Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 466 Hunting Mi Xiaobai (4) [8 more]

Chapter 466 Hunting Mi Xiaobai ([-])

Mi Xiaobai curled up in the pile of rabbits, trembling all over, he could even imagine what he would be like if he was caught.

"That's the dark cooking world. I will be made into a dish. Maybe it's even worse. They will let me live and take my meat every day. How can I be targeted by them?"

In fact, Mi Xiaobai himself was not injured at all, Wangcai was the one who was really injured, just now Wangcai and Yingchu had two face-to-face encounters, Wangcai already had seven or eight scars on Wangcai's body that were deep enough to be seen.

You must know that Wangcai's thick skin and strong resistance to fighting are definitely not something Wulan warriors are willing to try to provoke.

But it was just two face-to-face encounters, and Wangcai was injured so deeply, and it was Wangcai who was blessed with the dragon driving rod, so the shadow chef's close combat ability can be seen to be strong.

The white-bearded old patriarch of Jiangguotu was carried in a sedan chair by several Jiangguotu
Sending it to Mi Xiaobai, the old patriarch looked at Mi Xiaobai's nervous face and sighed.

The patriarch took off the old ginger fruit on the tip of his ear unhurriedly, took a bite first, checked the taste, then opened Mi Xiaobai's mouth, and easily sent the ginger fruit to Mi Xiaobai's mouth.

Before Mi Xiaobai had time to react, he was made to jump up by the spicy taste of old ginger in his mouth.

"Damn! Pooh! This ginger fruit is so spicy! What an old ginger it must be!" Seeing Mi Xiaobai standing up, the old patriarch nodded, and then he didn't care much, just walked over to the little rabbits , Let the little rabbits take themselves back to the tribe.

As for Mi Xiaobai who stayed where he was, he could only stare at Jiang Guotu around him.

It was only then that Mi Xiaobai realized that he had thought too much just now, and it was indeed not a good feeling to be dominated by fear. He looked at Jiang Guotu beside him, and smiled wryly, "Thank you all."

He turned to look at Wangcai who fell to the ground.

Wangcai is currently licking his multiple wounds with his tongue, and Mi Xiaobai can tell how deep the wounds are at a glance.

"Bones can be seen in the depth... I don't know if it is poisonous, let's disinfect it first."

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaobai took out the distilled water pot and poured the distilled water on Wangcai's wound. In order for the distilled water to fully play its role, Mi Xiaobai had to open the wound on Wangcai's leg to let the distilled water Clear flow.

Wangcai glanced at Mi Xiaobai, then casually turned his head away and closed his eyes, as if planning to rest.

"Thank you for your hard work, Wangcai, if it wasn't you just now, maybe I will end up being made into a dish."

Wangcai just took a deep breath and exhaled white smoke through his nostrils.

Mi Xiaobai didn't know what Wangcai meant, so he just patted Wangcai on the back, and then took out the Shengluo Dao. He looked at the Shengluo Dao, then Wangcai, and was thinking about whether to use Shengluo Dao helps Wangcai to heal his wounds.

But Wangcai seemed to know what Mi Xiaobai was going to do. With a flick of his tail, he shook off the Sheng Luo Dao in Mi Xiaobai's hand, and then let out a "wheeze" and left Mi Xiaobai alone.

Mi Xiaobai looked at Wangcai, as if he understood Wangcai's meaning, he nodded, "Thank you."

I saw that Jiang Guotu looked at the Sheng Luo Dao and didn't dare to approach it. Jiang Guo Rabbit forced a circle around the Sheng Luo Dao.

This kitchen knife has a lot of history. Creatures like Jiangguo Rabbit naturally dare not get too close. Mi Xiaobai stepped forward, picked up the Shengluo knife, wrapped it in silk, put it in his pocket, and walked to Wang Chao's side , and fell asleep relying on Wangcai.

"One day inside, ten days outside, as long as you hide inside for a while, you should be able to go out when the major sects come to pick up the food. No matter how strong the two of them are, they have to face the masters of sixty sects. Dodge, as long as they can't leave with the entire Linjiang Fairy Shop, I won't be in danger, just hide and go out at that time."


At the same time, in the Linjiang Fairy Shop, the heavy artillery had already returned from inspection, and he leisurely said to Shadow Chef: "Shadow Chef, I have searched the entire Wanling Giant Tree hunting area, and by the way, I will talk to the one at the top of the Wanli Giant Tree. There was a fight with a big bird, and I have to say that that bird is indeed a little bit capable, it can destroy seven of my forts with three moves, and the combination of the two of us can solve him."

Shadow Chef's eyes have never left the place where Mi Xiaobai disappeared since he went to inspect the heavy artillery. His eyes didn't even blink, he didn't want to miss any moment at all.

The bloodshot Shadow Chef didn't reply to the heavy artillery, but still stared at this place.

Seeing that Yingchu was so focused, Zhong Pao looked around the shop and said, "It's a very nice shop."

Shadow Chef was unmoved.

Zhong Pao went on to say: "The kitchen at the back is also very good, let's have a meal here that hasn't been cooked by hand for a while."

Shadow Chef remained unmoved.

Zhong Pao smiled and said nothing, "Well, you can just stare at it with confidence, I believe in your persistence."

Having said that, Zhong Pao rolled up his sleeves and walked into the back kitchen unhurriedly.

Walking into the back kitchen with the heavy cannon, he followed behind a spider-shaped mechanical device. The center of this mechanical device is a large storage room that changes direction with gravity, and the outer ring of the ball is sixteen telescopic legs that look out. , can walk easily on any terrain.

I saw that the storage room was full of ingredients, which showed that the heavy artillery hadn't just wandered around aimlessly.

The mechanical device bypassed the shadow kitchen and walked directly from the wall into the back kitchen.Chong Pao looked at all the kitchen utensils around him in the back kitchen and nodded.

"Not bad, the kitchen utensils are complete and clean, which fully meets the standards of our cooking branch. This gourmet is not in vain. It really makes my hands itch."

Saying so, the five fingers of the heavy cannon suddenly dissipated into electronic components, and instead appeared a jet-black kitchen knife with narrow blades.

Heavy Cannon looked at the ingredients in the mechanism, "Well, let me see, what should I start with?"


Mi Xiaobai looked at the sun above his head, an hour and a half had passed.

"It's time for the sects to pick up the food, and the two of them should have already left."

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaobai took a deep breath, then said with the mentality of giving it a try, "Go out."


The scene in front of Mi Xiaobai's eyes changed suddenly. He was sitting on the ground of the Linjiang Immortal, and the scene in front of him was actually last night's heavy cannon wearing a tempered cooking robe, Linjiang Immortal, negotiating with the representatives of the various sects.

Mi Xiaobai's eyes widened, he saw it, really saw it, the heavy cannon met his gaze the moment he looked back, and his expression was full of provocation.

It's like saying, "You lost."

At this moment, Shadow Chef, who had been staying in place since last night without blinking his eyes, quickly dropped his fingers...


(End of this chapter)

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