Chapter 266 Despair
A series of black flame blades burst out from his black dagger continuously, colliding with the flames, making a "bang bang" blasting sound.

All of a sudden, a terrifying energy storm raged out, and Xiao Yi's black dagger was sent flying backwards and directly plunged into the ground.

Xiao Yi's face was horrified, he did not expect the barbarian king's attack power to be so tyrannical.

"Boy, today, even if you want to escape, it's impossible." The Barbarian King sneered.

After the words fell, he grabbed the black dagger and exerted force suddenly. A huge force acted on the black dagger, and the black dagger trembled suddenly.


Xiao Yi's face was shocked.

In the next second, Xiao Yi felt that the black dagger was struggling and coming towards his right arm, trying to swallow his arm.

"How is this possible?" Xiao Yi's face was startled, and he hurriedly circulated his energy to resist the black dagger.


After all, this black dagger tore a huge gap in Xiao Yi's left arm, and blood spurted out instantly.


Xiao Yi suddenly let out a cry of pain.

Seeing this, the barbarian king shouted with a ferocious face, "Boy, aren't you very arrogant? Why, you are being beaten like this by me now?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "Barbarian King, is this your strength? If so, it's not enough to defeat me!"

The barbarian king laughed back angrily: "My boy, you are indeed arrogant, but now I will let you know what arrogance is!"


After the words fell, the long sword in the barbarian king's hand suddenly changed, turning into a pitch-black spear.

Above the spear, black light circulated, exuding a strong evil spirit, which looked extremely powerful and domineering, as if it could pierce the sky.

The barbarian king rushed forward suddenly, his whole body's speed reached the speed of sound, and he was approaching Xiao Yi's face in the blink of an eye. With the sound of piercing through the sky, the black spear pierced fiercely towards Xiao Yi's head.

"call out!"

Xiao Yi twisted his wrist rapidly, and the short knife in his hand slashed towards the long spear like lightning.


The weapons collided, sparks flew everywhere, Xiao Yi's short knife collided with the long spear, sparks flew all over immediately, and there was an ear-piercing sound of gold and iron.

Xiao Yi backed up, while the barbarian king stabilized his body, and when he succeeded in his move, the barbarian king immediately felt better.

"Hmph, brat, you want to fight me with your strength, you are too self-sufficient, you don't even have the qualifications to fight me!"

As the barbarian king said, he kicked the soles of his feet on the ground suddenly, and his whole body rose into the air, and charged towards Xiao Yi.

"Mad Demon Fist!"

The barbarian king let out a loud roar, black air swirled around his body, and the wind howled from his fists.


With a flick of Xiao Yi's wrist, the dagger flew out, drew a strange arc, and instantly pierced the barbarian king's chest.


Blood spurted out, and a blood hole the size of a bowl appeared on the barbarian king's chest.

This knife was made by Xiao Yi with silk from the sky, it was extremely tough, and Xiao Yi's internal energy was poured into it, so the barbarian king's body couldn't bear it at all.


The barbarian king gasped and looked down. The huge blood hole in his chest was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, the wound was already covered with a thick layer of black armor.

This is the armor that Xiao Yi made with silkworm silk just now, and it is an armor specially designed to defend against attacks.


Xiao Yi let out a low cry, and swung the short knife in his hand a few more times. The short knife cut across the air, making a piercing sound of piercing the air.

"Ding ding ding!"

The barbarian king's body was constantly moving, and every time the dagger fell, it would always pass by, but wherever it was scratched, a long gash would be left, and blood would spray out.


The barbarian king was extremely angry, and he threw out both fists, and fierce and incomparable fist lights blasted out from the barbarian king's fists.


There was a muffled sound, and Xiao Yi's body was shaken back again.

But this time, Xiao Yi didn't panic, he bent his wrist slightly, and a white glow instantly appeared on his right palm.

"Celestial silk!"

"call out!"

A tiny white light burst out in an instant, piercing directly into the barbarian king's chest, tearing a big hole in the armor on the barbarian king's chest, exposing the extremely dark flesh and blood inside.


The barbarian king howled in extreme pain.


A cloud of blood mist sprayed out, and the heart of the barbarian king had been directly pierced by Xiao Yi.


Xiao Yi stepped forward, raised his right hand, and a silver beam of light flew out of his palm.


With a loud bang, the silver beam of light hit the barbarian king's heart fiercely, and instantly exploded the barbarian king's heart. Bright red liquid gushed out and turned into a ball of blood.


The barbarian king raised his head and roared, his eyes widened, and his body slowly collapsed.

The barbarian king died, and the guards of the barbarian king's city also rushed to the city one after another, but they only dared to watch from afar, and did not dare to approach the barbarian king's city.

At this time, those high-ranking fighters summoned by the barbarian king also rushed to look at the barbarian king who was lying in a pool of blood.

Xiao Yi's strength had already surpassed their understanding. Although the Barbarian King's strength was strong, but Xiao Yi could kill him instantly, none of them were willing to die.

The guards of these barbarian cities fled immediately.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi snorted coldly, waved his right hand lightly, and streams of black air filled the air, enveloping the group of high-ranking soldiers of Barbarian City.

In an instant, streaks of black air entangled those senior fighters in an instant, binding them tightly.

"You better not try to struggle, or I'll kill them!"

Xiao Yi's face was ice-cold, and his eyes were like torches, scanning these senior fighters.

The guards of the barbarian city were silent like cicadas and did not dare to move any more. They were all the guards of the barbarian king, and even if the barbarian king died, they did not dare to live alone.

After all, they also know that there is a secret method around the barbarian king, that is, when he dies, it can stimulate the power of the blood in the barbarian king's body, thus detonating the power in the barbarian king's body.

Although the barbarian king's strength is extremely powerful and can be called top-notch, this secret technique consumes a lot of blood. Once it is used, his strength will be weakened to a certain extent.

The body of the Barbarian King had been completely sealed off by Xiao Yi. At this moment, the guards of the Barbarian City were left with nothing but despair.

The barbarian king was dead, so Xiao Yi led the Great Qin soldiers and charged directly into the barbarian king's city.

As soon as he entered the interior of the royal city, Xiao Yi began to massacre.

In the barbarian king's city, hundreds of high-ranking barbarian warriors were all killed by Xiao Yi.

Although there are many guards in the Barbarian King City, there is not a single high-ranking barbarian.

(End of this chapter)

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