Martial Arts Cosmic Gourmet

Chapter 722 Biochemical branch (28) [7 more]

Chapter 722 Biochemical Branch (28) [Seventh Update]

Mi Xiaobai has been feeling uncomfortable for the past few days, as if he has lost something inexplicably, but he is a person full of emotions, so he just took it as a sudden convulsion and didn't take it to heart.

But after more than ten days, he became a celebrity in the biochemical branch. Because he recovered his equipment, he wore his own clothes and brought his own knife every day, and walked back and forth in various departments to help them perform various tasks. Various experiments.

Because of his humor and wit, he actually established a good relationship with people from various departments.

He Yu's operation went very smoothly. Although He Yu is still only at the second floor of Haohan, his physical fitness has improved a step further, and all indicators have broken through [-]%.

In order to measure He Yu's current level, the Body Strengthening Department also triggered a batch of biochemical machines to practice against He Yu.

The final result was that He Yu broke the 3-second record set by the corpse joint, and defeated all the biochemical machines in just 2.9 seconds.

This statistic is also very shocking to Mi Xiaobai.

"My God, pure physical combat can actually reach this level. Brother He Yu has never fused phagocytes, yet he can reach this level. This is simply the physiological upper limit of ordinary human beings."

The director of the body strengthening department expressed his admiration for this data, and began to ask He Yu: "Little brother, can we extract a part of your DNA, I feel that using your DNA to make biochemical warriors will definitely break through the upper limit."

He Yu was very embarrassed about this. He scratched his head and said, "This, it's not very good."

"Oh, we understand if you refuse, so let's do it." After finishing speaking, they left.

Mi Xiaobai and He Yu were left standing in the department.

At this time, He Yu has also somehow integrated into the environment here, and Mi Xiaobai also got some ingredients, and occasionally makes delicious food in a spare room to cook for himself and He Yu.

But every scent would attract researchers from nearby departments, and in the end, Mi Xiaobai's room turned into a small cafeteria.

In this regard, Mi Xiaobai said, "This group of people say that they can eat capsules every day, but they still slap their faces when they encounter delicious food with good color and fragrance. They are really a group of people who don't know what to do."

But after more than ten days, Mi Xiaobai also felt a little messed up.

He is really used to the life here, honestly, it is very peaceful, very peaceful, and there are almost no major disputes.

He also made a lot of friends here, but Mi Xiaobai knew very well that he would lose this memory in the end, so naturally he didn't have to make friends too real.


Wei Wangba ate the delicious food made by Mi Xiaobai, and said, "Brother Mi, why don't you just stay in our biochemical branch, I think you're quite comfortable staying here."

"Why stay here? Do scientific research with you guys, don't make trouble, I don't think I'm interested in these things."

"You can stay and be the cook! Seriously, we have to make an appointment for the cafeteria here, and we can only eat capsules at ordinary times, which was fine before, but the key is that after you came, we tasted fishy, ​​and we all know how good the food is. Now, it’s a bit uncomfortable to ask us to go back and take capsules.”

"After all, you are also from the culinary world, so do it yourself."

"It's okay to do it yourself, but the key is that there is no capable person like you who can cook thousands of delicacies at one time. I have a hunch that if the heavy metal department can make you a bigger pot, you can satisfy the entire biochemical branch. food."

"I think you just want to exhaust me to death, so forget it, I have to leave sooner or later." Saying that, Mi Xiaobai took a mouthful of rice, and then said vaguely: "But I can save some food, I I found that you have really few food recipes here."

"Oh, I really miss you. If you insist on leaving, then I really can't help it. I really miss you."

When he said this, Wei Wangba seemed to be moved with true emotion.

But Mi Xiaobai didn't know what Wei Wangba meant, so he just ate and made do with it.


Another ten days, the dark cooking world.

The snakes around the poisonous fly died one by one, and their corpses all fell on the edge of the throne. When all the little snakes died, they found a snake egg on the throne.

Not long after, a crack appeared in the huge snake egg, and a naked man was dragged out from it, which was the poisonous fly.

At this time, the poisonous fly's eyes were bloodshot, and like a god of killing who had endured for a long time, he yelled at the whole cannibal branch: "Give me the order! The whole army is ready!"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire cannibal branch became restless.

Several disciples were not idle at the moment, they spread their spiritual sense, and began to look for the members who made small moves at the moment, and killed them quickly when they found them, because they knew that they were undercover agents sent by other branches.

Fortunately, there are not many. After all, if you want to eat the human branch, you must eat people. This condition is not something everyone can do.

In an instant, the Nuoda area of ​​the cannibal branch was dealt with 26 people by the poisonous horsefly using the wormhole teleportation array.

When the poisonous fly put on clothes, sat in front of the throne, looked at the 26 corpses in front of him, glanced at Bai Ziren, and asked, "Is that all there is?"

Bai Ziren said: "Through interrogation, I got a list. There are seven other people on board the mission. Do you want to kill them?"

The poisonous horsefly waved his hand, "Don't kill for now, and don't contact those who are out on missions. For this attack, we only need to bring a few experts. After all, there are not many experts in the biochemical branch. They mainly rely on Technology."

After speaking, he turned on the light screen and compared the pictures sent by the undercover agent.

"This is the blueprint sent by the four undercover agents I contacted. From a comparison, it should be no problem. They are all real blueprints. At present, the comprehensive strength of the biochemical branch is very strong, but it can be roughly divided into three parts. [-]. Science and technology , Two, warrior cadres, three, biochemical warriors."

The poisonous fly pointed to the first point, and said: "The science and technology column is the main combat power of the biochemical branch. They have mastered the power furnace, which can continuously provide energy to all members of the biochemical branch who wear necklaces, including the shadow class. There are about [-] sets of protective shields that can only be broken, and weapons that can easily release vast power."

"Seven hundred sets! Doesn't that mean there are seven hundred vast-level combat power?"

"Although this power is powerful, it also has the most intuitive weakness." Han Shuishi took a step forward and said, "All machines are inseparable from energy sources. As long as they can conquer their energy sources, what they have mastered is nothing more than a machine." A pile of scrap metal."

Xu Changqing looked at the data and said: "The outer layer of their planet's core energy is also covered with a protective shield, which is also a shadow-level strength. The undercover agents we sent seem to be emerald. Who can break it?"

(End of this chapter)

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