Chapter 44 I Have Three Questions
Xiao Yi turned his head to look at the shocked Lin Huanxi, and patted her little hand. Only then did Lin Huanxi end his wandering, came back to his senses, and continued to massage his shoulders.

Xiao Yi's expression was also a little helpless.

It's not that he is so rare about these rare treasures.

After all, after he becomes a fairy king, these ordinary people will not be seen by him.

What really surprised him was that he knew in his heart that the financial resources of the Great Qin Dynasty were not as strong as before.

He is quite clear about the life of the common people in the Great Qin Dynasty.

However, even under such circumstances, the Empress Li Qingcheng still spends so much money?

Xiao Yi took a few deep breaths.

Tomorrow, I will definitely not let this empress go easily!

He wants to reveal this matter in front of the people of the world, civil and military officials.

You must force her and sentence yourself to death!
Xiao Yi is quite confident about tomorrow's wave of death!

He even found someone who was interested in studying his own method of death.

Will it be divided into five horses?
Or cut it in half?
It can't be executed by Ling Chi, can it?
The next day, the sky was just bright.

Above the morning court in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there was deathly silence.

The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty had already arrived, but no one dared to make a particularly loud noise.

Xiao Yi, who stood in front of all the civil and military officials, had a cold expression on his face.

Everyone is waiting quietly.

No one will know whether the current Holy Majesty will come to the morning court today.

After all, according to the past practice, the number of tributes from Wei State is very large, and the number of vintage wines is tens of thousands.

With the cultivation base of the fifth rank of the current saint, how much he likes Wei Guo's fine wine when he is at home...

Maybe you won't be able to see the face of the Holy Majesty today.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Zhang Haohan, and other civil and military officials who were targeted by the new richest man, from time to time set their eyes on the straight figure in front of the hall, and glanced back and forth.

They have doubts in their hearts.

If the Holy One doesn't come to the morning court today...

This Great Qin Dynasty, the most foul-mouthed chief assistant in history, doesn't know what will happen again.

"The Holy One is here!"

A eunuch's sharp voice came in from outside.

The civil and military officials in the Hall of Supreme Harmony looked serious.

Everyone stood in line.Turn around and look outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Announcements came from outside one after another.

Empress Li Qingcheng, surrounded by many court ladies and inner guards, slowly walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, walked to the highest point, and sat on the dragon chair.

And when she passed by Xiao Yi.

He purposely glanced at the new Lord Shoufu from the corner of his eyes.

His waist was still straight, he was still wearing the red official crane uniform, and he was holding an ivory wat in his hand, neither humble nor overbearing, as usual.

Instead, his complexion looked more rosy and shiny.

It seemed that the previous big attack hadn't affected him in any way.

When the empress Li Qingcheng sat upright on the dragon chair, the bead curtain at the front of the hall was lowered.

All civil and military officials all faced the Empress and bowed down to salute together.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Everyone is flat!"

Everything is proceeding according to the usual procedures for going to the morning court.

It's like yesterday, everything that happened in the Hall of Supreme Harmony has been revealed.

After you saw that everyone stood up, she asked calmly.

"I heard that Xiao Aiqing was attacked the day before yesterday?"

"Is there any harm, is there any damage?"

"Have you found out, which black hand behind the scenes did it?"

Xiao Yi took a step forward, bowed his hands and saluted.

"Your Majesty is so concerned."

"The minister was not harmed in any way."

"It's just a group of masons who haven't left their teachers yet. They went the wrong way in the middle of the night and demolished the courtyard of the minister."

"Although the craft of building walls and tiles has not been fully learned, their legs and feet are quite flexible."

"By the time I came back to my senses, they had already run away."

"There are no valuables missing from the minister's house."

"As for those broken bricks and tiles, I don't even bother to take them back. I just think it's for those people to build houses."

Xiao Yi's words once again mocked the forces behind the assassination and the dog legs above the court.

Anyway, the other party didn't get any benefit, instead they left their own people all over the place.

Besides, I have no proof.

Anyway, who did it in the end is tacitly understood by everyone.

Moreover, the other party had a big oolong, and the assassin who worked so hard to photograph actually became his own bodyguard.

I am not at a disadvantage here, and I can even pull out a few words to mock the other party if I have nothing to do.

After this period of training, Xiao Yi, whose five sense organs became more pursed, could already detect that many people clenched their fists in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

There are still several who are desperately suppressing their anger, staring at their backs with murderous eyes.

Ha ha.

Xiao Yi's heart was full of ridicule.

A bunch of useless trash, you can hit me if you can.

Empress Li Qingcheng only opened her mouth slightly, not knowing how to answer for a while.

How could this Lord Shoufu talk nonsense above the Hall of Supreme Harmony?
Under the circumstances of the capital, who didn't know that he was attacked?

An inexperienced mason...

Thinking of this word, Empress Li Qingcheng couldn't help showing a smile.

For this new Chief Assistant, such an open and aboveboard act of deceiving the emperor.

She, who has always been carrying the lifeblood of the Great Qin, couldn't help shaking her head when she met such a fun person for the first time.

A strange emotion surged in her heart.

"That's all, since nothing happened to Xiao Aiqing, then I won't ask questions."

She flicked her left hand lightly.

Eunuch Li, who was waiting beside him, immediately took a step forward and shouted loudly.

"If you have something to play, you will retreat."

Civil and military officials stepped forward to report.

After more than an hour, everything has been dealt with.

Everything is as usual in the morning court.

Just when Eunuch Li saw that no one was playing, and was about to ask again and announce the end of the dynasty, Xiao Yi walked out slowly.


His voice was so loud that the entire ground of the Hall of Supreme Harmony seemed to tremble.

Empress Li Qingcheng's heart tightened, and her eyes instantly became serious.

What does this guy want to do...

She took a deep breath and asked.

"Xiao Aiqing, what else can you do?"

Xiao Yi still straightened his back, waved his big hand, put his back on his back, and just looked at the empress quietly.

"I have three questions, and I want to ask the Holy One to answer them!"

"The first question, why didn't your majesty go to court yesterday?"

"A family cannot be without a master for a day, and a country cannot be without a king for a day!"

"Your Majesty ignored the government yesterday and was only interested in pleasure. What's the difference between this and our Great Qin Dynasty, which has no king?"

After Xiao Yi finished asking, his voice echoed in the entire Hall of Supreme Harmony for a long time.

All the civil and military officials began to tremble, and they looked at the chief assistant in disbelief.

What is this guy crazy about?

How dare you be so rude in front of the Holy One?

Empress Li Qingcheng narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, staring at Xiao Yi.

"My second question is, how much is Wei's tribute? Where are they used?"

"At this time, our Great Qin Dynasty is in turmoil, and there are only three vassal states left."

"Why use it for one person's enjoyment?"

Xiao Yi moved forward and took another big step.

"There is no need to think about the miasma in the homeland. I wish to be the Duke of Luoyang."

Xiao Yi's voice became louder and louder.

Empress Li Qingcheng clenched her fists tightly and clenched her teeth together.

This Xiao Yi, he committed another crime!

This rebellious minister, he started to write poems to scold me again!
One time is fine, now do it again!
It's best to have only this sentence this time!
If he dares to write a complete poem again, so that I can "remember my name in history"...

I must relegate him to that borderland, but write poems and poems on that wilderness!
Eunuch Li and the others even took a step forward, preventing Xiao Yi from continuing to ask questions.

As someone close to the Holy Majesty, he knew how important Master Xiao was to the Holy Majesty.

If there is a little overstepping, it will not be very good for the Holy Majesty and Mr. Xiao!
(End of this chapter)

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