Chapter 145 The Magical Horn Xun
Du Shoulian sighed, but it couldn't be called sadness.

This has been the rule in the industry since ancient times, there is meat in the vegetarian, and vegetarian in the meat, who will join in the vegan?
Li Zhi saw her worry at a glance, and chuckled, "No one will come just to make ordinary silk and bamboo. In fact, our new building should be called a music hall."

"Music?!" Du Shoulian was a little confused.

Li Zhi didn't say much, just do what he said, and then he asked Du Shoulian to call all the girls. The training should be done before taking up the job, and now is the right time!
Du Shoulian went.

Li Zhi found an excuse to dismiss Li Yu'er and Hu Ling as well.

Taking advantage of this time, his mind entered the reputation system and searched for musical instruments.

Pianos, guitars, violins, saxophones, and some minority musical instruments... He bought them all in one go!

"The horned xun is a good thing."

Li Zhi's big eyes narrowed into a slit.

Don't underestimate this small horn, the tone it blows is as majestic and bold as Cangshan Mountain, but also full of tenderness, like the sunset and wind.

With the appropriate score, you can play a lingering and magnificent epic!

However, after purchasing these musical instruments, the reputation points that were originally expensive were about to be emptied in an instant.

And after chopping off his hands, Li Zhi felt a little bad.

"So many musical instruments are different proficiencies..."

Li Zhi murmured.

If all these are added to Du Shoulian and the others, the specialty points will definitely be declared useless!

No, it is not enough.

"Do you want me to learn by myself?"

It is true that Li Zhi can save a lot by learning it by himself, but he doesn't have time to teach everyone, what's the matter?
All the girls in Junzi Building have come to the third floor. As soon as they entered the door, they were frightened by the musical instruments they had never seen before!
Du Shoulian also opened her pink mouth. Did His Highness send these just now?

Too much!

At this moment, the girls still didn't understand Li Zhi's intentions, they just stared blankly at these musical instruments they had never seen before.

Li Zhidao, "As you can see, I plan to set up a special music hall on the third floor of the Junzi Building in the future to play large-scale ensemble music!"

Some girls immediately expressed doubts, "Ensemble music?"

They are still clear about this, the qin and Xiao harmony, supplemented by the pipa, silk and bamboo, they usually play a lot.

But relying on these alone, I'm afraid I can't attract guests...

Du Shoulian felt that she understood Li Zhi's meaning, and she said in surprise, "Could it be that your highness wants to rely on these novel musical instruments to win by surprise?"

"Yes, this is one aspect!" Li Zhi nodded.

He is very confident, and he is not worried that Western musical instruments will not adapt to Chang'an.

First of all, there are quite a few people from the West in Chang'an City, and they are already a stable source of customers.

Secondly, Changan people are very fashionable, they are willing to accept new things!
Li Zhi also does not plan to take a purely high-end route. There are drums and other things in musical instruments, and restless pop music is also a good way!

"Have you seen this horn instrument before?" Li Zhi asked with a confident smile.

The girls shook their heads one after another, and a handsome woman who had read the book said with an uncertain expression, "Is this a kind of number? Isn't it something that people used in ancient times?"

Li Zhi nodded and smiled, "That's right, this ox horn was born out of ancient times when the ancestors blew the horn of war, but after making a few more holes, it was transformed into a xun, and the sound is completely different."

The young girls looked at each other with uncertain expressions.

The Ninth Prince is not a big man, but his knowledge is profound, and he also knows things like timbre.

They can be regarded as experts in these fields. Seeing a five-year-old kid boasting, they can't help feeling a little suspicious.

Du Shoulian said, "Is this a kind of xun? My family happens to know how to play it. Can you try it for me?"

Li Zhi handed it to her.

The Niujiao Xun was as big as Du Shoulian's two hands, and when she put it on her soft lips, the pleasant sound of the Xun soon resounded in the room.

It was an ethereal sound, like the quiet whimper of the north wind, and compared with the normal Xun, the pitch was even higher.

What Du Shoulian played was a Xiao song, even so, there were some exclamations in the room.

The young girls nodded one after another. The timbre of this horn instrument is indeed unique and eye-catching!

Li Zhi shook his head secretly, the real power of the horned xun can only be displayed by people with a large lung capacity!

The soul-stirring solemnity that makes people shake with a bang is the real charm of Niujiaoxun!
"let me!"

In order to make a correct demonstration, Li Zhi did not hesitate to add [Niujiao Xun Proficiency] at this time. Immediately, various techniques and scores of exhaling and vocalizing emerged in his mind.

Du Shoulian handed him the xun.

Li Zhi wiped the mouth of the xun with his cuff, and put it next to his mouth. For such a clean and tidy girl, her mouth should also be clean, right?
Of course Du Shoulian gargles with refined salt willow branches every morning and evening, but at this time, he still blushes slightly.

But the weird feeling didn't last long...

As the sound of Xun sounded from Li Zhi's mouth, the room was suddenly silent!
It was as if a dimension had been switched suddenly, and it was quiet all at once!
"Woo~ woo woo woo~ woo..."

The only sound in the room was Li Zhi's playing.

What kind of music is this? !
When the majestic and majestic Xun sound came from the mouth of the Ninth Prince, following this sound, the girls seemed to have been shocked to their souls!
They were instantly brought back to the ancient times of slash-and-burn farming thousands of years ago!At that time, everything was still so primitive and simple.People's feelings are hot and fearless. In order to pursue the love in their hearts, they will overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and they will not hesitate to live or die!
How soul-stirring, how magnificent!

They seem to see the ups and downs of one great era after another, but people are always fighting indomitably. Heroes, outstanding figures, and saints are born in endless numbers!

This is the history of mankind. From ancient times to the present, this tenacity, this persistence, and this tragedy have deeply touched everyone present!

The loud Xun sound even passed through the windows on the third floor to the street outside.

All of a sudden, the pedestrians on the street stopped and listened.

What kind of music is this?Why do you hear the sadness that makes people can't help but arouse all kinds of pride!

They looked in shock at the closed and quiet Junzi Building, what kind of big move was hidden inside? !

Ordinary people are still like this, not to mention that everyone in the third-floor room is in a professional field...

The girls opened their mouths wide and fell into a deep shock!
What a horned xun!
What a soul-stirring epic!

Li Zhi just blew a segment and stopped shortly, but there was a long silence in the room.

Everyone looked at Li Zhi in disbelief, at the musical instrument in his hand.

"It's amazing..."

"Oh my god, this is the horned xun, enough to surpass all the instruments in our Junzilou."

A girl began to speak, her voice trembling with excitement.

"The Ninth Prince is too good at bragging!"

"His technique is also very good."


Soon, the room exploded, and now, the young girls were replaced by joy and joy!
With such an instrument, why would Junzilou worry about not being popular?

"This song... has many unheard melodies!"

Du Shoulian also uttered in shock, his bright eyes beating involuntarily.

Laymen look at musical instruments, and real experts can see the way!

Du Shoulian has seen some real ways!
Yes, the reason why Li Zhi's performance brought such a shocking effect is also inseparable from the fact that the piece he played is a modern piece!
Compared with the tunes that are circulated today, the tunes he plays have more and wider ranges, and the arrangement and combination are more profound and complex. Compared with ancient and modern, it is a dimensionality reduction blow.

Du Shoulian's attention was diverted. For her, the music played by Li Zhi was far more shocking than the instrument itself!
"Your Highness, what exactly is this song?"

(End of this chapter)

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