I control dreams in Marvel

Chapter 322 Do You Know Me?

Chapter 322 Do You Know Me?

It's a little regrettable that there is no famous scene where Xingjue fell into self-entertainment and felt that he sang the best in the world.

But after a brief exchange, James Rhodes put on his helmet and walked out, ready to give Xingjue and Shang Wen a head-on blow.

Although one person has become two, and some uncontrollable variables have appeared, but it is still necessary to go up, and the big deal is that Xing Yun will make up for it later.

"It's not far ahead." Xingjue looked back at Shang Wen, then turned his head and led the way towards the destination. At this moment, a steel arm turned around and hit his forehead.

This is confirmed, there is no suspense for Xingjue to lie down, but Shang Wen may find it difficult to evacuate early.

If there is no way to completely sneak attack, you have to force it, two hit one, and it shouldn't be a problem to stun him.

Rhodes thought beautifully, but he was frustrated at the beginning of his actions.

Just as his arm turned towards Xingjue, a black long knife suddenly stabbed towards his wrist. Although the sword didn't pierce his arm in the steel suit, it hit him towards Xingjue's attacking pattern. Block it, let him miss this one.

Xingjue also reacted at the same time, subconsciously took out his pistol, and immediately attacked the war machine.

After Shang Wen opened Rhodes' hand with a knife, he didn't chase after him. Instead, he turned around and stretched out his hand to grab it in mid-air. He held the arm that had obvious mechanical characteristics all the time.

Behind him, a bald-headed, blue-faced robot, but by virtue of his figure, he could clearly tell that he was a woman, looking at Shang Wen with a look of surprise.

"Hi!" Shang Wen smiled, and then directly exerted force on his hands while leaning forward.

Xingyun suddenly felt that under the action of a huge force, her body flew up involuntarily, made a big loop in mid-air, and then fell to the ground with a crash.

Must Kill · Overshoulder Throw!
Nebula lying on the ground, staring at the gray sky with eyes full of stars, suddenly began to doubt life.

Who am I, where am I, what am I here for?

She was doubting her life, but Shang Wen didn't stop, but directly reached out and pressed her head.

"Break off the Internet!"

Shang Wen let out a soft drink, and the ability of the Reality Gem was activated instantly. There was a sudden click on Xing Yun's head, and after an electric spark flashed, her eyes became hollow.

"No! What did you do to her, you bastard!" Rhodes yelled, but under Star Lord's attack, he couldn't rush to help for a while, so he could only howl from a distance.

"Let go of her, and you, Xingjue, stop now, she will die! You will regret it!"

Rhodes roared crazily, but his shout was finally covered by the sound of guns and guns. Star Lord ignored his shout at all, no regrets, you all want to hit me, I will still follow you You're welcome, I can't beat you to death!

At the same time, somewhere in the distant starry sky, I don't know how many light-years away from here, in a huge spaceship, another nebula is being hung in the air by Thanos.

A thick wire was being inserted into the back of Xing Yun's head, and the ugly old man with no nose, Ebony Throat, was standing on a nearby console, beating constantly.

A beam of blue light suddenly shot out from one eye of the hanging nebula, and something seemed to appear in the light.

But just when the picture was about to appear, the signal was suddenly cut off.

"Huh? What's going on?" Thanos turned to look at Ebony Maw.

Ebony Throat shook his head, "It seems that there was a little signal interference, but the time was too short to track the location, and I don't know the specific content of the signal."

"Signal interference?" Thanos turned to look at Xingyun, "It seems that you still have a lot of things to hide from me. Aren't you going to explain the source of this signal to me?"

There is only one sentence in Xingyun's mind: MMP, she is also a victim of this inexplicable signal interference, okay, how to explain it.

Could it be that, just now, I couldn't help having a cold war, feeling a little better?

Back on Morag, Rhodes and Nebula didn't know what happened, and they didn't understand what Shang Wen had blocked for them.

Rhodes was still roaring and rushing this way, trying to rescue Nebula.

But before he turned the muzzle, Shang Wen had already picked up Xingyun, and Xingyun's state was also a little bit wrong.

"What did you do to me?" Xingyun didn't attack Shang Wen who was close at hand, but looked at him with his head supported.

Shang Wen shook his head, "It's just a small matter, cutting off a connection should save a lot of trouble."

"Trouble?" Xing Yun lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head, "You mean..."

Xing Yun was a little dazed, Shang Wen's words made her think of a possibility, she is a machine-modified person with a chip implanted in her head, and there is a back door set by Thanos.

Maybe, the news of his coming here has already been known by Thanos.

Although it is not a big deal for her to come to Morag, she is not a nebula in this world, and there is a nebula in this world.

If Thanos happened to be next to that Nebula, would he have passed through?
Moreover, you must know that Nebula in front of you has witnessed the death of Thanos, and those pictures are also stored in his chip. If Thanos of this world discovers these pictures, what will happen?

Nebula dare not imagine.

She was afraid that because of herself, the entire plan of the Avengers Alliance would fall short in the future.

However, how did the person opposite know these words, and why would he help himself.

Shang Wen nodded, "That's right, the two of us came here, and no one knows, you are a robot with a positioning system in your head, if the news spreads, we Baolulu, so, I have to do this. "

"Uh, is that so..." Xingyun was stunned for a moment. It turned out that I was thinking too much. I said, we just came here, how could people know about it? Traveling through time and space is a general brain hole. But I can't think of it.

"Your name is Xingyun, right?"

Just when Xingyun sighed, Shang Wen's words made her nervous again.

"Colonel Rhodes, may I stop for a moment?"

Shang Wen shouted again, making Rhodes in the distance also stunned.

"You, you know me?"

Shang Wen nodded, "I not only know you, but also the owner of your suit."

"Not only that, but a few years ago, in fact, I met other people of you, yes, the other people who came with you."

(End of this chapter)

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