villain points, followed by two steeds, the person on him doesn't care, he's just a half-step master.


In the eyes of ordinary grandmasters, a half-step grandmaster is an extra half step after all.

Not everyone can become the top ten, even if they are top ten, it is a card that is promoted by the big forces.

That is, it will only appear at this moment, and it will not appear in other eras.

Jing Huan's eyes flickered, she was startled, she didn't expect Li Ye to be here, she could come here in such a short time, she must be nearby, but she had never heard that Li Ye came to the west.

Her breath was a little unstable, fluctuating very low, and it was fleeting, but Ye Qingshan quickly caught it.

"you recognize?"

He has been in seclusion in Xueheng Mountain for a long time, and he has never met Li Ye.

"I know him, but I didn't expect him to be here."

Before Jing Huan could finish her words, there was another commotion in front of her.


Suddenly, everyone heard a gasp, and Li Ye's figure faded as soon as he took a step.

The next moment, it appeared in front of everyone.

"Long time no see, Holy Maiden of Jinghuan."

Li Ye turned his head to look at Jing Huan who was standing behind Ye Qingshan, with a smile on his lips.

Jing Huan bowed and saluted.

"It's been a long time, almost five years, Your Highness King Wu."

(End of this chapter)

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