Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 441 A Destined Meeting 【2 More】

Chapter 441 Destined to Meet Thousands of Miles [Second Update]

Chapter 435: Destined to meet thousands of miles away

Mi Xiaobai originally wanted to send Wangcai to the material farming dimensional space, but who knew that every time Wangcai followed him in, he would refuse to stay and would always bite Mi Xiaobai's trousers. Bai didn't think so anymore.

Later, he found that Wangcai seemed to be happy to stay in the giant tree of all spirits, so Mi Xiaobai no longer cared about him. With Wangcai's current strength, he believed that as long as he didn't go to too high a place, there should be no danger.

After Mi Xiaobai becomes a gourmet, as long as the cells are not consumed too much, he can almost not eat, but Wangcai is different. It's also good, it can save Mi Xiaobai a lot of effort.

Sister Liang hasn't replied yet, and Wangcai just happened to go hunting in a tree, and it was just when Mi Xiaobai was alone, so such a good opportunity should not be wasted.

Mi Xiaobai didn't think much about it, and hurriedly pondered the recipe of the nine-tailed gecko in his mind for a while, but he was not sure how to cook it, so he started thinking about it again, like It is the same as computing.

Tell yourself how each ingredient will change after what kind of cooking method, what kind of ingredient will react with what kind of ingredient, Mi Xiaobai simulates it in the sea of ​​spirits, and strives to make himself think of all the situations he can think of. Think clearly about everything, just to make sure there are no accidents.

With such a cross-legged position, the sun outside the door became lighter and darker, darker and lighter again. Two full days passed. On the way, Wangcai came back twice, but when he saw Mi Xiaobai meditating motionless, Wangcai also felt uncomfortable. Had to go back to the tree.

As for Mi Xiaobai himself, he can't feel the external factors at all, and it can be said that he has devoted himself to it.

Finally, in the early morning of the third day, when the trees at the lower end of the Giant Tree of All Souls were lightly producing dew, Mi Xiaobai opened his eyes.

After countless simulations, Mi Xiaobai finally has the confidence to cook this delicacy well.

Mi Xiaobai took out all the ingredients.

The ingredients used to make this dried nine-tailed gecko are all high-quality ingredients without exception. Of course, no matter how high-quality they are, they have now been sent to the dimensional space of food cultivation. They can be mass-produced, no matter how precious they are The ingredients have also become Chinese cabbage.

But Mi Xiaobai doesn't want this either, he just wants to make this high-end three-star delicacy quickly, he has owed the soldier who gave his life to save him for too long, if he doesn't repay this kindness, Mi Xiaobai is afraid that he will not pay back up.

So he changed his mind and started to make the delicious food given to him by the wine master.


With Mi Xiaobai's level of jadeite, it is indeed difficult to make this delicacy, but fortunately, Mi Xiaobai was prepared, and many precise considerations made this nine-tailed gecko appear in the world.

Although living and dying geckos are ingredients that cannot be preserved, dried nine-tailed geckos are delicacy that can be preserved for a long time.

Now that this delicacy is ready, there is no rush to send him away.

The gecko, which split into nine tails after cell activation, was taken into Mi Xiaobai's pocket.

"It can be regarded as done. Next, I will find a day and entrust a trustworthy friend to help me send it to that person. If I owe him, I will pay it back. Even so, it is only to pay off the debt owed to him." , I haven't repaid his kindness, but unfortunately I don't have any treasures here, and I don't have a few delicacies that can be preserved for a long time, and I don't feel comfortable giving money, what should I give him to repay his kindness?"

After thinking about it, I feel that it is not appropriate, so I might as well give a recipe, and spend more.

Although food recipes are of no use to ordinary people, holding them in their hands is valuable and face-saving, so there is nothing wrong with them.

So Mi Xiaobai took out a junior two-star ordinary food recipe. This food recipe is Li Dazhuang's masterpiece, it is not under the jurisdiction of the system, so it's okay to send it out.

Mi Xiaobai took out his mobile phone and looked for Yi Quanqiang's number. After all, what Mi Xiaobai wanted to give away was a delicacy, and if he gave it to ordinary people, he was afraid that ordinary people would steal it by himself, so it was better to find someone with some courage to eat it. Take it easy.

Mi Xiaobai dialed the phone, but it was Adjutant Xue who answered the phone. Mi Xiaobai was a little surprised. The number he dialed was not the official number of the military, but Yi Quanqiang's private number. How could it be Adjutant Xue who answered the phone? ?
This can't help but make Mi Xiaobai fantasize and feel creepy.

But what Adjutant Xue said after that made all Mi Xiaobai's assumptions self-defeating.

"Master Gourmet? The captain is holding a joint meeting, and I will temporarily take care of his headset. Do you have anything to do?"

"Oh, you really can't bring that thing to the meeting."


"Oh no, it's nothing, I just want you to help me with something."

"Tell me." Adjutant Xue spoke concisely, obviously he was not the only one around.

Mi Xiaobai also deliberately lowered his voice, "Didn't the snake boss have a soldier who was disabled because he protected me? I finally made a delicacy that can help people recover their limbs and arms. It's ready, but This delicacy is too precious, and I dare not entrust an ordinary logistics company to do it, so I still plan to ask you to send someone to deliver it for me, after all, the target is also Yi Quanqiang's subordinates."

After hearing this, Adjutant Xue was very moved, "Master Gourmet, you really have a bodhisattva heart, but you are just a soldier. I can't think of you remembering it until now."

"What you said, he is also a human being, not to mention my benefactor, when did you come to pick up the goods?"

"You tell me the address, and I'll send someone there right away."

"Oh, under the giant tree of all spirits in Xingtianqiu City, the silver hour department."

Adjutant Xue was taken aback when he heard this.

Mi Xiaobai was slightly surprised to find that there was no business on the other end of the phone, "Adjutant Xue, Adjutant Xue? Why is there no sound?"

Adjutant Xue was silent for two seconds, and then replied to Mi Xiaobai with an overjoyed voice, "Master Gourmet, we are really destined, do you know what meeting the captain is holding? It is a meeting about the transfer, because the former guard of the Yinshi Department There was a problem with the military, so the military headquarters started a transfer plan, and our family just happened to be assigned to the giant tree star as a garrison officer."

Mi Xiaobai was stunned after hearing this.

Good guy, although the silver time system has become an empty galaxy, the military still does not forget to manage it diligently, but this is too predestined.

Although Mi Xiaobai wanted to say something else, but when he thought that the military is almost the dog leg of the federal government, there might be some gossip on the other side of Yi Quan Qiang, Mi Xiaobai laughed and asked very wretchedly: "Adjutant Xue, let me ask you something. Do you know that when the federal government plans to auction silver, it is about land?"

"I know. It is said that the main target is the big sects of all parties. The federal government intends to build the Yinshi Department into a capital of martial arts."

"Hey, that's just right, actually, I want to get involved too, to set up a gourmet city or something."

(End of this chapter)

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