Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 417 Crash and accidental injury

Chapter 417 Crash and accidental injury

The escape pod was shaken out by the air waves generated during the explosion, and Liu Heng didn't have time to turn on the anti-seismic mode when he entered the escape pod too hastily, so the two people in the escape pod could be said to have endured unbearable pain at that moment. The bumps in the imagination are like potatoes being constantly bumped in the pot, without dignity.


On the other side, Liuying Pavilion, where the owner lives.

The AI ​​artificial intelligence made a sound at this time, "The attack was successful, and the target empty ship has been destroyed."

As soon as the news came out, the woman's eyes widened, and she ran in front of the light screen in disbelief. Those beautiful eyes showed too much disbelief at this moment.

"What did you say? Was it destroyed? How could Xiao Huanzi's carrot head be a Wulan-level mechanical martial artist? How could he not be able to escape with only three missile magazines?"

"Confirmed destroyed, no errors."

"No mistake... Bring out the historical picture." The woman obviously still didn't believe it, Xiao Huanzi, as a genius of the Jingji Sect, if he couldn't even dodge three ammunition depot-level attacks, it would be too useless.

The screen was called up, and it was a salute ship with the logo of Jingjizong on it, sailing almost without any evasion skills, was hit by a homing missile two seconds later, and was completely destroyed by a few rounds of ammunition that arrived later , in the wreckage of the explosion, an escape capsule was rushed out tens of meters by the force of the explosion, and then entered the normal navigation trajectory.

The woman's eyes widened, looking at this scene in disbelief.

"Oh my god, he is really... This is too useless. I actually fell in love with such a useless man?"

Just thinking about it, the AI ​​artificial intelligence suddenly received a signal.

This signal came from the escape pod.

Liu Heng thought that the incident of accidental injury occurred because of a problem with Liuying Pavilion's security measures, so Yu Sheng was the first to think of it before contacting Liuying Pavilion.

Generally speaking, these information will be sent to the security room of Liuying Pavilion, but they use the identity of Xiao Huanzi. inside.

Seeing this message, the woman didn't think much, and immediately accepted it.

This is a piece of audio, judging from the sound, it is obviously not Xiao Huanzi's, and the woman was stunned when she heard it.

"It was an accidental injury! My master is Xiao Huanzi, the honorary lord of the Jingji Sect. I was ordered to bring gourmets to the auction. Please don't attack!"

After saying these words, the woman immediately recognized several facts.

First, the person on the empty ship was not Xiao Huanzi, so it was no wonder he was hit by the missile.

Second, the person on board is Xiao Huanzi's disciple and a gourmet.

Third, he almost killed one of Xiao Huanzi's disciples and a gourmet just now.

Thinking of this, the woman swallowed her saliva. He didn't know if there were really gourmets there, but his identity as Xiao Huanzi's disciple should be true, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get Xiao Huanzi's certification right, so he immediately shouted to the AI ​​artificial intelligence: "Quick! Send the welcoming fleet out, bring those two people back, and collect the wreckage of the Jingjizong's empty ship, estimate the loss, and convert it into gold nuggets."

After speaking, the woman immediately sent a reply message to the escape pod.


In the escape pod, Liu Heng was a little flustered, because the escape pod needs to have too many functions, so many that there is no way to equip it with a long-distance communication function, so he can only simplify the language as much as possible, and then use a single-line signal to send it out unilaterally .

Due to the impact just now, some functions of the escape pod were also damaged, and it is not known whether the message has been transmitted yet.

"Are they serious when they fired at us just now? If it's just a system failure, it's fine. If they fired on purpose, the navigation function of the escape pod is a little damaged, and they can't even escape. I'll send them a message, will It won't be suicidal."

Thinking this way, he received a reply from Liuying Pavilion.

"I'm very sorry, the failure of the AI ​​system caused this accident. For this, as the current highest person in charge of Liuying Pavilion, I will compensate you for your material and physical and mental losses, and provide you with priority auction rights. During your stay in Liuying Pavilion, We will provide the highest level of service and send a fleet to pick you up now, and I am deeply sorry for the incident."

After hearing this message, Liu Heng felt a little relieved.

While feeling relieved, Liu Heng seemed to have remembered something.

"Huh? This voice sounds a bit like Master's previous lover." Liu Heng frowned, "Speaking of which, I have never seen that person's face. Master only told me that this person is Master's Wife, and I must be careful when I see him in the future." That's what it's called."

Having said that, Liu Heng has been hated for a long time. He has never even met him, and he doesn't know what he looks like. How can he call it.

Thinking of this, Liu Heng saw the picture on the flickering light screen in front of the escape cabin that seemed to be about to go off.

The welcome fleet flew from Liuying Pavilion. This was a reception scale that Liuying Pavilion would not normally have. Now that they are dispatched, it can be seen that they are guilty of this incident.

At this moment, Mi Xiaobai woke up.

He didn't look well, apparently exhausted from sleep.

He touched his elbow, wondering: "What's going on? Why do I have a sore back? Hmm!? Where is this? What happened?"

Looking at Mi Xiaobai who woke up, Liu Heng was also very surprised. This gourmet is really powerful. When the spaceship exploded just now, he bumped back and forth in the escape pod at least 20 times. I used my energy to protect my body in time, but Because the gourmet fell asleep, he didn't use Qi to protect himself at all. I thought he would break a bone, but I didn't expect it to be the same as usual. There are no bruises all over his body. It is worthy of the fusion of phagocytic cells.

Liu Heng sighed, and then explained to Mi Xiaobai: "Gourmet, just now Liuyingge's AI system malfunctioned, misjudged our identities, and then launched a missile interception, the energy and ammunition reserves on our empty ship are not enough. Enough, so the empty ship crashed, I took you to the escape pod before the empty ship crashed, and the people in Liuying Pavilion will come to pick us up later."

"The AI ​​​​system malfunctioned so the missile was launched? My God, I can still sleep in this situation."

"I was shocked too."

"Well, it's not without precedent. I've had a precedent of being in bed when I fell asleep and in the bathtub when I woke up, so this isn't too strange."

After listening to Mi Xiaobai's words, Liu Heng slandered in his heart: He couldn't wake up when he fell asleep. I really don't know how such a person became a gourmet and lived to this day. He who clearly wants to kill a gourmet is so stupid. many.

(End of this chapter)

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