Chapter 208 Female Assassin

Could it be that he came to Daxia Palace to spy on the news like himself?
These people seemed to have extremely strong strength, Xiao Yi didn't dare to do anything casually.

Xiao Yi hid his aura, avoided the sight of the patrolling guards, and sneaked into the depths of the Great Xia Palace.

He walked cautiously, and then entered a large hall.

There is no one in this hall, and it looks a bit desolate.

Xiao Yi turned his eyes, and suddenly found a huge map carved on the front wall, on which many areas were marked with red pens.

"where is this place?"

Xiao Yi walked to the corner, knelt down and checked.

He found that there were many red circles marked on the huge map.

The number of these red circles represents different positions and different situations.

This map looks very large and complex, but it is simply recorded on the map, not that kind of complicated combination of words.

Xiao Yi scanned the map with his eyes and found many unusual places.

First of all, the size of this map is different from other maps. The smallest size of other maps is about [-] meters in diameter.

The size of this map is only about 50 meters in diameter, which is not very large.

In addition, Xiao Yi discovered that the red circles marked on the map all represent a certain area, and he doesn't know what's going on, could it be that the Emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom specially marked it?
Xiao Yi observed carefully for a while, and found that most of these marked areas are in the northeast corner.

That is to say, in the southeast corner of the entire map, there is a blank area. The area looks like a flat land without any signs.

The location of this area is the closest to the Daxia Palace, and it is also the place where the imperial guards patrol the most closely.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the area on the map, and he found that his location was actually in the northeast corner.

"It seems that this map is a topographic map." Xiao Yi glanced over the map, and he found that on these maps, each map has a mark, and each place is marked with a small mark .

The marked location is the territory of the royal family of the Great Xia Kingdom, and it is also the place where the Forbidden Army is stationed. The Forbidden Army is the army of the Great Xia Kingdom.

"It seems that this topographic map should have been left by the Great Xia royal family." Xiao Yi guessed.

"If the Daxia royal family really wanted to attack Daqin, they should have already sent troops to attack! How could it be possible to wait until now!"

"Although the terrain here looks very complicated, I don't know how long it took Emperor Daxia to fix it, but he should have thought that the Great Qin Empire is not so easy to break through."

"Emperor Daxia is quite smart. However, this topographic map is just a topographic map, not a complete topographic map. There is only half of the topographic map here. Where is the other half?"

"I need to observe carefully to confirm where the half of the topographic map is."

Xiao Yi stood up and continued to search the palace carefully.

But inside the palace, there was no one, not even a trace of animals.

"It seems that the imperial army of the Great Xia Dynasty has sealed off the entire palace, and those imperial soldiers are not fools. They dare not approach this palace at all, for fear of being discovered."

Xiao Yi continued to walk forward.

He shuttled around the palace, looking for the half of the topographic map, and he found a red mark near the top of a staircase leading to the top of the palace.

The red marker is on the left side of the stairs, while the right side is pitch black.

"There, it should be the location on the topographic map!"

Xiao Yi took out the topographic map.

The topographic map is made of a piece of sheepskin, which looks very thick and not easy to damage.Xiao Yi easily tore the sheepskin, took this topographic map in his hand, and studied it carefully.

This is a very detailed topographic map, not only the topographic map, but also the terrain of various places, and the mountains in one place are all marked.

All the terrain on this topographic map is marked.

On this topographic map, most of them are very detailed landforms, such as the northeast and southwest corners, as well as some terrain near the southeast corner.

"The Great Xia Dynasty is really a rich place. Even the terrain here is very clearly marked. It seems that they really have a certain attainment in geography!" Xiao Yi admired.

Xiao Yi flipped through the topographic map in his hand, and saw that the terrain marked on it was very clear, and couldn't help but secretly marvel, "These terrains are really too detailed."

"It seems that the Great Xia Dynasty has made a very high evaluation of this terrain map, and among these terrains, many terrains are dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose your life."

Xiao Yi continued to browse, and looked at the location marked by the red circle. There is a red circle mark here, which is an open area. There are no buildings there, and it looks very quiet.

"It seems that there should be the location of the Imperial Army of the Great Xia Dynasty. The Imperial Army of the Great Xia Dynasty patrols around the city before resting in the city." Xiao Yi said to himself.

Xiao Yi's eyes fell on the red circle, and he found that the red circle was very large, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.And the range of these red circles is very wide.

If you look at these red circles from here, you can hardly see the end.

"The range of these red circles is so wide, it looks like it should be a very large area." Xiao Yi secretly said.

Xiao Yi had observed these topographic maps countless times before.He found that many places in these topographic maps were marked with some very strange topographic maps.

"These topographic maps all have some strange topographic maps, and there seems to be a strong suction on these topographic maps."

"If I rashly step into these topographical maps, I'm afraid it will turn into a cloud of blood mist in an instant."

"Perhaps, there is a big secret behind this topographic map."

Xiao Yi thought about it, and felt that it was necessary to investigate to see if there were any secrets behind this topographical map, so he decided to go there in person.

Xiao Yi took out a luminous bead and threw it into a hole.

"Boom." There was a loud noise from the cave.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a figure flying out of the cave quickly, it was the female assassin from before.

This female assassin was also sent by the Great Qin Kingdom, but Xiao Yi didn't know her real identity, nor her name.

(End of this chapter)

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