Chapter 170

In order to hunt the floating fish, Mi Xiaobai and his party crossed the forest, crossed the valley, and came to a swamp in the clouds.

Generally speaking, swamps grow on flat land, rich in wetland crops and acidic substances, but this swamp is different. It grows in the clouds and mist on the top of the mountain, and with the morning dew, it merges into a spring, and then returns to the clouds and mist with steam. , Repeatedly, this swamp in the cloud has become like a fairyland.

Generally speaking, the altitude of the cloud is about 5000 meters, but this swamp in the cloud is only 1000 meters high. It seems that the magnetic field on this mountain is stronger than other places, so once the cloud floats here When the sky is above a mountain, it will be attracted from an altitude of about 4000 meters to a position of more than 1000 meters. Even if a person stands on the mountain, walking will be difficult, and the more you go up, the harder it is to move. It is a big test for human physical strength. .

Climbing to the halfway up the mountain at an altitude of about 600 meters, the gravity at this time is already two or three times that of the flat ground, and several people can't support it. Mi Xiaobai is one of those people. Although he is muscular Strong, but those are the upper body kung fu practiced by pulling noodles, pulling pleats, and chopping meat. I don’t move around very often on weekdays. Naturally, I have poor endurance. Don’t think that if you have poor endurance, you will also have poor sex. No, no, Mi Xiaobai is still a virgin, so he doesn't understand that stuff.

In order to maintain physical strength, simply rest for a while. After all, to hunt floating fish, one must maintain good physical strength. In the clouds and mists of the high mountains, floating fish are not the only creatures.

As soon as the camp was set up, Mi Xiaobai suddenly felt uncomfortable, and at the same time, the system also sent an alarm to Mi Xiaobai.

The system displays: [Alarm, alert, at a distance of about 100 meters from the host, a pile of meat worms with a hunting difficulty of 33 is approaching]
[Quantity: one]
[Status: Hunting]
[Dangerous Level: Dangerous]
In the past few days, as long as there is an undiscovered danger within 100 meters of Mi Xiaobai, the system will send an alarm to Mi Xiaobai, so Mi Xiaobai can respond quickly, because the The response is timely and the accuracy rate is extremely high, so Mi Xiaobai is regarded as a team scout in the team.

Pile of meat worms?
Mi Xiaobai has never heard of this kind of creature, probably because the hunting difficulty exceeds level [-], so it has not been announced on the general Internet.

He didn't think too much about it. The system rated the danger of the pile of meat worms as dangerous. In the previous potential crises, the system defined it as low risk. The sudden emergence of danger this time shows how dangerous the pile of meat worms are.

He hurriedly shouted: "Be alert, there are a bunch of meat worms!"

Many people at the scene had never heard of what a pile of meat worms were, but since Mi Xiaobai had spoken, it must be a threat, so he immediately took up weapons and prepared for battle.

Wang Ling also showed a puzzled expression when he heard the word pile of meat worms. What is that?
In the next second, everyone saw the true face of the so-called meat worm.

Twenty meters away, a beetle the size of a tiger pushed a ball the size of a van overwhelmed trees and was heading towards the camp.

When Mi Xiaobai saw it, the sun was crooked, "Isn't this an enlarged version of the dung beetle!"

But if you look carefully, what he piled up is not dung balls, but meat balls. Those are all fermented meat, and they are all pure meat. The bones have been stripped early, and he wants to pile up such a large amount of meat Ball, how many creatures have to be killed!

Seeing this scene, Mi Xiaobai lost his composure, and hastily shouted: "Get out! Get out!"

Mi Xiaobai yelled by himself, and he had already grasped the dragon-patterned broadsword, and the monkey picked up the iron rod, not forgetting to put on a few bags of dry food, and ran away.

No one is a fool. The meat balls of this pile of meat worms can easily break the big tree. The meat worm exposed itself first.

After a pile of meat worms broke through the camp, they rushed to the forest on the other side, but he didn't seem to want to stop, perhaps because he was attracted by the smell of humans.

The pile of flesh worms made up their minds to pile these human flesh into their own meat balls.

Instead, he quickly pushed the meat ball and rushed towards the crowd.

A man with a spear and a man with a sword in the team walked around to the back of the meatball at the same time, spotted the carapace on the pile of meat worms, and cut it down heavily without saying a word.

The moment the spear and sword cut on the carapace, there was a violent vibration immediately. The strong vibration gave the two of them a muscle twitch, making them have to jump tens of meters to protect themselves.

These two people are not weak at all. When faced with some crises, the two of them are often the first to rush forward, simply with the momentum of not being afraid of death.

"Too hard, harder than crystal."

Both of these two found the place to compete after cutting through the crystal. The strength that can cut through the crystal can't cut through the carapace, which shows how terrible the carapace is.

"Damn it! That's not right!" Mi Xiaobai encountered a creature whose hunting difficulty was over level [-] on Korosor Star, but this was a bit too strong, so it's not normal to say the least.

It's as if level [-] is a watershed, creatures before level [-] can be hunted by ordinary people, but after level [-] they can only be handed over to professionals.

Could this be the meaning, so there is no food information after level [-] on the Internet, probably because it is monopolized by the Food Association.

While Mi Xiaobai was contemplating, the pile of meat worms erupted violently, rolling the meat ball for more than 20 meters in a second, causing a member whose reaction nerves were not good to quickly crush into the meat ball.

This meat ball is like a living body, it is very flexible when facing the trees, but it is as soft as mud when facing the flesh.

The team member fell directly into the meat ball, and didn't even have time to yell, and the pile of meat worms was very decisive, and quickly left here at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour pushing the meat ball.

Everyone was stunned.

Looking at the original place, there are big trees and gravel crushed by the meat ball everywhere, and the place is already a mess.

This is like a lightning tactic, the pile of meat worms only walked back and forth in total, and in less than ten seconds, they actually destroyed the forest like this and captured a living person.

It's really scary to a certain extent.

Mi Xiaobai didn't remember meeting such a disgusting creature before.

Everyone was silent until Mi Xiaobai said: "What should I do next? Are you going to save him?"

Wang Ling is also hesitating at this moment. Generally speaking, if he doesn't hesitate to save that person, that's the behavior of a passionate fool. Although Wang Ling is very affectionate and righteous, he also knows that they will definitely not be able to save that person. I'm afraid that when they arrived, that person had already been turned into a pool of carrion by the pile of meat worms and smeared on the meat ball.

Everyone looked at Wang Ling, waiting for Wang Ling to speak, but no one knew how difficult Wang Ling was at the moment. If they went to save them, they would probably encounter other crises, and they might do useless work, but if they didn't If you go to rescue, you may face a crisis of trust in the team, and the team will not be far from disintegration by then.

Just when Wang Ling was worried about how to make a decision, Mi Xiaobai raised the dragon pattern sword. He saw Wang Ling's embarrassment, and immediately said: "You stay here and wait for me, and I will save him."

"What?" No one expected that Mi Xiaobai, who had the lowest level of cultivation, would actually say this.

Mi Xiaobai carried the dragon-pattern sword on his shoulder, and repeated confidently: "I'll save him."

 The weather is so hot that the cable is broken, a large area is cut off, and there is no way to charge the mobile phone. I can only go to the Internet bar far away to code the code while running business. I will change it today. If I don’t call tomorrow, I may There is only one update, please understand.

  Thanks to Yi Tang, Fengwu Jiuxiao, Shiyoushu, Qiutianqiudi, and book friends 1739410069 for their recommendation tickets

(End of this chapter)

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