Douluo: I am Emperor Nian

Chapter 65 Auction

Chapter 65 Auction

The place where the auction will be held is a large auditorium. Hundreds of chairs form a fan shape, and the center is the auction platform.

Gu Zheng and the three found their seats according to the ticket number.It is in the third row, which is relatively forward.

There were people sitting around one after another, and those who could be invited to come here were either rich or expensive, and all of them were brightly dressed and radiant.

The rich and powerful climbed up to each other. Before the auction, it was a huge place to make friends. After all, everyone is rich and powerful. Maybe there will be some places that need to cooperate in the future.

The higher the seat, the greater the power. For example, those sitting in the first row are ministers with a great voice or the kind of rich chaebols.

There is a circle of boxes on the second floor, and those who can go to the boxes are the real bosses, like princes and princes are sitting there.

At the end of the fourth row, Gu Zheng saw two familiar figures, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan.

They also noticed Gu Zheng's eyes, and their eyes collided in the air, Gu Zheng looked at Dugu Yan beside him.

Dugu Yan also cast a cold glance back, and the two gazes seemed to spark faint sparks in mid-air.

Gu Zheng turned his head and ignored it.

Yu Tianheng sighed, since Gu Zheng's accident, Du Douluo and Dugu Yan have been under a lot of pressure, not only that, but also involved a lot of things.

Taking the current situation as an example, it is impossible to form the team that Emperor Xue Ye envisioned, and the first person he accused was Poison Douluo.

Gu Zheng was seriously injured, no matter how he looked at it, he was a victim, and the unexplained disappearance of Yu Huanzhou made the situation even worse.

I heard that Emperor Xue Ye was angry about this matter for several days.

Nai Yuan also looked at Dugu Bo. She had asked the Blood Dragon King to investigate Gu Zheng's disappearance before, and with the help of the mysterious blood soul, she soon knew that the person who shot was Dugu Bo.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Blood Soul Cult didn't want to expose its existence, she would have asked the Blood Dragon King to send someone to kill Dugu Bo.

The Blood Soul Sect, which has the inheritance of the gods, fully possesses this strength.

"This auction is about to start, all guests are invited to sit in their seats."

A melodious female voice said it three times in a row, and immediately everyone stopped talking and sat back in their seats quietly.

"Your Highness, look over there, the person you follow has also come to this auction house."

In the box on the second floor, an old man stood in front of the wide window and smiled kindly.

The windows here are specially made, the inside can see the outside, but the outside cannot see the inside.


Qian Renxue responded with a nasal voice, walked to the window and lowered her head to look in the direction where Gu Zheng was.

A month ago, when she knew that Gu Zheng was kidnapped and his life was unknown, she even thought about asking the titled Douluo of the Douluo Temple to rescue him, but due to her own identity, this idea was deeply suppressed by her. bottom of my heart.

Seeing Gu Zheng here now, a gleam of joy rose in her heart, but when she saw the two girls beside him, her eyes suddenly became much more dangerous.

"This guy is very lucky..."

Qian Renxue was obviously smiling, but it gave off a cold feeling.

The old man shook his head, not daring to touch her brow.

"Eleven, you go outside and watch." Qian Renxue ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Eleven bowed respectfully, and then slowly exited the door.

"Hahaha, soul bone, I, Xue Xing, will hold that soul bone in my hands today!"

The same voice sounded in different boxes, the prince, the suzerain of the soul master force, and even the next four sects all came in person.

And their purpose, without exception, is for that soul bone.Soul bones are extremely rare, and they are things that can be encountered but not sought after. Now that one appears, it will definitely cause competition among the heroes.

Even Ning Fengzhi was in a box.

The auctioneer didn't make people wait too long, and the auction of the first item started 10 minutes later.

"Star-eye grass, after taking it, people's eyes will be clear and their eyesight will be greatly enhanced! The starting price is [-] gold soul coins!"

This is a relatively rare medicinal herb, and its effect is definitely not as good as fairy grass, so Gu Zheng has no interest in this thing at all.

But his lack of interest does not mean that others are not interested. A substantial increase in vision means that the ability to observe has improved, and the speed of reaction can also be improved.

This is a very good baby!
"three hundred."

Soon someone raised a sign, and raised the price by two hundred in one go.In fact, this thing is sold outside for about [-] gold soul coins, and if there are more, it is a profit.

The shouts came one after another, but most of them were shouted by the people behind, while those in the front were waiting for the last finale.

The first few items are purely used to stir up the atmosphere, and they can also be bought outside. The starting price of these items is [-] gold soul coins, but they will all be sold at an inflated price in the end.

"The next item, a piece of deep sea sinking silver."

Following the voice of the auctioneer, a square measuring one meter in length was lifted up by several big men.

Judging from their soul rings, it is not difficult to see that these people are all soul masters of the third and fourth rings.

"Then everyone must have seen the weight of this piece of deep-sea sinking silver." The auctioneer lady on the stage pointed at the deep-sea sinking silver with a slender green onion.

"This piece of deep-sea sunken silver comes from the deep seabed. It has been forged and tempered by the power of the deep sea all year round. If it is trained into a weapon, it will cut the iron like mud without bloodshed. It is like carrying a defensive soul with you when it is made into armor. Like a teacher."

The auctioneer on the stage spoke vividly, and everyone was aroused by her voice. After all, this thing is also comfortable and rare.

"It took a lot of manpower and material resources to transport it back, so the price is definitely not cheap. The starting price is one thousand gold soul coins."

The starting price of [-] also means that this auction is now really starting.

Naturally, it is impossible for such a large piece of deep-sea sinking silver to be sold for only one thousand gold soul coins. No, bids were made as soon as the auctioneer finished speaking.

"One thousand and five."

"One thousand seven."

"two thousand!"

The bidding price this time was stronger than any previous one, which really opened Gu Zheng's eyes.

In just two or three minutes, the price of this piece of deep-sea sinking silver was raised to four thousand, and it kept rising, heading straight for the five thousand mark.

"Ten thousand!"

At this time, the person sitting in the second row raised the price by five thousand without even blinking.

Immediately, the entire auction hall fell silent. It was obvious that they were all frightened by this rich and panting guy.

"This gentleman bid [-], is there anyone else who wants to bid?"

Seeing this, the auctioneer on the stage immediately yelled, and even blew another wave of deep sea sinking silver, which made the rich man who paid the price itch his teeth with hatred.

The auctioneer doesn't care what he thinks, they have spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources on this Deep Sea Sunken Silver, and the estimated price is around [-], so they can't let themselves lose money.

"Ten thousand." A person in the third row made a move, and then several others made a move. The price gradually increased, and it was finally bought by a strong man at a price of [-].



A month has passed. I started writing this book on May 30th, and wrote it until July 14st, the founding day of the Communist Party of China. The unshakeable [-] words per day have been written without interruption, and now it is almost [-] words.

Hmm~ The signing of the book contract is still a big encouragement for me. I can see the messages and encouragement of various book friends every day, and I am very happy.

My writing is not good or even a little bad, but I will try my best to write, but I have to go to school, and I have to do a summer job after vacation, so I may not have much time.

I may not have thought about typos and the logic of the plot so thoughtfully, but someone watching is a kind of recognition for me.

I also saw comments such as "poison" and "garbage" in the comments. I will not delete them. I can learn from them and want to write this book well, because this is a process that I am constantly accumulating.

If you find any mistakes (typos, loopholes) while watching, please comment to me, and I will modify them. If you have suggestions or good ideas, you can also comment and leave a message, or join the book friend group 933657787.

I don't know how many people can see this, but thank you for your support along the way.

感谢单身求女友姐姐、帝书友20181、烟锁v池塘柳、名和天,尾号32737、断戟残花、尾号134、栀久、澔哥、达克茨、Brand New Day、纯净苍穹的破石头、风织信长、蛛丝、尾号30225、暗夜梦猫、刘、我们的分割线、尾号30003、尾号10126、网课烧脑少年、魂归故里、一念之间、禽筱兽333火舞神龙…………

There are many book friends, thank you for your recommendation votes.

Thank you for the rewards and monthly tickets for singles seeking girlfriends and sisters, Yansuo v Liuchi, very, sincere thanks.

July 7st, happy founding of the party, happy centenary of the founding of the party, and congratulations on the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China!
A man should be self-reliant, my vast China is full of heroes everywhere!

(End of this chapter)

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