Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 494 Marquis Wu Qimen Zhugexian [5 more]

Chapter 494 Wuhou Qimen Zhugexian

Mi Xiaobai was still planning this project in his head, but a young man walked up to the rooftop with two extra-large beer glasses. This young man Mi Xiaobai had seen last time, and it was Zishi who was closing his account. One of the two Violet residents except the old man.

This young man is different from Li Changxin, without Li Changxin's upright spirit, he looks a bit evil. The bright red at the corner of his eyes is just the favorite dress of many boys and girls in ancient fashion circles. When he smiles, there is a single pear dimple. The corner of the mouth turned up at the time, the dress is even more frivolous, the left shoulder is tightly draped, and the right shoulder is only connected with a few straps. Men and women in the first category are always small, and one can't help but want to call them juveniles.

Although Mi Xiaobai immersed himself in the calculations, the young man's walking steps were undisguised, and even ordinary people should be aware of it without paying attention.

He looked back and saw that the boy was walking towards him.

Mi Xiaobai didn't resist either, and just sat there, pretending to be looking at the starry sky.

The young man was also a cheerful person, he walked up to Mi Xiaobai, sat down next to him, then handed a wine glass to Mi Xiaobai, and said: "Listen to them, today's table of good wine and food is all made by you, The taste is really good, and there are two fighters below who are competing for the last roasted chicken wing."

Mi Xiaobai took the wine glass, which contained his own draft beer. He took a sip and smiled wryly: "It's just a small way, you are all warriors with a bright future, such good wine and food, you can eat it anytime you want in the future." I can eat it."

The young man didn't care, he got straight to the point and said, "I really like your beer, it's very comfortable to drink, I want to buy this recipe, please bid."

Mi Xiaobai looked at the young man, his face was neither red nor his heart was beating, and he showed no sign of being drunk. Since he was not drunk, it was impossible for him to be young and frivolous. This young man looked slightly older than Li Changxin, but at most It is 24, and the cultivation level is already at the fourth level of Violet. It is said that it is not difficult to become a vast warrior at the age of 30. To have such a cultivation base, one should not be a person who does not understand the world.

But out of caution, Mi Xiaobai still asked: "Are you talking about food sellers with gourmets?"

"Are you afraid that I won't be able to give you the price? Then you don't have to worry about it. No matter what price you want, I can always afford it." The young man was full of confidence, showing a bit of fox's cunning.

Mi Xiaobai sighed, and was also full of melancholy at the moment, and then said: "To be honest, I have a villain who I want to kill now..."

In fact, there is still the second half of the sentence, but the boy insisted on not letting Mi Xiaobai finish, and immediately said: "Okay, I will kill for you."

"..." Mi Xiaobai was silent for half a second, holding a beer mug, he looked at the boy in a daze, and asked, "Dude, you are so crazy, you have to draft drafts even if you are bragging, and how could you In this way, if you are told to kill someone, you will kill him.”

There was no sign of trouble on the young man's face, he took a sip of beer, and then said: "Our Zhuge family never brags, and you didn't say it just now, the one you want me to kill is a wicked person."

"No way, no way, what I want to kill is..."

"It's Night Palm."

"..." Mi Xiaobai was startled, "How do you know?"

"I've said it all, I'm from the Zhuge family, and my name is Zhuge Xian. I'm proficient in odd numerology, and I can calculate your spiritual consciousness into a fortune chart. It's not difficult to calculate your next steps, and the price is even less. , not to mention that Wuhou Qimen has been passed down for thousands of years, and the essence has penetrated into the fields, and now there are three people on the Longji list who are all my seniors." Zhuge looked at Mi Xiaobai first, and then asked: "Do you sell this recipe?"

Seeing that this young man has such a background, Mi Xiaobai immediately nodded, "Sell! Sell!"

"Hehe, it's too quick to change his face, but I like it if he's so witty." After speaking, Zhuge took another sip, Zhuge didn't look like he was drinking at all, he drank like water, he took a sip, and then he reacted nor.

Mi Xiaobai opened his mouth and said: "If you want the recipe, I will write it to you now. When are you going to help me kill this person?"

"Don't be stupid, the strength of Wuhou Qimen is to search for the future, it's not good to kill people thousands of miles away." Zhuge put down his wine glass first, he had just finished his last sip.

Mi Xiaobai was a little disappointed after hearing this, and simply said: "Then you still speak so loudly." After speaking, he drank the beer in the glass in one gulp.

Zhuge took it easy and said, "Why do you need to be in a hurry? If you want to kill Ye Zhangtian, what you need is information? If I figure out Ye Zhangtian's future movements for you, it can be regarded as helping you kill Ye Zhangtian indirectly. , does your food recipe belong to me?"

When Mi Xiaobai heard it, it made sense, that's right, he was also worried that he couldn't find a breakthrough.

"Okay! Then help me figure it out." As soon as he said it, Mi Xiaobai hurriedly said again: "Wait a minute! They say that the secrets of the heavens should not be leaked. Are you really okay with stealing the secrets like this?"

Zhuge smiled and said nothing, and exhaled, before saying: "Yezhangtian is just a small character, and has little influence on the fate of this world. It can be said that the death of Yezhangtian is no different from the death of an ant. Yezhangtian has harmed countless people, and thousands of lives have been entangled in his natal chart. As the saying goes, his yin and virtue are gone. This person should not live long, so the price I have to pay is no more than a few sneezes , It’s extremely cost-effective to exchange a few sneezes for a recipe.”

After hearing this, Mi Xiaobai was very happy, "That's good! Quickly help me figure out, when was the last time he had a meeting with the Thief King Master, and it would be best if Ye Zhangtian went to the Thief King Master's territory."

Zhuge laughed first, "You should steal the heavenly secrets as a street fortune teller. You can calculate it if you say so. I will write what I calculated on a note and put it behind your lintel tomorrow morning. You can go and see for yourself." Well, as for this food recipe, it’s not too late to give it to me after the person dies.”

"Thank you very much! By the way, do you want to do something else? Actually, I want to calculate something." It was rare for Mi Xiaobai to meet a warlock with real supernatural powers, so he inevitably became interested and wanted to calculate the future.

Zhuge glanced at Mi Xiaobai first, mainly because he saw Mi Xiaobai's horoscope, and scratched his cheek with a wry smile, "If you want me to calculate your future, then forget it, you don't need to calculate your future to know It involves too much and covers too much, even if I take a few senior brothers to form a fortune-telling array, I am afraid that if I count my life into it, I will not be able to ask about any major issues."

"Is it so ruthless?" Mi Xiaobai never felt that his life was so ruthless.

But Zhuge just walked into the corridor first, and then left a sentence for Mi Xiaobai: "It's not your fate, but every step of all gourmets determines the fate of the world."

(End of this chapter)

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