Chapter 102 Silk
Today was not so rushed, until the end of business, Mi Xiaobai only sold 600 million federal coins.

Putting this figure in an ordinary small restaurant, I am afraid it is their turnover of several months, but Mi Xiaobai can do it in just one day, so I can't help but be amazed at this time.

Mi Xiaobai looked at the cash in his hand. It was more than 6000 million. It was really inconvenient to carry cash. I couldn't understand why the system only accepted cash.

Mi Xiaobai remembered that the auction house gave him a card last time, and Mi Xiaobai simply went to deposit the money. If he went to the bank at this time, it must have been closed, but Mi Xiaobai still knew a place to go.


Battle Auction House.

"Sister Liang, I have 6000 million cash here, save it to this card for me." Mi Xiaobai didn't say anything, and directly released the 6000 million cash from the fresh food storage. Good guy, the cash in one place is dazzling , This is indeed too scary. If it were placed in other places, so much cash on the ground would have already caused tens of thousands of looting. Fortunately, this is Battelle's auction house, and no one would dare to be presumptuous here.

Sister Liang looked at the messy cash on the ground, and swallowed her saliva. If it was an entrustment from an ordinary person, she would directly refuse, but this time the client is Mi Xiaobai, the person who can make delicious food. Sister Liang doesn't think she can offend I admire this person, and it cannot be denied that the food this person cooks is really delicious.

"Okay, in order not to waste your time, I will allocate 6000 million to your card first. For the cash, we will count it carefully. If there is more, we will transfer it to the card together."

"That's good." Mi Xiaobai urged again: "Please hurry up, I'm going to buy some clothes."

"Clothes..." Speaking of which, every time Sister Liang sees Mi Xiaobai, he always wears this plain dress, as if it hasn't changed for thousands of years. Does he only have this one?If this is the case, it is indeed time to buy a piece of clothing, "I will allocate funds to you now, and besides, should you register a password for this card?"

"That's right, let me register."


"By the way, do you know where I can buy good clothes? It doesn't matter if it's expensive." Mi Xiaobai really didn't expect that he would say that, how stingy he used to be, it really feels good to be rich.

Since Mi Xiaobai asked, Sister Liang answered naturally.

"If you want to buy clothes, you might as well go to the Shengshi Tianta. The [-]th floor and above are all noble areas, and the quality of the clothes is excellent."


After registering the password, Mi Xiaobai took the card to the Shengshi Tian Pagoda mentioned by Sister Liang, and stopped a scooter. When she went to the Sheng Shi Tian Pagoda, Mi Xiaobai was a little dazed.

How could Mi Xiaobai never see such a tall building, and it's not too far from Ninth Street.

The Prosperous Sky Pagoda has sixty floors. As far as the building is concerned, it can't be said to be too high, but it's not too low either.

This prosperous sky tower is a two-level building.

The first level is a two-dimensional building, which is dedicated to serving people with middle to lower consumption levels.

The second level is a high-rise building, which specializes in serving people with high levels of consumption.

"Sir, do you stop here?" The driver asked Mi Xiaobai at the parking place on the first level.

Mi Xiaobai shook his head, then pointed to the floating apron on the second-level building and said: "Your car is equipped with propellers, so it should be able to fly. Help me park on it."

The driver was taken aback, "Sir, are you sure? That's where the rich go."

"Talk as if I'm poor." Mi Xiaobai took out ten hundred-yuan bills, handed them to the driver, and said, "Drive up."

"Yes, yes." The driver smiled happily. He didn't know whether Mi Xiaobai was a rich man or an upstart. Although there was no difference between the two, since Mi Xiaobai wanted to go up, the driver had no reason to refuse.

When the driver held it like this, Mi Xiaobai stretched his nostrils and panted heavily, looking like an old man.

"Sir, we're here." The driver stopped the car and said.

"Okay." Opening the door, Mi Xiaobai got out of the car.

After getting off the car, look around, almost all of them are private spaceships and air vehicles, and there are housekeepers and drivers standing beside them. These people are dressed better than Mi Xiaobai. In comparison, Mi Xiaobai is indeed more greedy. up.

But it's okay, Mi Xiaobai has a thick skin.

He stuffed his trousers pockets and strode into the building. The door facing him was a one-way link door, which was a new type of material. After being dispersed, it will gather together soon, and people or things can pass through, but it is difficult for air-conditioning to pass through. This kind of material is extremely expensive, which shows that Shengshi Tianta is rich and powerful.

Passing through the link door, Mi Xiaobai was still a little excited, "That's right, the future should be like this, it should be more or less high-tech."

As soon as he walked in, a waiter stepped forward, he glanced at Mi Xiaobai first, then without saying a word, he reprimanded Mi Xiaobai with a very indifferent expression: "This is not the place you should come, you should come here." Go downstairs."

"Ah?" Mi Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and his feelings were like a dog's. He coughed dryly, and then said: "I have money and can afford it, so don't worry about it."

Saying so, Mi Xiaobai strode in.

The waiter didn't try to stop him, but he had to be watched, what if he stole something inside?
"Security Department, a person came in just now, stare at him carefully, this person is a bit suspicious."

"it is good."


Walking here and there, Mi Xiaobai's eyes are almost blurred. He has never appreciated these luxury goods so closely. In the past, Mi Xiaobai would not have thought about Chanel bags or Armani suits. Dare to imagine, the luxury goods that are more expensive than those things are right in front of Mi Xiaobai's eyes, and looking at the price, Mi Xiaobai can buy them without blinking, which is really cool for Mi Xiaobai It couldn't be more fun.

But Mi Xiaobai is not a fan of luxury goods, he only wants to find a few clothes that fit.

After shopping for a long time, Mi Xiaobai couldn't find anything he liked. Most of the men's clothes here were suits, and casual clothes were very rare. However, Mi Xiaobai saw a corner at the end of this floor. There was no clothes in this corner. Cloth is hung, and there are more waiters around than other places, and they seem to be of higher quality.

"This should be the place where custom-made clothes are made. Okay, let's go here."

Mi Xiaobai walked forward, getting closer and closer, and then, Mi Xiaobai saw a kind of fabric on the wall, silky and smooth, as light as gauze, as transparent as water, Mi Xiaobai never expected to see him in this place, Mi Xiaobai Bai thought that he might not be able to see it for the rest of his life. After all, 1000 years have passed, and too many crafts have been lost. Since Mi Xiaobai traveled through time, he has seen so many people, but he has never seen a person wearing clothes made of this kind of fabric. clothes, not to mention clothes, and never have other clothing.

Mi Xiaobai said this sentence tremblingly...


(End of this chapter)

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