Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 422 Auction

Chapter 422 Auction
"What's going on? System, I just promised the man over there not to make a move, but you want me to take love with you, isn't it too kind?"

The system displays: [This is a branch task released by the system, the host has the right not to execute it]
After hearing this, Mi Xiaobai cursed inwardly.

Not to implement?Shouldn't it be implemented?That's a reward, a whole set of body skills cheats provided by the system.

What I lack now is not necessarily martial skills, just a few random hits are enough. What is really important to me is lightness skills that can help me dodge attacks.

Mi Xiaobai is very aware of this. Ever since that battle, Mi Xiaobai has found that his speed has been getting slower and slower. Even if he can see a way to dodge, because his sea of ​​spirit is very strong, so Information processing is also fast, but that doesn't mean he has enough speed to dodge those attacks.

Mi Xiaobai thought about this problem, and he concluded that it might be because he didn't have the cheats of body skills.

Many fighters on the battlefield have more or less cultivated some body skills cheats, which can make their bodies more ingenious and faster. When fighting against them, Mi Xiaobai can't use much speed at all, he can only try his best to fight with them. Find a way to dodge, and then wait for the opportunity to find the opportunity to attack.

If Mi Xiaobai can master an excellent body technique cheat, then Mi Xiaobai may be invincible even in leapfrog challenges.

Mi Xiaobai himself doesn't know what kind of movement cheats to choose. After all, how to choose is not as good as the system's recommendation. Now that the system really recommends one, how can Mi Xiaobai give up.

He took a deep breath, benevolence and darling, Mi Xiaobai had to choose between them.

So... Mi Xiaobai clapped his hands and nodded, the things recommended by the system must be good things, and he must not let them go!The most important thing is to shoot the first scroll, and the system will send the second scroll. If you collect all the scrolls, the power of this movement cheat book will definitely be maximized. The people who auctioned it just now said that the second scroll can no longer be found. Do you want Mi Xiaobai? Missed this opportunity?of course not!

"Okay! I won't be such a good person, I'll auction it off!"

Mi Xiaobai just made up his mind, only to hear the auctioneer continue to say: "The starting price of this lot is ingredients and objects with a hunting difficulty level of no less than 39, intermediate utensils, middle-grade martial arts, and elementary three-star food recipes."

After hearing this, Mi Xiaobai froze for a moment, Mi Xiaobai could understand the food ingredients and recipes, but what was the level of the equipment and the level of martial arts?What are the so-called intermediate and intermediate grades?
The question Mi Xiaobai raised was a concept he had never encountered before, and the system explained it.

The system displays: [Utensils, including kitchen utensils, weapons, armors and other tools used]
[The level of utensils is divided into legendary level, special level, high level, intermediate level, and low level; the higher the level of the utensils, the better the quality, the more expensive, and the more powerful. The Chinese kitchen knife and Shengluo knife currently mastered by the host are both legendary level knives]
[Martial arts, covering all the classics related to cultivation, such as body skills, exercises, mind skills, and techniques]
[The grades of martial arts are divided into heaven grade, mysterious grade, top grade, middle grade, and low grade; the higher the grade of martial arts, the more difficult it is to practice, the greater the hard requirements, and the rarer it is, the host currently masters the "Jing Void Knowledge Wu "Phase Secret Technique" is Tianpin Xinfa]
After being explained the information by the system, Mi Xiaobai was a little sluggish, what?Legendary knives, Tianpin Xinfa?

So it turns out that Mi Xiaobai has always held such an expensive treasure?Could it be that if Mi Xiaobai sells these things, how many planets can he exchange for?

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaobai's saliva almost flowed down.

But how could he really let his saliva flow down, Mi Xiaobai patted his cheek, and said to himself: "Mi Xiaobai, calm down, how can you be so worthless? You are not an ordinary person, how can you be attracted by this kind of thing?" If you are defeated, you should pay more attention to other things, by the way, the system, palm sucking is a hunting skill, right, what grade is he?"

The system replied in an extremely flat manner.

The system displays: [Next product]
Mi Xiaobai was taken aback after hearing this, but didn't react, but asked dully, "What about Jue Bu?"

The system displays: [Next product]
"..." Mi Xiaobai was silent for a while now, he looked at his hands, seemed to think of something, and said with renewed vigor, "What about acupuncture?"

Mi Xiaobai is very confident in acupuncture. Based on Banner and other gourmets' earlier recognition of acupuncture, Mi Xiaobai also believes that acupuncture is extraordinary, and his level must be higher than other martial arts.

Fortunately, the system did not disappoint Mi Xiaobai.

The system displays: [top grade]
Mi Xiaobai swallowed her saliva, "Top's very precious. After all, the starting price for the martial skill in front of me is only a middle-grade martial skill. By the way, the system is divided into volumes one and two. "What grade is it? It makes me feel a little bit down."

The system displays: [top grade]
High-grade physical skills!

Mi Xiaobai swallowed his saliva, just the low-grade martial arts such as Juebu and palm-sucking have already benefited Mi Xiaobai endlessly, so how much help will the high-grade martial arts bring to Mi Xiaobai?
It was the system's answer to Mi Xiaobai that made Mi Xiaobai more determined to win this lot.

The auctioneer only heard the auctioneer holding up the auction basket and cheering to the crowd: "The auction begins!"

Without even thinking about it, Mi Xiaobai immediately pressed the button, but found that the button couldn't be pressed anyway.

Mi Xiaobai was taken aback, "What's going on? Why can't I press this broken button?"

The maid at the side hurried forward, leaned into Mi Xiaobai's ear, and whispered softly, "Master, because people from other booths have already started bidding, we can't bid until he finishes bidding."

Mi Xiaobai was still furious after hearing this, but he couldn't get angry at all for a while, so he said kindly: "I know, I know, you should step back first."


Every time the maid approached Mi Xiaobai, Mi Xiaobai felt a lot of pressure. After all, the two mountains on her chest were a bit...

Mi Xiaobai was steadfast in himself, not thinking about it, and looked at the auction table.

Above the auction stage, a line of large characters and a holographic stereogram are displayed.

When the auctioneer heard this, he said: "Customer No. 17, the price is reasonable for a copy of the heart method of the middle class——"Meng Jiana Heart Sutra."

Seeing this, Mi Xiaobai immediately pressed the button, only to find that he was preempted by others.

The auctioneer then shouted: "Customer No. [-], the bid is hunting difficulty level [-]—one fish scale and sea kite, the bid is reasonable!"

Seeing this, Mi Xiaobai thought that he should be able to press it this time, but who knew that Mi Xiaobai didn't seize the opportunity, and was preempted by others.

Mi Xiaobai couldn't help cursing, "Who is so fast? Are they all bachelors who have practiced unicorn arms for decades?"

Just when I was yelling like this, I realized that it was NO.17 again.

The auctioneer shouted: "Customer No. 17, bid for the middle-grade mental method - a copy of the "Mingyana Heart Sutra", hunting difficulty level 39 - a box of ten thousand-legged shamans, the price increase is reasonable."

Then Mi Xiaobai missed it again, and it was No. [-] who raised the price.

The auctioneer yelled: "Guest No. 42, the asking price is Level [-] Hunting Difficulty - one fish-scale sea kite, and Hunting Difficulty Level [-] - one Iron Jue Porcupine. The price increase is reasonable."

After the price increase on the 17th was reasonable, NO.[-] was raising the price again.

Mi Xiaobai swallowed, what's the matter? The NO.17 dude is bound to win?What about number eight?Why are the two of them always bidding?What is everyone else doing?Could it be that for them, this "Extreme Sky Thunder Transformation" is not enough to read?Are there better ones in the future?Are they conserving their power to bid for a certain product?
Mi Xiaobai didn't think about it.

After a while, the people at booth No. 17 and booth No. [-] began to bid more fiercely, and Mi Xiaobai called the seventh baby without paying attention.

Mi Xiaobai was puzzled, "What's the matter with No. 17 and No. [-]? Are they all beaten up? They got their brains out for this cheat book? They have already bid for seven treasures, no, I have to bid once, but they I have already called the seventh baby, what can I do to increase the price?"

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and then began to organize his collection. Come to think of it, the most valuable thing is the food recipe.

Mi Xiaobai looked at the bidding prices of No. 17 and NO.[-]. No matter what, Mi Xiaobai had to come up with three junior three-star recipes, two junior four-star recipes, one junior five-star recipe, and one intermediate one-star recipe. Compare these guys down.

Mi Xiaobai searched among his many recipes, and the system gave Mi Xiaobai all that Mi Xiaobai could not sell privately. Mi Xiaobai could only sell the recipes he developed himself and the recipes he obtained along the way.

Mi Xiaobai sorted it out a bit, and took out the recipes he developed with Wang Ling and Li Dazhuang last time, but there were only three junior three-star delicacies in it, and the rest were against the junior three-star standard. When I was a freshman, didn't I think that I had developed a recipe based on the purple-backed sunflower?That is an intermediate four-star food recipe—Bi Hai Qing Tian, ​​in terms of grade, it can completely make up for the previous shortcomings.

It’s just that this recipe is also an intermediate four-star recipe, and it still hurts to think about giving it away to Mi Xiaobai, but considering that this recipe is too particular about the ingredients, it will be ineffective without the purple-backed sunflower, so Mi Xiaobai still relaxes his mind .

Just thinking about it, Mi Xiaobai found that he seemed to be missing something.

As for what's missing...

Isn't it obvious?

These food recipes are all hidden in Mi Xiaobai's mind, and they have no substance at all, and these transactions in the auction house hope that they are a single volume, so that they are more valuable.

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaobai felt helpless, but as a guest here, he should have all kinds of things to do.

Mi Xiaobai waved at the maid at one end, and one of the maids hurried forward, getting very close again. Compared with the previous one, this giant peak was a level higher, and Mi Xiaobai almost couldn't look directly at it. .

"Master, what's wrong?"

Those big watery eyes almost caused Mi Xiaobai to have evil thoughts, and Mi Xiaobai survived almost by willpower.

Mi Xiaobai swallowed, and he pretended to be calm and said to the maid: "Prepare a pen and paper, I will write the recipe."

As soon as these words came out, the maid was almost stunned. She had worked here for a long time, how could she not know who he was serving now?
The cooking robe on this person is the most representative symbol of a gourmet, so he is a gourmet.

A gourmet asks you to bring a pen and paper, and clearly tells you that he wants to write a recipe. Even the experienced maid is stunned, but fortunately, he reacts quickly and gets up quickly.

"Yes, master, wait, I'll go right away."

After finishing speaking, Pidianpidian ran to the door and pressed the button by the door.

Then, the voice of AI artificial intelligence appeared on the light screen by the door.

"Please order."

"I want to find the clerk, it's a special emergency."

"Special emergencies, authority, second-class, open an emergency line for you, beep beep..." The AI ​​artificial intelligence on the light screen made this voice.

Then, the figure of the Dianguan appeared on the light screen.

The Dianguan seemed very interested, no wonder, after all, this is the news from the No.20 booth of Tianfengba, which is the place where gourmets are located.

"What's wrong?" the officer asked.

The maid said excitedly: "My lord, the gourmet wants to write recipes. It seems that he wants to participate in the auction. He needs a pen and paper."

"Great, high-quality paper and pens will be delivered soon. You have to find a way to make the gourmet happy and let him write more food recipes. After all, among all equivalent auction items, there is nothing more valuable than food recipes." .”



Mi Xiaobai only waited for a while before the pen and paper arrived. Mi Xiaobai thought it was just an ordinary pen and paper, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he was shocked.

Look at the material, this paper is a scroll, at least it must be high-grade royal paper, the material used for the pen holder and pen are all made of creatures above level [-], and the ink on the side is not ink, it is the blood of deep-sea canyon fish .

Everything is extremely valuable, Mi Xiaobai actually wants to use this to write something, Mi Xiaobai can't help but feel a little worried, will there be an extra charge for these things?

But I was worried, and Mi Xiaobai was too embarrassed to ask, so she just picked up the brush, stood up, and let the two maids spread the paper of the scroll, and the two maids were blindfolded. The rest of the people are also guaranteed to deviate from the line of sight.

Mi Xiaobai nodded, "You should be able to believe it."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and began to write dragons and snakes on this file.

After picking up the pen for more than 20 lines, Mi Xiaobai said, "Next."

The maids skillfully took out the next file.

Mi Xiaobai repeatedly wrote four volumes of dossiers, and at this moment, the asking price for this "Extreme Sky Thunder Change" has reached the price of nine treasures, which were bid by No. 17. No. [-] hesitated for a long time, but there was no bid.

The auctioneer finally entered the first inquiry session after the auction.

"NO.17 successfully increased the price, NO.17 for the first time, NO.17 for the second time."

Just when NO.17 was complacent behind the one-way glass of the booth, thinking that he was bound to win, Cheng Yaojin broke out halfway.

All I saw were words and holograms flashing on the auction platform again.

That's four files.

The auctioneer's eyes widened, it was the first time he saw such a price increase.

After being excited for a while, I hesitated and said: "The price increase on the 25th..."

(End of this chapter)

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