Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 405 Punishment for Changing Dragon Teeth

Chapter 405 Punishment for Changing Dragon Teeth

Blood Moon Sword Technique, Single Sword Attack Style, Blood Moon One-Sword Slash.

Mi Xiaobai cut off the arm of a person in the dark cooking world with a single knife. That person did not integrate the unique devouring germs of the dark cooking world, so he did not have a very good recovery ability. That's all.

He covered his wound, widened his eyes, how could he not recognize Mi Xiaobai's shiny fine iron cooking robe, and immediately roared: "You are just a fine iron gourmet! You are the cheapest and most inferior guy, how dare you talk to us?" Opposite! You are not worthy!"

He yelled, and in spite of everything, he bent the iron claw on the tip of his left finger and grabbed Mi Xiaobai fiercely.

Mi Xiaobai was not afraid.

"There are too many dead ends."

Mi Xiaobai tilted his figure, and directly dodged the man's iron claws. Without hesitation, he straightened the Sheng Luo Dao, and cut off the man's left arm. Both his left and right arms were broken. Without the ability to resist, he didn't even have time to escape, so Mi Xiaobai made up his mind and slashed again, like peeling tofu, the man was cut in half.

Counting this person, Mi Xiaobai had already killed five jade warriors without injury, and people in the dark cooking world started to target Mi Xiaobai one after another.

Not only because of his "superior martial arts", but also because he is wearing a cooking robe.

I don't know who in the dark culinary world received the news from Zi Luo Wu Zhe, and immediately opened up the sea of ​​spirits, and shouted to everyone with his spiritual sense, "Master Da Tian Chong, whoever can take the head of a gourmet, has the right to share it." Foodies made by gourmets!"

As soon as these words came out, all the warriors in the dark cooking world seemed to have gone crazy, and began to deviate from the original battlefield, and began to gather around Mi Xiaobai as the central axis.

"I've never eaten food cooked by a gourmet in my life, this is an opportunity, definitely not to be missed!"

"Those adults will definitely refine the phagocytic cells in the body of gourmets, and then transform them into phagocytic bacteria. As long as I eat the food made of gourmet meat, I can also have phagocytic bacteria, and I can have a bright future! Don't compete with me! He His head is mine!"

"There are more wolves and less meat. I don't care about you. Whoever grabs it will own it!"

Many evil ogres flocked towards Mi Xiaobai's direction, their eyes were fierce and full of greed, no matter how exquisite Mi Xiaobai's thinking was, there was no way to find the possibility of escape among such a large number of emerald warriors.

On the battlefield, a martial artist at the pinnacle of emerald clenched his knuckles, and rushed towards Mi Xiaobai with a burst of strength, "Their goal is the gourmet! Protect the gourmet!"

All the fighters of the United Army quickly surrounded Mi Xiaobai. Anyone who wanted to attack Mi Xiaobai would be resisted by the United Army. None of them wanted to die just like that.

With Mi Xiaobai as the axis, more than 100 coalition troops who are still alive surround Mi Xiaobai, and the ogres who are more than [-]% more than the coalition army surround the coalition army.

No one dared to step forward rashly, and no one dared to take the initiative to provoke disputes.

Mi Xiaobai thought this was a good chance to catch his breath, and just wanted to take out the distilled water bottle to give the fighters of the United Army a drink, but before he even took out the water bottle, he immediately received a prompt from the system.

The system displays: [It is detected that black-blue energy is aiming at the host, please dodge it in time]
Mi Xiaobai widened his eyes and searched quickly, only to find that there was an Inhuman standing about 70 meters away from the upper right corner of the United Army. He had a bull horn growing from his forehead, and he had six arms. It was a long snake tail, and one of his six arms was spreading his palm towards Mi Xiaobai, and the energy accumulated in his palm was brewing an attack of Wulan five-layer level.

Mi Xiaobai didn't even think about it, and immediately yelled: "Get out! Get out! There's Ulan!"

The Inhuman who was cultivated in Wulan sneered, "Hmph, it's late."

Seeing the dark blue energy brewing in his palm rushing towards the United Army in an instant, Mi Xiaobai himself had no time to hide, but he saw one of the Allied Army beside him, a warrior from the Mechanical Sect actually stepped forward, using all the energy in his body to carry the All the metals condensed into a shield to resist that jet of dark blue energy.

Mi Xiaobai knew, he knew that the Mechanic Sect warrior must be aware of the consequences of what he did, he removed the defense of his whole body, in order to maximize the performance of the shield, doing so could indeed offset most of the energy of the attack, but he As a supporter, he will definitely die. No jade warrior can withstand Wulan's attack without being protected by "Qi".

He took this step with the determination to die.

And the consequence of this move is indeed death without a whole body.

The huge reverse shield opened by the Mechanic Warrior resisted the attack, and the energy erupted instantly, causing the giant Mechanic Shield to shatter in an instant, and the excess energy hit the warrior. He had no defensive measures, and in a blink of an eye In a short time, it was blasted into six or seven pieces of meat.

Even so, the energy of the black blue class was not completely offset, and still retained a formation that broke the coalition army.

As the targeted target, Mi Xiaobai was directly shaken downward by the air wave for a distance of tens of meters. If he hadn't used his energy to change direction in time, he might have hit the wreckage of the empty ship.

Before Mi Xiaobai could react, he felt a sea of ​​spirits, and this sea of ​​spirits obviously came from the Inhuman race of the black blue level.

The Inhumans stared wide-eyed, and reprimanded the group of emerald warriors: "It's been so long and you still can't take this place, you trash."

Mi Xiaobai didn't care about the pain of losing his comrade-in-arms just now, and immediately fixed his eyes on the alien.

Why did the Wulan Warrior appear here?Xiao Huanzi and the others didn't restrain them?Isn't the elder Ge a secret method that can delay?
The alien seemed to sense Mi Xiaobai's gaze, and immediately met Mi Xiaobai's eyes, "I knew it would not be so easy to kill you."

"You didn't intend to kill me at all just now, you wanted to catch me alive, right?" Mi Xiaobai attuned his sea of ​​spirit to this alien race.

The corner of the Inhuman's mouth curved, "Well, indeed, how do you know?"

Mi Xiaobai clenched the knife in his hand, and replied: "You are [-]% of the Inhuman race! And you are also a six-armed bull python. For you, the best way to eat is not to cook, but to eat raw."

"As expected of a gourmet, you really have a thorough understanding. Then you should also know the status of the six-armed bull python among the many alien races."

"How come you don't know." Cold sweat dripped from Mi Xiaobai's temples.

The Six-Armed Bull-Python Clan is known as the human-like demonic beasts. The pure-blooded Six-Armed Bull-Python Clan boy does not need to practice. When he awakens Qi Sea at the age of ten, he has the cultivation of fine iron, and when he is white jade, he has the ability to fight against the quenching fire. strength.

The six-armed bull python in front of him has an alien cultivation base as high as the sixth level of Wulan. Compared with the possibility of fighting against the strong Wulan peak, such a master who is infinitely close to Ziluo actually appeared on the emerald-level battlefield , This is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the coalition forces.

This is especially true for Mi Xiaobai. Didn't this Inhuman Race just come here because they locked themselves in as a target?

The alien snorted coldly, "Give up resistance if you know it. The gap between emerald and black blue cannot be made up by the phagocytic cells in your body."

Mi Xiaobai frowned, "How do you know you can't do it if you haven't tried it?"

At the same time as he said this, Mi Xiaobai locked his eye again.

Indeed, the fighting bloodline of the six-armed bull python clan is very pure. Right now, this person's fighting power is also very strong, and his physical fitness is even better. In terms of physical skills, Mi Xiaobai has absolutely no chance of winning, and even the possibility of dying is very slim.

But Mi Xiaobai couldn't give up. If Mi Xiaobai gave up here, what would be the morale of the coalition army?The coalition army will be reduced to fish on the chopping board in an instant.

The six-armed bull python snorted coldly, "Okay, then you just want to fight me, you are different from those pigs, gourmet, you are qualified to know my name, I am the youngest since the founding of the six-armed bull python clan My dark blue warrior, Sasha."

Mi Xiaobai didn't think he had the obligation to tell the other party his name, but he still said, "Mi Xiaobai."

Sasha didn't seem to care much, raised one of the six arms, and the orange air condensed into a ball, smiled at Mi Xiaobai: "You are mine."

People from the United Army wanted to help Mi Xiaobai, and some even planned to make a move, but they immediately received Mi Xiaobai's Sea of ​​Spirits.

"Don't move! I'll hold him back. You go and defeat the people in the dark cooking world. The cultivation bases of the emerald warriors in the dark cooking world are obtained by plundering other people's cultivation bases, so they are not stable at all. As long as you continue to fight , our advantage will become more and more obvious, don't give up!"

As soon as these words were uttered, none of the warriors of the United Army rebelled, and they all strengthened their force field.

Sasha, who also received the news, curled his mouth, "What makes you think that you still have the possibility to win?"

Mi Xiaobai actually thought about this question seriously before answering the six-armed bull python, "Go home."

After hearing this, Sasha snorted coldly, "Go home, I can also see you off."

After finishing speaking, the orange-yellow air mass in the palm rushed towards Mi Xiaobai.

The speed is extremely fast, but fortunately there is still a distance between the two, and Mi Xiaobai is not unable to dodge.

Mi Xiaobai dodges with a brisk step, but immediately senses the existence of Sasha at a punch distance behind him.

I only heard Sasha's voice forcibly penetrated into Mi Xiaobai's spiritual sea, and said such a sentence, "The gap between us is so big..."

Mi Xiaobai's eyes widened.

So fast!

He slashed with the dragon pattern sword in the opposite direction, but saw that Sasha firmly pinched the sides of the blade with his fingers, and retreated a little bit with Mi Xiaobai's strength, without being affected at all.

Mi Xiaobai just wanted to use Sheng Luo Dao to chase Sasha, but found that Sasha was no longer behind him. In the blink of an eye, he punched his left rib with a heavy fist. Before Mi Xiaobai had time to react, he Float freely in this space.

Mi Xiaobai did not get rid of Sash, and Sash's voice still appeared in his mind.

"Speed ​​and strength, you are two stars behind me, how dare you have the idea of ​​giving it a try?"

Mi Xiaobai took a deep breath, as if sensing the presence of Sasha, he immediately used the Moon Saber Technique, single-handed defense, and the Moon King didn't move!
However, the direction of defense was wrong, Sasha was not there at all, and another heavy punch struck Mi Xiaobai towards the front.

Mi Xiaobai clenched his teeth, the pain was even worse than what he suffered from the poisonous fly, he could feel that Sasha didn't hold back at all, and really went all out.

In this situation, is it really possible for Mi Xiaobai to resist?

This is the gap between emerald and black blue?Not an opponent at all, if this continues, he will die!system!help me!

The system displays: [The system cannot control factors other than the host]
"Think of a way, what kind of system do you still use when I'm dead?"

[The system can find the next host]
"Find another host? Then cheat someone from the past to the future? Then go through what I have experienced again? Don't you think it's too much trouble?" Mi Xiaobai clenched his teeth, "Give me a dragon tooth, I can experience the bitter bud hell."

system shows:[……]
It was the first time for Mi Xiaobai to see the system reply a series of ellipses in his mind.

He knew that the system was considering his proposal.

A few seconds later, the system suddenly displayed.

The system displays: [Specially approved by the system, an intermediate five-star bitter bud hell, and a dragon tooth charge]
Mi Xiaobai said without hesitation, "Change!"

The system displays: [The exchange of the special batch is successful, and the charge of the dragon tooth has been obtained]
Mi Xiaobai snorted coldly, "This is the first time you are willing to open a cheat for me with this broken system, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down."

Saying that, Mi Xiaobai was punched by Sasha again, and was sent flying 50 meters. Mi Xiaobai remained completely rational this time. He gathered all his senses and carefully felt Sasha's pain. exist.

The surroundings seem to have been reduced to darkness, only Mi Xiaobai is in this universe.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a flash of inspiration in the darkness, and Mi Xiaobai quickly sensed the existence of Sasha.

However, Mi Xiaobai did not rush to release Longya, but took Sasha's punch again.


This punch of Sasha verified that Mi Xiaobai's senses were correct.

The next second, another punch.


In order to verify the correctness of his senses, Mi Xiaobai punched Sasha three times.

And this scene was watched by the people of the United Army.

"Master Gourmet..."

"No! I'm going to help him!"

"You are not allowed to go!" The warrior wearing a knuckle stopped the man and roared: "Master Gourmet is delaying us with his life, how can you let him down, stick to the fight and kill these ogres!"

After hearing this, a person from the dark culinary world chuckled, "Oh? Kill us all? Look at the current situation, who kills who?"


On the other side, the headquarters of the cannibal branch of the dark culinary world.

The poisonous fly is in the dark cooking world, arranging delicacies made by many warriors. He concentrates on it, but occasionally wants to take a break. He puts down the kitchen utensils in his hand, sighs dejectedly, and asks the greedy wolf beside him, saying: "It's too boring. Come on, tell me, what's interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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