Chapter 398 Betting on This Kitchen Knife
Wu Anjiu's office is not that dignified. Once he walked in, there was no one around, and he could only see a few pots of health-preserving flowers and plants, Eight Immortals chairs, as well as a few tea bowls and coffee tables. place.

But it’s no wonder that there is business on weekdays, and Boss Wu doesn’t usually meet him in person. It’s all done by the guy outside the door just now. Not many people have seen Boss Wu with their own eyes. I didn't dare to jump to conclusions, so I invited Boss Wu.

Liu Heng glanced at it, then coughed dryly: "Is Boss Wu here? Liu Heng, a disciple of the Jingji Sect, has something to discuss with you."

"I'm old and I'm not feeling well. For business matters, I'll talk to the person who just left. Don't take offense."

Wu Anjiu didn't show up, but the voice came from the back room. The voice was thick, obviously coming from Dantian. Liu Heng and Mi Xiaobai felt strange after hearing it, but they couldn't jump to the conclusion that Wu Anjiu was a warrior from here. After all, it is not uncommon for many elderly people who know how to preserve their health to use their pubic region to speak.

Liu Heng was stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Boss Wu, it's not about business. I'm here this time because I want you to meet someone."

"Meeting people? Don't bother me. I have no relatives or reasons. It may not be meaningful to meet anyone. It's not meaningful, so don't waste this time."

"It's meaningful. This person is a gourmet and was invited by my master. In terms of status, you should come out. It doesn't matter if I wait, but it would be rude to let a gourmet wait." Liu Heng said bluntly.

Wu Anjiu's voice paused for a while, as if he was in deep thought, and he replied immediately, "The gourmet is visiting, I, Wu, don't dare to neglect, here we come, please take your seats first."

Mi Xiaobai was stunned, and asked Liu Heng in a low voice, "Are you sure he is Tu Feng? Although he is a bit generous, there is no 'qi' in his voice, he doesn't look like a martial arts practitioner at all."

"You are a gourmet. In a sense, you are already different from martial arts practitioners, so you may not really understand the concept of a martial artist. If you have 'qi' in your voice, you must be an advanced martial artist. Some martial artists are more restrained. On weekdays, he looks no different from ordinary people. Since Senior Tu Feng has been in seclusion for 30 years, he naturally belongs to this type. To confirm the identity of Senior Tu Feng, the key is to wait for him to come out and see how he is. .”

As soon as Liu Heng finished speaking, Wu Anjiu came out. He was wearing a plain gray robe and his white hair was combed openly. Although he was not very good-looking, he gave people a sense of dignity.

"Sure enough, it's different when we meet, and I feel like a big man." Mi Xiaobai whispered in Liu Heng's ear, the voice was so small that only the other party knew what was being said.

Wu Anjiu smiled, "Gourmets are laughing. At my age, if you live a day less, you will inevitably have a bit of courage, which is not worth mentioning."

Mi Xiaobai was startled, and murmured in his heart: How did he hear my voice so low?Have you practiced wind ear?
Liu Heng didn't care about this, he cared more about the purpose of this trip, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Boss Wu, in fact, the purpose of our trip is to ask you something, after all, you are old and experienced, you should know something .”

"Oh? You're joking. I'm an old man with no children. I run a shipyard under my command. I'm just a hands-off shopkeeper on weekdays. I don't care about anything. How can I know what you want to ask?" Wu Anjiu said. It's like Maitreya with a smile on his face, yet he is so free and easy when he smiles, as if he doesn't care about himself.

Liu Heng could bear his temper at this time, and waved his hand, "Where is it, old man, you may know something about this matter, what I want to inquire about is a person named Tu Feng."

As soon as the name was uttered, Wu Anjiu's expression obviously changed a lot.

Mi Xiaobai, who had practiced the "Secret Art of Pure Void Consciousness and Formlessness", noticed this detail. This was the first time he doubted Wu Anjiu's identity.

Liu Heng also noticed what was wrong with Wu Anjiu.

I only heard Wu Anjiu quickly return to normal, waved his hands and smiled, "Tu Feng, I've heard some stories about this person, what do you want to know?"

Old fox, you can really pretend.

Liu Heng laughed hard, and then asked: "I heard that after the old master Tu Feng fought with the old master of Daozhen Sect 30 years ago, because of some things, he sealed the knife and retired. I just want to know, old man Tu Feng, Where did Feng Dao return to hermit?"

Wu Anjiu's expression became more and more solemn, and he denied it flatly: "How could I know this? Where did he go to hide his sword? You should ask him, or someone close to him."

"As far as I know, senior Tu Feng is a ranger. He has never been married, let alone has no children. He is a widow. How can we ask these people."

"But it's useless if you ask me." Wu Anjiu said.

Seeing that Wu Anjiu insisted that he didn't know, Mi Xiaobai became a little anxious. You know, time waits for no one, and there is not much time left for them. The dark cooking world may come to the door at any time, so he opened his mouth and said anxiously: "Tu Feng! Don't pretend to be stupid. I know that you have sealed your sword and don't want to be found, but the situation is special now. If you don't show up, the people of the entire Yinshi Department may be in danger."

Wu Anjiu closed his eyes and remained silent.

"After all, you are a strong Ziluo. I hope you can take some responsibility after listening to what I have to say." Mi Xiaobai's general was hijacked, the solar system was destroyed and there was no reinforcements, and the dark cooking world was about to invade this series of situations. Talk to Wu Anjiu, and tell Wu Anjiu time and time again that he can't delay any longer.

But Wu Anjiu didn't react at all, he was as stable as Mount Tai, as if he had already left the secular world.

"Old man, there are at least two Ziluo strong men in the dark cooking world, but we only have one here. If we fight, we may be defeated at any time, and finally be captured by the dark cooking world. When the time comes, your shop, the guy in your shop , none of them can escape."

Seeing that Mi Xiaobai was too excited, Liu Heng immediately grabbed Mi Xiaobai and said, "Gourmet, don't be impulsive, it won't help."

Mi Xiaobai nodded when he heard Liu Heng's words, as if he had other thoughts, "You're right, it won't help, I should do something useful."

After all, he took out the Chinese kitchen knife from his pocket and threw it in the direction of Wu Anjiu without even thinking about it. The speed was so fast that it was almost instantaneous. If it was Liu Heng, he would definitely be unable to catch this move. Flash is not going well.

If Wu Anjiu wasn't Tu Feng, then this knife would be enough to kill him. Before Liu Heng could react, Mi Xiaobai was very excited. If this knife is not successful, it will be a life.

Although it was a gamble, he wanted to gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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