Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 431 Killing with Divine Consciousness

Chapter 431 Killing with Divine Consciousness

Liu Heng didn't know what Mi Xiaobai was hiding. He had deceived a cosmic aristocrat. That was a noble from the Centaur galaxy. Although the Centaur system was not a famous galaxy, the status of the nobility there was not high either. , but after all, they are the aristocrats of the universe, the first of the three major professions in the universe, and even the army has to serve them, and offending them is no different from being targeted by the god of death.

Looking at Mi Xiaobai, Liu Heng took a deep breath, and secretly comforted himself: "Although the nobles of the universe are very powerful, gourmets are also one of the three major professions in the universe, and the nobles of the universe should not be too happy to fight against the Food Association. Hope this goes away.”

Mi Xiaobai is already lying on the bed, and he can be said to be extremely anxious at the moment. To be honest, if he had a choice, he really doesn't want to use this method to settle his grievances.

Mi Xiaobai put the golden water droplet in his palm on his Yintang, and then the golden water droplet melted into it.

Mi Xiaobai's mind came up with the content of the prologue of "The Nine Realms of the Heavenly Instrument" - this exercise emphasizes two extremes. The foundation, "seizing" is the root of cultivating the mental method. If you want to cultivate this mental method to a great success, you need to devour the consciousness of countless strong people.

What he merged into his sea of ​​spirit just now was nothing but the entire spiritual consciousness of that cosmic nobleman. Mi Xiaobai said that he had drawn out his spiritual consciousness, which was a complete lie. In fact, in the spiritual sea of ​​the blond boy, He couldn't find a trace of his own consciousness at all, and replaced it with Mi Xiaobai's consciousness.

In other words, the blond boy has completely become Mi Xiaobai's puppet at this moment.

This is not over yet, just to become a puppet, and sooner or later Wa'an will find out. At that time, the nobles of the universe will definitely dispatch an army to kill Mi Xiaobai. In order to do things cleanly, Mi Xiaobai will give The consciousness inserted into the blond boy's mind gave an order.

"Find an opportunity to destroy the empty ship, the entire empty ship, leaving no one alive."

This order sounds really creepy, but if you don't do it, Mi Xiaobai won't be at ease.

"Don't blame me." Mi Xiaobai muttered to himself in a volume that only he could hear: "If you don't come to cause trouble, nothing will happen tonight."

Mi Xiaobai began to absorb the consciousness of the blond-haired boy. This feeling is very strange. Obviously, the whole process was completed in his own spiritual sea, but there was a force in the middle to resist, obviously the blond-haired boy The young man's desire to survive was at work, but unfortunately, the blond boy's spiritual awareness was not strong enough, and he didn't even form an independent ideology, so there was not much movement in his resistance.

It can only be completely assimilated by Mi Xiaobai casually.

After absorbing it completely, Mi Xiaobai also felt that his spiritual sea had indeed expanded a bit. Although his spiritual consciousness did not increase much, it did increase. At this moment, Mi Xiaobai tasted the sweetness of getting something for nothing again, but However, Mi Xiaobai also secretly contradicted in his heart.

"It's really the evil kung fu of the evil kung fu. It's no wonder that so many devils who practice evil kung fu in the world will become insane.

Having said that, Mi Xiaobai felt a little palpitated.

"I have practiced this kind of kung fu, so I will become that kind of villain too..."

Mi Xiaobai's worry is not without reason. After all, just now, when he fused the divine consciousness of that cosmic nobleman, the entire spiritual sea burst out with a strong sense of satisfaction. That feeling is no different from taking drugs, and even addictive. suspected.

Mi Xiaobai knows that his self-control ability is not very good, what if he continues to practice this kind of kung fu, gets mad, and becomes a murderer without blinking an eye?
What's more, the galaxy universe he is currently in is simply a huge arena. If people find out that he is practicing evil arts, wouldn't he be reviled by thousands of people?
Thinking of this, Mi Xiaobai twitched first, but then clenched his fists more firmly.

"Tch, I don't belong to this era in the first place, and I don't worry about being stigmatized for thousands of years. As long as my life is old enough to bring me back to my era, what is it to practice evil kung fu? No, it's not evil kung fu. There is no evil kung fu in the world. There are only evil people, and I am definitely not that kind of evil person."

Mi Xiaobai made this promise sternly.

Then he closed his eyes and began to rest.


Wa'an frowned. As he promised, he left Liuying Pavilion with his master, but he didn't see his master wake up for a long time.

However, Wa'an is a pure physical martial artist, his spiritual consciousness can only be considered average, and he can't find out why.

As the strong Ziluo trained by that nobleman, Wa'an has absolute loyalty to that noble family, but he himself does not deny that this loyalty is indeed a kind of foolish loyalty.

Take this incident as an example. On the surface, he did obey his master's order, but he also knows that this kind of obedience will not bring any benefits to his master, on the contrary, it may harm his master. Enmity with others, even losing their lives.

Fortunately, this matter finally had a happy ending, otherwise Wa An didn't know how to face that adult.

He looked at the super five-star food recipe in his hand, and felt a little nervous. It was a super five-star food recipe. See you again in the future, really don't be offended...

Wa'an didn't know how stupid and naive his thoughts were at the moment.

Because the gourmet he was talking about didn't want to spare their lives at all.

Wa'an heard some movement behind him, and when he looked back, it was the blond boy who woke up.

Wa'an hurried forward, "Master, I've surprised you."

The blond boy lowered his head and remained silent.


Mi Xiaobai had been lying on the bed for a while, and he couldn't perceive what was going on there. After all, there was a limit to the induction between divine senses, and the current two strands of spiritual sense were too far apart. Can sense whether he still exists.

Suddenly, Mi Xiaobai sat up abruptly, covered in cold sweat.

Although he had already prepared himself mentally, he would still feel uncomfortable if this happened.

Just now, the divine consciousness parasitic in the body of the universe noble in his mind suddenly lost its induction, and the last induction was intense heat and short-lived roar.

He naturally knew what this meant.

Mi Xiaobai took a deep breath and took it easy for a while, but after a while, he became more determined in his mind.

"I, Mi Xiaobai, never do evil to others, but if someone tries to harm me, I will definitely pay back a hundredfold!"

(End of this chapter)

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