Chapter 230 Badora Beast
At this moment, Tian Tian and Badamon are like two children who have lost their favorite toy, and a sense of loss haunts them.

It's so useless to make them feel down and hate themselves in their hearts.

If possible, they also want to stand up and protect everyone once.

Even if only once, even if you need to pay the price of your life!

"Badamon, you are right!"

"Let's go!"

"Don't hold back the bhikkhu beast!"

"Let's find a safe place, hide, and wait for the Bichu beast to come back!"

Tian Tian's eye circles were slightly red, and tears were rolling in her eyes, but her expression was unusually firm. She raised her head and smiled at Badamon.


Looking at Tian Tian, ​​Badamon was taken aback, and murmured to himself in a low voice.

Tian Tian's change made Badamon feel a pain in his heart.

It seems that Tian Tian has grown up suddenly...

It seems that the lively and cheerful, silly and sweet Tian Tian who always giggles has disappeared.

The sensible one made Badamon feel distressed.

"Badamon, let's go!"

"It's dangerous here!"

Tian Tian waved at the Padamon and said with a smile.

"Well, let's go!"

After a moment of silence, Badamon said with a smile.

"Badamon, you lead the way!"

"Go to the secret base we found before, the Bichu beast will go there to find us!"

Tian Tian said with a smile.


"I'll be in charge of aerial reconnaissance!"

The Bada beast responded, flapping its long ears and flying above Tian Tian's head, with a pair of big eyes, vigilantly scanning the surrounding wind and grass.

Previously, Bhikshumon was doing the vigilant and reconnaissance work in the air, but now, Badamon feels that he can also do it.

In other words, for Tian Tian's safety, it must be ok!

"Okay, I'll take care of Patamon~"

Tian Tian said with a smile when she heard what Bada Beast said.

"Come on Bada!"

Tian Tian shouted at Badamon.


"Just leave it to me!"

Badamon also responded energetically.



"You nasty monster!"

Badora shouted in a deep voice.

Badora flew in the air, with a pair of clear eyes, fixedly staring at the one under its feet. It was a monster covered in scales like fish scales, with a praying mantis head, pig's hooves, and a row of bone spurs on its back.

This four-faced monster looks ferocious, with a pair of insect-like compound eyes shining with a sinister red light.


Not generally scary.

It's like a genetically mutated monster after drinking too much nuclear wastewater. It's unspeakably disgusting.


Sixiang roared at Badora.

It seems to be provocative, and some seem to be mocking.

"Hmph, you still dare to provoke me!"

Badora snorted coldly.

"Meteorite giant wings!"

The Badora beast let out a low growl, hugged a pair of flaming wings to its chest, and the next second, the wings spread out, and a large number of meteorites burning with blazing flames, like cannonballs, bombarded towards the four images.


Sensing the threat posed by the meteorite's giant wings, Sixiang roared, insect-like compound eyes shone with scarlet light, mantis-like mouthparts opened, and a mouthful of dark green thick liquid spewed out towards the meteorite on the meteorite's giant wings. attack.

"Zi la, zi la~"

The dark green thick liquid met the meteorite, making a piercing sound.

The raging flames on the meteorite were instantly extinguished by the dark green thick liquid, and the hard meteorite was also melted piece by piece by the thick liquid.

"Very poisonous!"

Seeing this scene, the Badora beast murmured in a low voice, stretched its wings burning with raging flames, and the Badora beast swooped down, with a pair of sharp claws with sharp nails, grabbing towards the four images.

Soon, a large meteorite wing was completely corroded by the dark green thick liquid, only a few meteorites broke through the interception of the dark green thick liquid, and continued to bombard the four images.

The Badora beast followed the meteorite and attacked the four elephants.


Si Xiang let out a low growl, and was not afraid of Badora.

Facing the double blow from the meteorite and the Badora beast, it didn't dodge or evade. Instead, it shrank its head and greeted the attack of the meteorite and the Badora beast with its back covered in scales.

The bony spurs on Sixiang's back shone with a dark green light, like spears.

"Break it for me!"

The badola beast roared, its sharp claws were no more than bone spurs on the four-faced mantis's back, and it grabbed the head of the four-faced mantis.


Seemingly sensing Badora's intentions, Sixiang let out a low growl, raised his head suddenly, opened his mouthparts, and spewed out a mouthful of dark green thick liquid again.

"Fire Wing Slash!"

Seeing this scene, the Badora beast let out a low growl.

In the next second, the wings burning with raging flames flickered with a flash of fire, and a pair of flaming wings slashed towards Sixiang.

And Badora spread its wings, and at the very moment, it soared into the sky, just dodging the dark green thick liquid that flew towards it.

"Puff puff……"

The meteorite hit Sixiang's bone spur, making a muffled sound. The meteorite was directly pierced by the bone spur, while the light wings chopped on Sixiang's body, leaving only a shallow white mark.

Four unlike the scale armor on his body, the defense is so terrifying.

Whether it is physical attack or magical attack, it can't break through its defense.

Can't break the defense, how can I play this?
The badola beast frowned, flying in the air and looking at the four faces, feeling like a dog biting a bastard, unable to speak.

"Meteorite giant wings!"

With a low growl, Badora beast fired another round of giant meteorite wings towards Sixiang.

But the Badora beast itself is wandering in the air, looking for the flaws of the four images.

Facing the giant meteorite wing again, Sixiang didn't even bother to intercept it this time.

He just shrank his head and used scale armor and bone spurs to defend.

Anyway, it can't break the defense, it doesn't matter.

Sixiang looked at Badora with contempt.

At this time, in the eyes of Sixiang, Badora Beast is just a show that can only dance, and it is nothing to worry about at all.

If it hadn't been unable to fly, it would have turned Badora into food for its mouth.

The great bird that burns with blazing flames, it has not eaten yet.

It must be delicious.

Those flames seem to be full of energy.

If it can be eaten into the stomach, its biological level will definitely be further improved.

Maybe even a direct breakthrough!

"Oops, this monster is not mature enough!"

"Only with this defensive power, only a perfect Digimon can stand aside!"

"Without the village chief, I can't evolve at all!"

After several rounds of probing, the Badora beast exclaimed.

"What should I do?"

"If I retreat, will the monster go after Tian Tian and Badamon?"

"If I continue to fight, if the monster still has hidden means, I will probably be injured by it!"

The badola beast looked at the four different things and murmured to itself.


At this moment, Si Xiang let out a low growl.

The bony spurs on his back glowed with a dark green light.

(End of this chapter)

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