Datang: It’s a showdown, I’m an all-around master

Chapter 231 A set of modern exam papers is born!

Chapter 231 A set of modern exam papers is born!

Scientific research is a very important thing.

Yi Yin will naturally take it seriously.

After the dynasty was over, Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda followed behind Yi Yin.

Discuss how to come up with test questions.

Of course, both Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda still stayed within the scope of the previous feudal imperial examination system and did not jump out of that field.

After all, Yi Yin is a scholar who has accepted compulsory education in the new era and successfully graduated from university, so he is disgusted with that set.

Determined to use the educational concept of the new era to change the feudal thinking of the ancient people in the Tang Dynasty, and insist on using the modern model to assess people who want to embark on the road of fame.

Yi Yin immediately denied the views of Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda.

"This time, our approach to the question is not to assess the theoretical knowledge of the candidates. The four books and five classics are not the most important thing, but the change of thinking, the change of thinking, the effect of on-the-spot performance, and the response to emergencies. The transformation of logical thinking, these are the most important!" Yi Yin looked at Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda and said.

Hearing this, the two said, "Then according to what Divine Doctor Yi said, how should we come up with the question?"

Yi Yin said: "It's very simple. We must comprehensively examine the comprehensive abilities of the candidates, so that we can select real talents for Datang."

"How about this," Yi Yin looked at Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda and said, "I will draw up a draft first, and the two adults will see if it is feasible. If it is not feasible, we will discuss it together."

Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda nodded in agreement.

Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda had never seen this new type of exam, so Yi Yin could only decide.

In this way, Yi Yin used the modern examination model, a set of modern civil servant examination papers, and it turned out!

Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda were shocked when a whole set of test papers appeared in front of them!
Each of these topics was something they had never seen before.

Of course, among these topics, some content of the Four Books and Five Classics can also be seen, but it is by no means dry and dry, and the content of each type of topic is very full.

There were even some questions that neither Yu Zhining nor Kong Yingda could answer.

I had no choice but to pick out the questions I didn't understand one by one and ask Yi Yin.

Topics such as:

(Multiple choice) The best sequence of the following 6 sentences is:

①On the one hand, consumers may no longer just consume food itself, but on a conceptual basis; on the other hand, consumers may hold low prices, weight over quality consumption concepts

②In this process, consumers will have little control and awareness of food. This is the food system that some large factories hope to promote

③ Due to the diversity of farming methods in our country, some people will return to this traditional farming method, or seek a new and healthy development direction of organic agriculture
④ In the future, we will face two ways of food production.An ecosystem that is moving towards a more industrialized one, with large corporations controlling everything from production and processing to food supply

⑤ At the same time, consumers' food consumption levels and consumption concepts will also be polarized
⑥ The other is to adopt small-scale and refined farming methods
A. ④②⑥③⑤①

B. ③②⑤①④⑥


D. ③⑤④⑥②①

Yi Yin will give an explanation.

For example, what is "organic", what is "cognitive right", and what is "polarized".

Yi Yin emphasized that these things require candidates to make full use of their analytical and speculative abilities.

Take this topic for example:
(Single-choice question) There are 100 questions in a certain test, 3 points are awarded for answering one question correctly, 2 points are deducted for not answering or answering one question incorrectly, and Xiao Zhang’s test score is 285 points, how many questions did he answer correctly in total?

A. 85
B. 90
C. 95
D. 97
Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda also found this kind of topic very confusing.

Fortunately, the two finally solved this problem.

There is also the question of this logical judgment:
Pride is an emotion that arises from a positive evaluation of oneself and relies primarily on self-awareness, self-evaluation, and self-reflection.Based on different attributions to achievements, pride can be divided into authentic pride and arrogance pride.Authentic pride is an achievement-oriented positive pride, which mainly comes from the individual’s attribution of achievement to his own efforts; arrogance pride refers to a kind of negative pride, which mainly comes from the individual’s attribute of achievement attributable to its own talent.

According to the above definition, the following is most consistent with arrogance and pride:
A.Excited to write and shake the five mountains, the poem becomes a smile proudly Ling Cangzhou
B.Gold and white walls buy songs and laugh, get drunk and look like a prince
C.All Huai Yi Xing Zhuang think of flying, want to embrace the bright moon in the blue sky
D.I am born to be useful, and I will come back after all the money is gone
For this type of question, Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda saw that each option was correct, but they still couldn't come up with a correct answer.

For these topics.

Yi Yin also gave answers one by one.

But at this time, both Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda looked at Yi Yin in shock, astonished!
"General Yi, it is estimated that many candidates will faint in this scientific examination!" Yu Zhining looked at Yi Yin and said.

"I think so too." Kong Yingda said, "However, I have to admit that this is the only way to test the ability of candidates."

Yu Zhining said again: "And the most important point is that this set of scrolls is all-inclusive and brilliant, and there is no shortage of tests for candidates' writing skills."

Kong Yingda has to admire that Yi Yin is the real master.

Only Yi Yin could think of such a weird topic.

Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda fell in admiration for Yi Yin.

Of course, both Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda knew about such a topic very well. It might not be easy for many descendants of officials and clans to gain fame in the future.

In other words, without some real talent and learning, I am afraid it will not work if you want to make a name for yourself in Datang in the future.

Especially those official children who are waiting to be knighted, it is even more impossible to succeed.

"Even so, those who are diligent, they will definitely be able to do these problems."

Yi Yin looked at Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda, and said: "In short, this is fair to everyone. Admission is based on merit. Those with high scores will be admitted. Those who are eliminated can come back next year. In the future, That's basically it."

Yu Zhining nodded and said, "Very good, only General Yi can come up with this method."

Kong Yingda said: "From now on, every official of our Tang Dynasty will be a person with real talents and practical learning. Of course, I will wait for this group, so forget it!"

Yi Yin smiled and said: "My lords, don't be modest, you are also very capable people. Even if you take the exam, you can still be admitted successfully."

"To be honest, as long as you are a hard-working person, it is not difficult to succeed, but if you want to cheat and play tricks in exchange for fame, you will definitely not be able to succeed."

Yu Zhining didn't take it seriously, and said, "General Yi, if this type of topic is given to the current court officials to do it, many people are afraid that they will be dismissed!"

"It doesn't exist." Yi Yin replied: "It's still the same sentence, admission is based on merit, and those with real skills will definitely get it."

After a day of research, Yi Yin finally explained a whole set of topics to Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda.

Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda also understood a lot later.

After all, he is a scholar, and he knows all these topics clearly.

Yi Yin looked at Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda, and said, "My lords, what do you think of this set of questions?"

Both Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda said, "We don't have any objections. It is said that this method is very good, but I don't know how it will work?"

"Actually speaking, the effect is the same." Yi Yin looked at Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda and said, "The number of people we want to admit is already fixed, and there will be no shortage of positions. It is still the same for those with high scores. Effect."

Yu Zhining and Kong Yingda thought about it and nodded together.


"Miraculous Doctor Yi, let's try this model," Yu Zhining said.

Kong Yingda also said: "I agree here too."

And now, the problem arises.

Kong Yingda looked at Yi Yin and said, "Miraculous Doctor Yi, there is a topic, but there are so many topics, and the three of us will transcribe all of them. I'm afraid there will be too little time!"

Yu Zhining also has the same concern.

After all, in the entire Tang Dynasty, thousands of people take part in the imperial examination every year!

(End of this chapter)

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