Chapter 93 Luo Qingyu's Mysterious Boss
"Mom, is everything at home okay?"

When Luo Fan asked this sentence, he suddenly remembered what a jerk he was.

My parents worked hard to bring me up, and used the little money to support myself to go to college.

But after graduating from university, I didn't find a good job. In the end, I only found a job in the coffin shop. The meager salary was only enough to live on my own.

For more than two years, I haven't sent a penny to my family, and I don't know how my parents should live.

"Everything is fine at home, so don't worry about it, but you, how have you been outside in the past two years?"

The woman didn't blame Luo Fan, and didn't send a penny to the house. Instead, she was worried about Luo Fan and worried that he would not live well outside.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm doing well. I've been lucky recently. I met a good boss and made some money."

While talking, Luo Fan narrated his experiences in the past two years. Of course, they were all picked up.

He stole gold bars by himself and made a fortune, but he said that he met a good boss and made a small fortune.

The woman didn't feel that since Luo Fan was living very comfortably outside, she didn't pay a penny to the house. She didn't take the house seriously, and she didn't even think about it.

On the contrary, she felt that if her son lived a happy life outside, that would be fine, and she would be satisfied.

"Fan'er, you've worked too hard outside, it's great that you're back, come in now, I'll call your dad."

As soon as the two entered the small broken house, they saw a white-haired old man sitting in a wheelchair and kept visiting.

"Ah Zhen, who is here?"

"Is Fan'er back?"

The old man said a little emotionally.


When Luo Fan saw his gray-haired old father, he felt even more guilty, and hurried forward to ask, "Dad, what's going on with you, why are you in a wheelchair?"

"It's okay. You know about Dad's situation. It's just an old problem. His legs and feet were not good before. Now that he's older, he naturally looks like this."

The old man looked at his son with a happy smile, as if he didn't care about his leg ailment at all.

"Then have you been to the hospital? It's getting worse, you must see a doctor!" Luo Fan asked nervously.

He knew that his parents were not willing to spend money at all, and wanted to use every penny as two cents.

If the best treatment time is delayed because of fear of spending money, wouldn't it be a lifetime of pain.

"I've seen it. A few days ago, your father saw it in the hospital. The doctor said that this is an old problem and you must take medicine for treatment, otherwise the condition will worsen."

"This matter is thanks to your sister. If it wasn't for her, your father would be in trouble."

Luo's mother said with some fear that it was fortunate that she had such a precious daughter, otherwise her wife's condition would deteriorate, and his life might even be in danger.

"Mom, what's going on? By the way, my sister is gone. Isn't she at home?" Luo Fan was puzzled. He felt that earth-shaking changes had taken place at home after he had been out for a few years.

"Oh, I haven't had time to tell you that your sister has gone out to work and found a good job."

"A few days ago, your dad's leg suddenly hurt badly, and he refused to go to the hospital for treatment, saying that he was afraid of spending money. Our family really doesn't have much money to spend."

"In the end, it was your younger sister who found out about this, rushed back from the city overnight, and forcibly dragged your father to a hospital in the city for an examination."

"At that time, your father's illness was already very serious. The doctor said that if you don't have an operation immediately, your father will be permanently disabled."

"But we have money for surgery, especially this surgery, which costs 20 yuan."

"20, we don't have that much savings in our whole life. In the end, we really have no choice. It's your sister who asks his leader for help."

"Let me tell you, her leader is really a good person. When I heard that your sister wanted to borrow money for urgent needs, I lent 20 yuan to her directly, and helped us find the best hospital in Jinling City, the best hospital. doctor."

"Your father's leg can be saved only because of her thanks to her leader."

Luo Mu said, a little grateful. For this matter, I really should thank Luo Qingyu's generous leader. Without his help, my wife would be in danger.

The generous leader mentioned by Luo Mu is naturally Li Daoyuan.

Knowing that Luo Qingyu's father was ill, Li Daoyuan naturally tried his best to help.

A mere 20, he didn't pay attention at all.

On the contrary, because of the 20 yuan, Luo Qingyu owed him a huge favor. From now on, I am afraid that he will never be able to escape from his grasp.

Hearing this, Luo Fan felt regretful in his heart. Some time ago, he originally earned a lot of money by selling gold bars, but he never thought about sending some back to his parents.

At that time, as soon as I heard Su Xiaowan's name, I lost my senses, thinking about how to please Su Xiaowan, and never thought about sending money to my parents.

At the same time, he also had a bad feeling. He felt that the generous boss his sister spoke of had some malicious intentions.

This is 20, which is not a small amount. With my sister's ability, I may not be able to earn it back after working for others for several years.

But his boss still didn't say anything, and lent it to his sister. Could there be any problems in this? Could it be that the boss was playing with his sister?
This is actually a kind of inertial thinking of the protagonist, who thinks that only what he does is correct, and no matter how much others do or how well they do, they are all hypocritical and have ulterior motives.

"By the way, Mom, where is my sister working now, I want to visit her." Luo Fan said, looking at Luo Mu.

He must go and see if that boss is playing tricks on his sister. Her sister is kind-hearted and easily deceived. He must protect her well.

If that boss is really planning on his sister, then don't blame yourself for being rude.

Seeing Luo Fan's question, Luo's mother showed a smile on her face, and said with a smile: "Your sister is very promising now. She works as the manager of a milk tea shop in Jinling City. It is said that her boss trusts her very much. I am very optimistic about her. Qingyu has only been out to work for a long time, and she is able to become the manager of the store. She has the ability and is lucky."

When Luo Fan heard this, he felt even more wrong. His younger sister just graduated from high school, without a college diploma, let alone any management skills. After going out to work for a long time, she was able to become a store manager.

If it is said that there are no ghosts, even if he is killed, he will not believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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